The Resident Bitch's New Top 100 Favorite Films

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Has Jack Nicholson ever tried to play a sensitive type? And what performances of Slater's are great in that category?
I don't know if Jack ever has tried, but I doubt he could do it convincingly. I like Jack, but all I've ever seen him play is Jack Nicholson. As to Slater, see Untamed Heart, which will also be appearing here.

I don't know if Jack ever has tried, but I doubt he could do it convincingly. I like Jack, but all I've ever seen him play is Jack Nicholson. As to Slater, see Untamed Heart, which will also be appearing here.
Why do you just doubt that when you haven't seen him attempt it? I know he's not one of your favourites but why do you not think he'd be able to pull it off?

Why do you just doubt that when you haven't seen him attempt it? I know he's not one of your favourites but why do you not think he'd be able to pull it off?
Because, again, I've never seen him play anything but himself. Never once have I watched him and forgotten who I'm watching.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Not seen Paprika or State of Play. I've got a similar feeling to Fight Club as Camo; loved it when I was younger but have found that its impact has lessened over time. That said it has been a good few years since I last saw it. Got similar feelings about Fifth Element; I used to love it but no longer do but still find it pretty good fun. It looks amazing in terms of its production and art design and damn do I find Milla Jovovich hot with that orange hair, especially when she's wearing that strappy thing.

Heathers however, that's another story. That's one I loved when I was younger and still do. Was on my previous favourites list and would still be there on any future list. Are you aware of the rather tragic irony surrounding several of the film's cast?

Because, again, I've never seen him play anything but himself. Never once have I watched him and forgotten who I'm watching.
Who have you done that with? Genuinely interested because i've always found that a weird 'stock answer', i've never forgotten who i'm watching personally.

Are you aware of the rather tragic irony surrounding several of the film's cast?
I'm not, if she is can you post it anyway because i love the way you describe things?

Who have you done that with? Genuinely interested because i've always found that a weird 'stock answer', i've never forgotten who i'm watching personally.
Russell Crowe in Romper Stomper is one that leaps to mind. Joaquin Phoenix in Her. Slater in Untamed Heart is another. Tom Hardy in Bronson.

When I watch Jack Nicholson, I'm always keenly aware that I'm watching Jack Nicholson. Whereas when I watch some other actors, I see the characters they're playing moreso than I see them. I don't completely forget who they are, but I also don't just feel like I'm watching them be themselves.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I don't follow the personal lives of anyone in it, so no?
I don't either. I just remember when I was writing a review of the film and looking at the trivia that I discovered it.

I'm not, if she is can you post it anyway because i love the way you describe things?
The inclusion of Whoopi makes me think you're perhaps being sarcastic or facetious but even if you are I don't care!

From what I remember at least two of the cast died quite young, and their deaths actually had a connection to lines of dialogue they utter in the film. The girl who played one of the Heathers (Heather Chandler I think) has the line "Did you have a brain tumour for breakfast?" She later died of a brain tumour. While another character prays that he doesn't commit suicide because he doesn't think he could handle it. He later committed suicide. I can't think if there was also a third person as well or if I'm thinking of something else

Russell Crowe in Romper Stomper is one that leaps to mind. Joaquin Phoenix in Her. Slater in Untamed Heart is another. Tom Hardy in Bronson.

When I watch Jack Nicholson, I'm always keenly aware that I'm watching Jack Nicholson. Whereas when I watch some other actors, I see the characters they're playing moreso than I see them. I don't completely forget who they are, but I also don't just feel like I'm watching them be themselves.
Fair enough. Personally i think other than Bronson; Tom Hardy has always felt the same to me; yes even as Bane. I like him but i've never took him as anything different.Russell Crowe is just always Russell Crowe to me, i know you are a fan though and see something different.

I'm kind of with you on Phoenix; i think i deny it but his performance in The Master is probably my favourite ever. It's the one i think about the most at least. I mean i think that film would've been a step below There Will Be Blood (i know your thoughts no need to repeat haha) for me without Joaquins performance, if it was one of the regulars like John D Reilly or whatever i don't think i'd care nearly as much.

100. Showgirls
Good to see some love for Verhoeven. His weakest movie, but always glad to see him get some attention.

92. Philadelphia
Magnificent film.

90. Tombstone
Better than Costner’s outing

87. The Incredibles
Next to WALL-E, this is Pixar’s best.

86. Grosse Pointe Blank
Glad to see this get some love as well.

83. Casualties of War
Great movie. I was surprised at how well made it is and how good Fox was too.

81. Se7en
Just yes.

78. Identity
One of the most underrated movies going.

72. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Just yes

71. The Last Samurai
Saw this again just a couple weeks back. Surprisingly good for a Dances With Katanas.

68. Encino Man
Another movie I was surprised at. Entertaining.

67. Con Air
1990s classic.

62. Heathers
1980s classic.

61. The Fifth Element
Just yes

Liking this list, MV.
There’s a few I’ve considered myself for my own lists and some that have made it as well.
Not too keen on the animated movies with exception to The Incredibles, but as you know animation isn’t really my thing… hoping WALL-E makes it though.

Heathers is brilliant. I just love that thing, so there'd be rep for that regardless. I'm another one who's never got on with The Fifth Element, but you already know that and, if you've forgotten, then you'd expect it.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The Cell
(Tarsem Singh, 2000)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 3, 2013 - 22

Taking place primarily inside the mind of a serial killer, The Cell contains imagery that is equal parts beautiful and disturbing.

Blood Diamond
(Edward Zwick, 2006)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 42, 2013 - 52

Solid performances all around and a moving story make for a gripping drama.

Return to Paradise
(Joseph Ruben, 1998)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - N/A, 2013 - 74

One of two films that really cemented my appreciation for Vince Vaughn, despite the many missteps of his career. Also one of Phoenix's finest performances.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Really like Blood Diamond but only saw it once at the theater. Still haven't seen The Cell. Is Return To Paradise the one where Heche gets arrested for drugs?