The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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Kind of surprised about Paprika now that I think about it. Always had the impression Tokyo Godfathers was the Satoshi Kon film everyone loved.
I'm not sure where that impression is coming from, considering it is the one Satoshi Kon movie that didn't make the Animation Countdown. I love Tokyo Godfathers and would be very happy to see it make the cut here, but I would also be shocked if it did.

I'm not sure where that impression is coming from, considering it is the one Satoshi Kon movie that didn't make the Animation Countdown. I love Tokyo Godfathers and would be very happy to see it make the cut here, but I would also be shocked if it did.
Oh I don't know what the climate around here specifically is like. I think I've only seen like two of these countdowns. Just in my general life Tokyo Godfathers is kind of the only Kon work that I ever hear get talked about, mostly since its a good christmas movie lol.

The trick is not minding
Oh I don't know what the climate around here specifically is like. I think I've only seen like two of these countdowns. Just in my general life Tokyo Godfathers is kind of the only Kon work that I ever hear get talked about, mostly since its a good christmas movie lol.

I always hear Perfect Blue tossed about as his best. I need to see Tokyo Godfathers yet.

Welcome to the human race...
One vote. Paprika was my #13 - currently my favourite of Kon's 2000s output (if only because I haven't rewatched the rest to see how they hold up...yet), but it really is a whirlwind of dream and memory that builds upon his previous reality-bending features in a genuinely phenomenal way. As for Pirates, I rewatched the entire franchise last year and can confirm that this is indeed the jewel in the crown - and yet it's still a three-star adventure that I never feel much cause to throw on if I want a quick spot of fun.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Most people may complain about films that are “fun” to watch not offering much of “depth” or any real value outside of the experience itself, and I hear this complaint bandied about concerning superhero films or horror or slasher films, but these films don’t have to offer anything deep to be considered amongst the best of the decade.
This is why I voted for Speed Racer and everyone else should have too.

I really enjoyed PotC much against how I thought I'd feel. Had it not been for Depp I wouldn't have seen it (big Depp fan back in the day though this is the end of him, IMO) but I really enjoyed it and probably saw it a couple more times. I never wanted or thought of a sequel so when it was announced I didn't care. I haven't seen it since and never saw any of the sequels.

Not seen Paprika. Obviously.
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I always wish I cared more for Kon movies. Paprika is ok.

At some point in my life I've probably seen the first Pirates movie, but I have no recollection and I don't count it as watched. Remember surprisingly liking the fifth one in the theater though.


Critics thoughts on our #64, Paprika...

It currently has an 85% Certified Fresh Tomatometer score among critics, and a 7.7/10 score on IMDb (with 78,000 votes).

Marc Savlov, of the Austin Chronicle, said:
"Paprika, while certainly not suitable for kids, manages to capture the childlike, helter-skelter chaos and curiosity of the human mind better than any other animated film."
While Bruce Westbrook, of the Houston Chronicle, said:
"Is it sci-fi? Fantasy? Idiocy? Mostly it's a droning mess -- pretty to look at but confounding to the point where you just don't care any more."
As for our MoFo reviewers, @paranoid android said:
"The film is a big emotional release. When everyone's emotions and desires are laid bare waltzing the city streets, we the audience feel a sort of release as well."
While @MovieMeditation said:
"I may have disliked the finale of the film, but with that said, a tired third act won’t overcloud the fact that the first and second acts are absolutely sublime. The film as whole is one of the most imaginative and endlessly creative films I have ever seen, and I can definitely see myself rewatching it in the future!"
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!


Critics thoughts on our #63, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl...

It currently has a 79% Certified Fresh Tomatometer score among critics, and a 8.0/10 score on IMDb (with 1,100,000 votes).

Roger Ebert gave it ★★★ and said:
"There's a nice little 90-minute B movie trapped inside the 143 minutes of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, a movie that charms the audience and then outstays its welcome."
While Paul Byrnes, of Sydney Morning Herald, said:
"It turns out to be slow and somewhat dull, as if it's trying to be something other than a good ride."
As for our MoFo reviewers, @TylerDurden99 said:
"Johnny Depp, in his drunken glory, is the shining light of this film. His crowd-pleasing pleasing performance as Captain Jack Sparrow is no stranger to many casual film fans' favourite character lists. And why shouldn't it be? He's likeable, funny and dynamic in this role. It might the role he was born for. It's one of the top 5 comedic performances I have ever seen."
While @Omnizoa said:
"While I do not believe it truly managed to encapsulate the feeling of going on that ride, it does manage to plunder distant feelings of nostalgia. But that's just a bow wrapping the package that includes a few neat things, the best of which being Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow."

Seen both, voted for neither.

Paprika is very good and I’ve seen it at least twice. I almost arrive at a “loving it” stage with every watch but the explosive climax and some missteps here and there makes it so it doesn’t quite reach that level. But there are so many crazy and well thought out ideas and the concept is great. It’s an exciting watch in many ways.

I love the Pirates universe and characters. The first one is great and I even love the second one. Probably even more so. But the original is a classic adventure flick with just the right balance of everything. I remember seeing it in theaters when fairly young. Loved it.

I forgot the opening line.
64. Paprika : I watched Paprika a couple of months ago as part of my ongoing effort to watch all of the films that turned up in the Foreign Language Countdown. I'm not a huge fan of Japanese animation, so it didn't get me overly excited, but the dream segments are enjoyably dream-like in sound, picture and content. I found the plot a little confusing - and there are parts that are purposely random and unintelligible which didn't help me keep track at all. One thing I did appreciate were all the film references inserted into the story and dreams the characters have - always nice to pick out those references. Makes a person feel really well-watched and film smart. A crazy, crazy movie with some great, bizarre visuals and film references which all the same confused me and left me feeling like I didn't get it.

63. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl : This countdown is throwing up all kinds of unexpected stuff - this first Pirates of the Caribbean film is the only one I've ever seen. I remember being entertained by Johnny Depp's infectious portrayal of pirate Jack Sparrow. I guess it was pretty easy to guess that he'd play this character endlessly and run him into the ground with overkill. Yeah, this was an enjoyable movie. I always meant to get around to the other ones, but never felt an urge great enough. Nice CGI with the dead pirate ghosts - I don't think I've ever used the words "nice" and "CGI" in the same sentence before. Go figure. Another film on the countdown I think is really good, but not to the absolute 'masterpiece' level. I guess you could call it a classic though.

No votes for either

Seen 28/38

(Merry Xmas!)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
We miss you Takoma

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Now to the awards received by Paprika...

  • Chlotrudis Award for Best Visual Design (tied with Pan's Labyrinth)
  • Montréal Festival of New Cinema Public's Choice Award
  • Newport Beach Film Festival Feature Film Award in Animation
  • Tokyo Anime Award for Best Music (Susumu Hirasawa)

As for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, it won...

  • BAFTA Award for Best Makeup and Hair (Ve Neill and Martin Samuel)
  • Empire Award for Best Actor (Johnny Depp)
  • SAG Award for Best Actor (Depp)
  • Saturn Award for Best Costume (Penny Rose)



Did you know that...
  • director Satoshi Kon had the idea to make the film as far back as 1998? However, his first films Perfect Blue and Millennium Actress gave him the opportunity to try some of the same ideas before making the film.
  • The tall and short bartenders on Paprika's website are voiced by Kon, and the original author of the novel, Yasutaka Tsutsui, respectively?
  • Inception is inspired by this film?


Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Did you know that...
  • according to the film's commentary, Will Turner is the best swordsman among the characters, while Jack Sparrow is the worst?
  • Matthew McCounaghey, Jim Carrey, Michael Keaton, Christopher Walken, and Robert De Niro were all considered for the role of Jack Sparrow?
  • Johnny Depp improvised many of his lines?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched Paprika for a HoF a while back, and visually, it was a beautiful film, but the movie itself was confusing. It seems like the type of movie that might get better after a rewatch, so I bought the DVD, and hopefully I'll get around to rewatching it someday.

I had never seen any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, so I watched the first two POTC movies for this countdown. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was a lot of fun, and I considered it for my list, but it didn't make my final list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Have heard of but never seen Paprika.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl is a movie that I absolutely love so of course it was on my list. It came in at #5 for me. Yes, the sequels are of diminishing returns, that I agree, but there wasn't one that I disliked. Mainly because of Johnny Depp whom I could watch do Jack Sparrow till he's in a wheelchair. A reboot of the series would be a mistake, IMO, because I don't think there's anyone who could do Jack Sparrow---that role belongs to Depp alone. Have a different pirate character for the lead and maybe you've got something. Maybe.

#5. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 63
#22. Fantastic Mr. Fox 70
#20. Iron Man 83
#23. The Descent 80
#25. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 76
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Kind of surprised about Paprika now that I think about it. Always had the impression Tokyo Godfathers was the Satoshi Kon film everyone loved.
That's the one I liked most.

I'm gonna try to post reveals in a while before I leave, but if not, they will come later; maybe after noon.