Post-2010s list, what should the next countdown be?


Trouble with a capital "T"
...I like Crime/Noir, Musicals and War as the poll options as all three have their supporters and have been mooted more than once in the past, adding a 4th option would probably just dilute the votes. Whatever would have been the 4th option this time can become the 3rd option on the poll next time a date-independent countdown is due...
I agree with Chyp: it seems to me Noir or Musical or War have been mentioned the most and were popular ideas in the past but their fans haven't had a chance to do them yet. I also agree that a 4th option would dilute the votes and stall the poll...and could be done at a later date.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...if we did Noir, for example, then it could be split into two lists of 50 of the periods most seem to see those films as (classic and neo) and either run concurrently or simultaneously, depending on what worked/was wanted/the host felt worked best for them....
Splitting noir into two countdown list, would make a lot of people happy. It's like ordering an extra large pepperoni pizza for a group of people...Half of them love pepperoni and the other half won't eat it. Best bet is to order two pizzas and keep everybody happy.

...we at least need to start thinking about getting creative sooner rather than later so we have a contingency plan when we run out of genres that people are interested in.
Yeah and that's what I've been talking about.

This next countdown will probably be a genre countdown...But the countdown after that would've traditionally been a decades countdown and that's when we need to start thinking out-of-the-box and get more creative and more specialized.

I’d do an LGBTQIA+ list only if Top Gun and Rocky III was by default part of the top 10

Jk. I don’t care really. All lists are pretty fun to me. Though I can’t say an LGBTQIA+ list is high on my preference for lists. I’d rather do Noir or Musical I think. Or something completely different. But anything is welcome. I’ll send a list no matter what we end up with.

I'd put forward Thriller, Musical and War as the three but I still think two top 50's might work better for some of these options. Either as I suggested previously with Noir or with Musicals, LGBTQ+ and even, depending on how it's defined, War being a top 50 and running them concurrantly/simualtaniously.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Since we just came out of a decade countdown, it makes sense to go genre/anything else now. Since "Noir, Musical, War" were the leftovers from the past poll, it makes sense to put them up front, maybe adding "Sports" since it has been mentioned a couple of times. The big issue here would be with the "Noir" suggestion to expand it to "Crime thrillers" in general, but that would probably result in Goodfellas winning *heavy rolleyes*
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Maybe it makes most sense just to go for the 3 poll options of war, noir and musicals this time around and explore some more of the ideas in this thread for next time.

I don't fully understand the 'simultaneous countdowns' idea but I think once we've done all the big ideas, there will necessarily be less participation as the lists explore more niche ideas and I think that's fine. I don't see the goal as the largest amount of people who turn in a list, better to have fewer who engage with the whole process. Hopefully people will get involved, even with genres they've seen less of, and see it as an opportunity to expand their viewing. If we can't make a full top 100 for some of these I think that's fine too.

I don't fully understand the 'simultaneous countdowns' idea...
Don't worry about it. It won't happen.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Quick point of personal privilege: We need a poll to vote on what's going to be in the poll.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Some more ideas:

R-rated films
Family films
Action-Comedy - yes I know we just did comedy but something where it has to be two genres, can't be one or the other. Action-Adventure, Comedy-Drama, Mystery-Thriller

Also, I just realized there is a Music genre and a Musical genre on imdb. How about we pair those two, can be either music, musical, or both? Might open up more voting on this one.

I still want Biography or History.

I suspect I may end up not voting in the poll, unless the fourth option is something that sounds appealing. My preference between Noir, War, and Musicals would be entirely dependent on the eligibility requirements, which wouldn't be decided until later.

Strict noir? Pass. Noir + Neo-Noir or just Crime? I could come up with at least ten of those. Strictly Musicals? Pass. Musicals + Movies about musicians/movies that heavily feature music? I could come up with at least ten of those. War movies actually about the soldiers fighting? Pass. Movies about the soldiers and/or the effects the war has on ciivilians? I could come up with at least ten of those.

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I suspect I may end up not voting in the poll, unless the fourth option is something that sounds appealing. My preference between Noir, War, and Musicals would be entirely dependent on the eligibility requirements, which wouldn't be decided until later.

Strict noir? Pass. Noir + Neo-Noir or just Crime? I could come up with at least ten of those. Strictly Musicals? Pass. Musicals + Movies about musicians/movies that heavily feature music? I could come up with at least ten of those. War movies actually about the soldiers fighting? Pass. Movies about the soldiers and/or the effects the war has on ciivilians? I could come up with at least ten of those.
I'm surprised musicals would be a pass with all the animated ones eligible, including Charlotte's Web

I'm surprised musicals would be a pass with all the animated ones eligible, including Charlotte's Web
The trouble is I don't even like most animated musicals. I love Charlotte's Web, of course, and The Nightmare Before Christmas, but that's really about it.

Why not just do a countdown with Noir but add Crime to it, never mind neo noir that just restricts things to movies only made 1940 and 1959. I'm up for any countdown, Musicals and Noir is not my thing but still will make a list, the same for War, I only have a few favorites.
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Keep talkin' it out, but come Monday I'll probably just have to decide unilaterally how to proceed, not seeing a big consensus on the logistics, poll-wise.

How 'bout limiting the poll to just Musicals and Noir?
No need for War as an option as there'd likely be one on the forums
Give me another cpl of days and I might be able come up with some similar type of logic that justifies limiting the poll to just one of those two

(it's ok, I was born helpful)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Why not just do a countdown with Noir but add Crime to it, never mind neo noir that just restricts things to movies only made 1940 and 1959...
Please No...adding all crime movies to a noir countdown would dilute the countdown into the most popular crime films, burying any noir films. That would upset us noir fans. Holden Pike said it better below:

Yes, the big problem with Film Noir is defining what we mean by that. The actual period is from the '40s until the early '50s or so. Which is a very rich, interesting movement and has hundreds of titles even though it is only twelvish or so years. For those of us who are Film Noir nuts that is more than enough to make a Top 50 for absolute sure but probably even a Top 100. However, getting more than thirty or so MoFos to make super deep dives into the Classic Noir period is basically not gonna happen.

Which means opening it up to Neo Noir so that we could get participation into the sixty-or-so mark that we had for say the Westerns list. But the problem there is while there is plenty of bickering among Noir enthusiasts and scholars about what is and isn't part of the classic canon, when it comes to Neo Noir it is open to much wider interpretation. So wide that it would be difficult to argue too much with somebody about what should or shouldn't count. If somebody says Chinatown and Night Moves (1975), obviously the answer is yes. If somebody else says Body Heat and Blade Runner, yeah, you can see it. But then when it becomes every thriller ever made and somebody wants to include three of the Fast and the Furious flicks on their ballot and The Human Centipede and Donnie Darko and Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery and Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse it will so dilute the group list that to call it "Noir" of any kind is just ridiculous. And if voters can completely make up their own definition that means all of the cooler, obscure actual Film Noir from the '40s and '50s has absolutely zero chance of making it and being discovered - which to me would be the point of such an exercise. Even the acknowledged classics of the genre would fall well behind David Fincher and Christopher Nolan movies so that something that by all rights and by any objective metric should be obvious Top Ten material on a Film Noir list - Double Indemnity, Out of the Past, The Postman Always Rings Twice, In a Lonely Place, The Asphalt Jungle, The Killing - would be well down the list if there at all.

So instead of Noir you could call it "Thrillers" or "Crime Films" or something else, but again, it becomes so broad that all of the usual suspects from the decade lists rise to the top and maybe you get a handful of actual, classic Film Noir. Maybe.
The solution is for Holden to host a Noir Countdown. He's about the only person I can think of who could do it right and have the flare needed to follow SpelingError who set the bar really high...Holden could set the bar even higher!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Here's my last out of the box pitch for a creative solution to a noir countdown.

First Holden host.

Second We have two voting ballots, one ballot is for noirs from the 1940s-1950s. The second ballot is for neo noirs from 1960 to current. IMDB movie page is used to qualify the movies, if the tag 'noir' or 'neo-noir' occurs anywhere on the movie page then that movie qualifies. People can send both ballots or just one of them.

Third The two ballots are combined into one Noir countdown consisting of 50 classic era noirs and 50 neo noirs. However there's only one countdown presentation and each day a movie is revealed from each of the two ballot tabulations (one classic noir movie per day and one neo noir movie per day).

When the time comes for Yoda to add the countdown list to MoFo there would be a Top 50 Classic Noir list and a Top 50 Neo Noir list.

This allows classic noir fans to have a focused list and allows fans of newer neo noir to have a list as well. It doesn't take any more time to do this and there's still only one countdown being done.....Hey, at least I'm trying to be creative!

Please No...adding all crime movies to a noir countdown would dilute the countdown into the most popular crime films, burying any noir films. That would upset us noir fans. Holden Pike said it better below:

The solution is for Holden to host a Noir Countdown. He's about the only person I can think of who could do it right and have the flare needed to follow SpelingError who set the bar really high...Holden could set the bar even higher!
Then we'll just do all kinds of noir, not just neo noir because that restricts things and not everyone watches movies from the 40's and 50's

Here's my last out of the box pitch for a creative solution to a noir countdown.

First Holden host.

Second We have two voting ballots, one ballot is for noirs from the 1940s-1950s. The second ballot is for neo noirs from 1960 to current. IMDB movie page is used to qualify the movies, if the tag 'noir' or 'neo-noir' occurs anywhere on the movie page then that movie qualifies. People can send both ballots or just one of them.

Third The two ballots are combined into one Noir countdown consisting of 50 classic era noirs and 50 neo noirs. However there's only one countdown presentation and each day a movie is revealed from each of the two ballot tabulations (one classic noir movie per day and one neo noir movie per day).

When the time comes for Yoda to add the countdown list to MoFo there would be a Top 50 Classic Noir list and a Top 50 Neo Noir list.

This allows classic noir fans to have a focused list and allows fans of newer neo noir to have a list as well. It doesn't take any more time to do this and there's still only one countdown being done.....Hey, at least I'm trying to be creative!
While I like this idea from a pure results/creativity perspective, I can't commit to the technical side of it. I'd have to rework things pretty substantially. Probably possible, but just making it clear it's not a given and if it did happen, things would probably have to take significantly longer on my end.

At this rate, we can make a countdown of all the possible countdowns we can make. Here's my ballot...

1. Noir
2. War
3. Musicals
4. Romance
5. Dystopian
7. Best performances
8. Films with a dog
9. Biopics
10. 90's Reboot
11. Sequels, remakes, prequels
12. Animation Reboot
13. 80's Comedies
14. Hitchcock films
15. Overrated films
16. Christmas films
17. Films where a supporting character gets shot on the side while saving the day and nobody realizes it until he lifts his coat in the getaway car and mutters "I did good, right" before dying
18. Sports
19. Biopics
20. Disappointing films
21. Worst of the worst
22. Films that Raul scoffs at
23. Best Phase IV MCU films
24. Best non-superhero comic book films
25. Best Charles Laughton films