The 2nd MoFo Hall of Infamy : Son of Infamy


I'll probably end up watching a couple of these films as well once the final results come in. Judging from your reviews, it looks like this selection is worse than the prior selection.

I watched The Misty Green Sky (2016) today. This feels like it was based on someone's fetish and the story came afterwards. That might have still worked, if it had been a half decent movie. But it is not. This is very poorly made. The animation looks terrible. The story feels generic and cliched. The film is boring for the most part and feels longer than it was. Voice acting is bad. The voices feel wrong for the character and the performances are flat. There are a couple slightly interesting moments and I chuckled a couple times, so there's that.

Everything that's written in the film uses the same cheap 'Impact' font
Is it wrong that this bothers me more than anything else yall have mentioned?

When a robot directly copied from the Cybermen in Doctor Who plays Emma a classical piano tune, a gorilla slowly lifts the robot up from underneath - and it's as random and meaningless as you can get. A rotating gorilla holding up a Cyberman from Doctor Who who is playing classical piano for Emma?
This sounds like a Mighty Joe Young homage. Not saying it makes sense or belongs in this film, just throwing it out there.

Captain's Log
My Collection

Why are you people making me clearly have to see The Misty Green Sky?
Okay, so I’m not the only one having this reaction.

Is it wrong that this bothers me more than anything else yall have mentioned?

This sounds like a Mighty Joe Young homage. Not saying it makes sense or belongs in this film, just throwing it out there.

Another laugh I got was the "Emergency Exit" on a door on the space station. With the Spanish version typed right after it.

What's worse: The Hall of Infamy or Rockatansky messing up Captain Terror's Letterboxd feed?
One of my perverted Letterboxd friends was watching autopsy footage the other day. His name rhymes with ErringFeller.

One of my perverted Letterboxd friends was watching autopsy footage the other day. His name rhymes with ErringFeller.
I'm glad that, in spite of my flaws, you still consider me as a friend.

One of my perverted Letterboxd friends was watching autopsy footage the other day. His name rhymes with ErringFeller.

It's got to be Act of Seeing With One's Own Eyes, right?

One of the only films I can think of where I had to turn it off because I couldn't take it. And just sat there for two or three hours knowing I had to finish it, and growing more and more upset at having to face it ever again.

That movie is rough.

It's got to be Act of Seeing With One's Own Eyes, right?

One of the only films I can think of where I had to turn it off because I couldn't take it. And just sat there for two or three hours knowing I had to finish it, and growing more and more upset at having to face it ever again.

That movie is rough.
Yeah, that one. It's hard to watch, but it's also shot very well as the camerawork and framing in it are top notch. Due to that, I thought it was very interesting and felt just as much of an urge to turn it off as I did to keep going. Even when art resorts to extreme measures, I still find value when it gets me to feel something.

I forgot the opening line.
This sounds like a Mighty Joe Young homage. Not saying it makes sense or belongs in this film, just throwing it out there.

Ahhhhh. If I'd seen Mighty Joe Young or known about that scene I'd have picked up on that - yes, it's identical. You can imagine my surprised confusion when that happened in The Misty Green Sky apropos of nothing.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Misty Green Sky

Did I speak too soon about that stupid talking cat movie? I'm honestly questioning if this even qualifies as a movie. It feels like one of those 90's PC games where you "make a movie" with modeled characters and locations. the animation is atrocious, the voice acting is horrible and the film feels like a fever dream. I use the term film loosely here.

The pointless nudity? Wha? Oh no, I'm sorry I didn't realize this was the men's locker room. Then her shirt for the rest of the "film" is see-through. Making it almost as if she isn't wearing one at all. Was this a high school project some kid did? it can't be. That kid would have failed.

The only way I can justify this not being the top spot of infamy, is that it might take more effort to animate something like this than some of the other entries I have waiting before me. So the effort might not be there, but the time is.

Good God. I hate this.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews


I saw the original two-hour cut. This is the single dumbest movie I've ever seen. And that's why it was so funny. The only only who's performance wasn't humorously overdone or humorously half-assed was Marlon Brando, everybody who wants nookie with Candy is a poorly-acted psychopath, the psychedelic effects are weird and wild, and much of the dialogue was extremely cheesy. This movie also shows more skill in some of the worst aspects of my current pick for worst movie ever: Lust for Frankenstein, and it stands as proof that Brando can play anything, because the Godfather is a far cry from this Indian guru. Yes, the twist ending was very shocking, and probably even unnecessary. But this wack-ass movie didn't bore me. I was always waiting for the next dumbassed thing to happen, and for the most part it delivered.


So I watched The Incredible Petrified World (1959) today. Directed by Jerry Warren, the film stars John Carradine, Robert Clarke, and Phyllis Coates. It's listed as action, adventure, and sci-fi on imdb, but isn't really much of any of them. This is a boring film. Not much happens. What happens isn't very interesting. Acting isn't very good or memorable. This is a poorly made film and not fun or entertaining. At least, it is short.

Wild 90! (Norman Mailer, 1968)

So I'd been interested in these Mailer films for awhile. Though I don't know much about the man himself he seems like a weird dude and I'm often curious about films made by people who are primarily known for other mediums. My only actual experience with his work was that a film I like a lot was very loosely adapted from one of his books, so I did have some positive associations with him. Ultimately though, this was definitely bad but maybe not as bad as it should have been. Its like if Tarantino tried to remake The Exterminating Angel. The film is just bombarding you with an unbearable amount of testosterone, like being at a family gathering after your uncle's have had a few too many and like when you're trying to listen to your drunk uncle talk you start to tune it out real quick. Thankfully the camera is at least trying to keep the energy up. Its always moving, spinning around and the snap zooms are pretty fun. It ends on a relative high note at least with the last scene featuring two girls who are just way cooler than anyone else that showed up during the runtime. Also this somehow didn't drag nearly as bad as it should have, so that's a plus.