Actors that instantly turn you off a film


Oh, and is Jennifer Aniston OVER exposed or what. Geez, she's like on the cover of every magazine, you would think she was like royalty or something.
Women love her. Therefore, for the mags, she is.

I know not every woman loves her.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Women love her. Therefore, for the mags, she is.

I know not every woman loves her.
Or women like seeing her and every other woman suffer? Not related, but i'm leaving this site for a while because i heard MV and the rest of the ladies are getting Rifles .

Female Jungle Poster
I have never been an Aniston fan. Indeed, I despised her on Friends, and could never understand she always felt compelled to display her nipples on that show.

(I think I should post this mini-rant in the "Things that annoy you" thread.)
"The dog is the god of frolic." ~ Beecher

"Exit, pursued by a bear." ~

Seth Rogen.

He always seems to be playing the same type of person in every movie: a dumb and reckless goofball that makes bad jokes. I don't like his characters and I have started avoiding movies that he is in.

Just here for the free donuts
Scarlett Johansson.
You must be mistaken. This is the turned OFF thread, not turned ON!

Scarlett Johansson.
You must be mistaken. This is the turned OFF thread, not turned ON!
I really don't like her...

I guess I'm the odd one out in that regard

Jennifer Lopez and all the other whom seem to be able to just play ONE role, like Jessica Alba, Seth Rogen Michael Cera and so on...

Kristen Stewart. She always seems so careless and bored I just can't stand it. I avoid the movies her name is in. (Cept Into The Wild but thankfully she plays a very short part in it)
.Royal purple is noblest shroud.
Theodora Empress of the Byzantine Empire

Amanda Seyfried
Drew Barrymore
Anything new Stallone puts out
"Oh, so you'd be General, huh? If you were General, I'd be Emperor, and you'd STILL get the sake! So shut up and get the sake!" -Hattori Hanzo

"#GAMEOVER420BLAZIT" -bluedeed

I keep looking at Drew Barrymore's name and I'm thinking that her presence in a film doesn't automatically turn me off, but I can't think of a Drew Barrymore movie that I would put on my favorites list or a movie of hers that has any re-watch appeal.

Jude Law. Can't stand him for some reason.
Tom Cruise
Mark Wahlberg
Not overly keen on Scarlett Johansson either.

Of these, Cruise is the only one that pretty much guarantees it will be a film I won't like though, despite my irrational hatred of Law being much more severe

Trouble with a capital "T"
I keep looking at Drew Barrymore's name and I'm thinking that her presence in a film doesn't automatically turn me off, but I can't think of a Drew Barrymore movie that I would put on my favorites list or a movie of hers that has any re-watch appeal.
Have you seen Drew in Grey Gardens? That's one film that I could put into my favorites list and watch multiple times.

Any movie where the lead is from the music industry. Keanu Reeves is a better actor than Ice T. Truth.

I'm sure there are some. Closest one for me is probably Nicolas Cage.
I don't mind Nicolas Cage. I think in his case the film turns me off first!

Forest Whitaker, Stanley Tucci, Kate Winslet, Rafe Spall.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Adam Sandler
Ben Affleck
Keanu Reeves
Jennifer Lopez (and a lot of singers who try out acting on a whim)
Kristen Stewart
Bo Derek
Megan Fox

And then there's people I really can't stand but aren't horribly bad like Mel Gibson too.

“Hell will hold no surprises for you.”
Jason Statham
Adam Sandler
Robert Pattinson
Aston Kutcher
Zac Efron
Channing Tatum
Vince Vaughn
Tyler Perry
Jaden Smith
Hugh Grant
Kenneth Branagh
Josh Hartnett
Nick Stahl

Megan Fox
Jessica Alba
Jennifer Lopez
Drew Barrymore
Katie Holmes
Katherine Heigl
Lindsay Lohan
Kirsten Dunst
Nicole Kidman
Sharon Stone
Kate Hudson
Blake Lively
Hayden Panettiere
Amanda Seyfried
Leighton Meester
Keira Knightley