Heath Ledger Found Dead in NYC Apartment


.... but I am not going to read or listen to a bunch of reporters speculating on what happened...
Me neither. That's why I was reading People's article on Heath Ledger and what led up to his death. Where he went, who he knew, where he hung out and his affair with Mary Kate that led up to the fate of his death. Which could of been prevented...

I haven't been paying much attention to the Heath Ledger mystery lately, but it's still weird to me that he died in Mary Kate Olsen's apartment.

Yes, anybody can die anywhere, but Heath Ledger... at grown up Michelle Tanner's pad... feels like it could be Full House meets Clue. How did Heath Ledger really die? By Michelle in the kitchen with the knife? Danny in Uncle Jesse and Joey's basement/studio with the revolver? D.J. in the living room with the candlestick? Becky in her attic-turned-bedroom with the rope?

Alright, so this is not Full House, but a famous actor dying in an Olsen twin's apartment... random.

yes what happened to heath ledger is a shame and a waste of great talent...but you wonder what dr, if any, would prescribe such a lethal dose as the six drugs he was mixing...

yes what happened to heath ledger is a shame and a waste of great talent...but you wonder what Dr., if any, would prescribe such a lethal dose as the six drugs he was mixing...
That is if it was one Dr. Unfortunately sometimes when people are looking for relief from what ever they are suffering, they can Dr shop and not tell each Dr what they are taking if one Dr has done this then he/she needs to struck off
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I dunno, but if I looked in my medicine cabinet I'd be sure to find at least 6 kinds of prescription drug and there are times when I've taken the wrong combination - usually because I hadn't waited the allocated time between doses.

I got scared in case I fell asleep once and got the doc to change my meds the next morning.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

if one Dr has done this then he/she needs to struck off

DEA is involved in it now so if one doctor is responsible, he/she could be brought up on charges...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I dunno, but if I looked in my medicine cabinet I'd be sure to find at least 6 kinds of prescription drug and there are times when I've taken the wrong combination - usually because I hadn't waited the allocated time between doses.

I got scared in case I fell asleep once and got the doc to change my meds the next morning.
Be careful!

I would just like to tell these celebrities to STOP with the medicine! First Anna Nicole Smith's son overdoses on drugs, then Anna Nicole Smith herself, and now it's happened to Heath Ledger.

If they're gonna act irresponsible with their meds, take them away from them! If they feel so depressed or can't sleep, they need to find other avenues for relief.


It's what Anna Nicole did before she lost all of that weight and went on a diet of drugs. EAT FOOD! Eat good food! They're celebrities - they can afford to eat spectacular dishes all the time. Pizza, hamburgers, chicken, chinese food, thai, big southwestern BBQ salads, whatever. Eat and let the flavors heal your woes. So what if you put on some weight? CONVINCE THE WORLD THAT FAT IS SEXY!

Eating is a lot better than pill popping.

Just my opinion.

According to the toxicology results, these were the drugs found in Heath's system:

Oxycodone - pain

Hydrocodone - pain

Temazepam - Sedative/muscle relaxant

Diazepam - Anxiety/Insomnia

Alprazolam - Anxiety Disorders/Panic Attacks

Doxylamine - Antihistamine

I can't help but wonder why he was given the first three on the list ... and I ask because the focus seems to be on the fact he was depressed... which, to me, could just as well have been the result of being in pain, physically, for an extended period of time...

Regardless, I agree with his dad though... hopefully his death will make more people aware of the dangers of mixing prescription drugs...

Originally Posted by jrs
I believe he was severely depressed and drugs were his only place to turn.
You believe this from your extensive tabloid research and what else? I don't know why you just read People Magazine, you should write for them too! No illegal or illicit drugs were in his system or his apartment, despite the wonderful "party animal" stories that were slung around. Mary-Kate Olsen did not own the apartment he died in nor was she involved in any way with his death. But ain't it fun to speculate?!?

Jrs, what other Hollywood stars can you diagnose? And can this wisdom only come post-mortem, or can you help them out before they become fodder for the tabloids...which again you read because you care so much. Clearly.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

According to the toxicology results, these were the drugs found in Health's system:

Oxycodone - pain

Hydrocodone - pain

Temazepam - Sedative/muscle relaxant

Diazepam - Anxiety/Insomnia

Alprazolam - Anxiety Disorders/Panic Attacks

Doxylamine - Antihistamine

I can't help but wonder why he was given the first three on the list ... and I ask because the focus seems to be on the fact he was depressed... which, to me, could just as well have been the result of being in pain, physically, for an extended period of time...

Regardless, I agree with his dad though... hopefully his death will make more people aware of the dangers of mixing prescription drugs...
Man that's a lot of drugs... Where did you get that Cait? Is there a published report out now? Are they saying that this is what killed him or what? Whether these are legal drugs or not is really besides the point to me. Those first two especially are pretty heavy duty drugs... This story just gets more and more depressing.

EDIT: Sorry, I see the story now I just missed it.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...


It's what Anna Nicole did before she lost all of that weight and went on a diet of drugs. EAT FOOD! Eat good food! They're celebrities - they can afford to eat spectacular dishes all the time. Pizza, hamburgers, chicken, chinese food, thai, big southwestern BBQ salads, whatever. Eat and let the flavors heal your woes. So what if you put on some weight? CONVINCE THE WORLD THAT FAT IS SEXY!

Eating is a lot better than pill popping.

Just my opinion.

My own drug of choice is chocolate. I just made some Betty Crocker fudge brownies -- got to lick the batter off the spoon. That freakin' batter is actually better than the brownies... but apparently too much can be bad for you since it contains raw eggs.

The People's Republic of Clogher
According to the toxicology results, these were the drugs found in Health's system:

Oxycodone - pain

Hydrocodone - pain

Temazepam - Sedative/muscle relaxant

Diazepam - Anxiety/Insomnia

Alprazolam - Anxiety Disorders/Panic Attacks

Doxylamine - Antihistamine

I can't help but wonder why he was given the first three on the list ... and I ask because the focus seems to be on the fact he was depressed... which, to me, could just as well have been the result of being in pain, physically, for an extended period of time...

Regardless, I agree with his dad though... hopefully his death will make more people aware of the dangers of mixing prescription drugs...
These days, combinations of different medicines are used by lots of doctors to treat, for instance, chronic pain. I've got a ton of diazepam in the house, not because I'm remotely depressed or having trouble sleeping but because it's a muscle relaxant which is supposed to dovetail with my main painkiller. Yeah, 6 is too much but I'm on 3 at the moment so he could easily have had that much in the house from just 2 visits to a doctor.

the problem here was that he mixed them together...if the dr (like my drs always ask) what meds he was taking at the moment, maybe this wouldn't have happened...there is also the possibility that he had come by these from other drs (who should have asked the same questions) or from somewhere else...they are doing an invetigation so we'll just have to wait and see

COME ON BATMAN!. heath will be remembered by this role and this role only..im sure of it.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
COME ON BATMAN!. heath will be remembered by this role and this role only..im sure of it.
Doubtful, Brokeback Mountain anyone, I mean he did get nominated for an Oscar.
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

This was so sad I actually kinda started cryin,I heard about it on the TV guide,I didnt kno that he hadda daughter either thatz really sad.Im glad 2 hear that he got2make 1 last movie tho