The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame


i just watched fantastic mr. fox and plan on trying to get in at least one nomination a day until i’ve finished, which means i should finish right around the original deadline
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Das Boot (1982)

Das Boot is a long movie and after watching the entire film could I tell you a characters name...probably not. It's a good looking film, and the scenes are very tense but the problem is it's a matter of diminishing returns when your focus is on a single emotion and you do it 12 times it loses it's impact. The worst thing is because the film is 6 hours long you know all of these scenes of tension mean nothing...until the final one which is hours later.

Also what am I even suppose to review about this it's so repetitive the moments of weirdness (when they have the young man dancing have naked) is the only thing that breaks the tension. For me personally I wish they would have broken away from the sub and told other war stories to just break up the mundane nature of the film.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
What a difference with Billy Bob in that movie compared to his others.

I haven't seen a lot of his movies, but Billy Bob Thornton was one of my favorite guest stars on the TV show "The Big Bang Theory".
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Das Boot (1982)

Das Boot is a long movie and after watching the entire film could I tell you a characters name...probably not. It's a good looking film, and the scenes are very tense but the problem is it's a matter of diminishing returns when your focus is on a single emotion and you do it 12 times it loses it's impact. The worst thing is because the film is 6 hours long you know all of these scenes of tension mean nothing...until the final one which is hours later.

Also what am I even suppose to review about this it's so repetitive the moments of weirdness (when they have the young man dancing have naked) is the only thing that breaks the tension. For me personally I wish they would have broken away from the sub and told other war stories to just break up the mundane nature of the film.

According to Wikipedia, the longest version is listed as a miniseries, not a movie.

1981 unreleased version (209 minutes)
1981 original theatrical cut (149 minutes)
1984 BBC miniseries (300 minutes)
1997 "Director's Cut" (208 minutes)
2004 "The Original Uncut Version" (293 minutes) – miniseries minus episode-opening flashback scenes

I watched the theatrical cut version for a HoF a while back, and I remember it being a very good movie. You might want to try give it another chance with a shorter version someday.

Sling Blade is excellent. Growing up, it was a popular film in my household, and I used to do a decent impersonation of Carl (mostly referring to "french fried taters" or "mustard n' biscuits" while rubbing my hands together with my bottom lip extended over my top lip, punctuating every other word with a grunt). I think I liked the movie back then just because the characters talked funny, but re-watching it with adult eyes was a completely different experience. I'd never realized how dark the movie is (Carl's opening monologue -- damn) and I also found myself fighting back tears, which is a rare occurrence for me.

I've always liked Billy Bob, but he really tapped into a reserve of talent he's never again touched -- writing it, directing it, and delivering a transformative performance. For a long time it was hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that the guy who starred in Sling Blade is the same guy from Bad Santa.

fantastic mr. fox

i love wes anderson so it was ridiculous that i had never seen this and i was looking forward to it, even though his other animated film is my least favorite of his. i started watching this a couple nights ago and i think my expectations were too high because i was pretty underwhelmed so i paused it after 30 minutes and went to sleep. i started it from the beginning the next day and found myself enjoying it much more, freed from the pressure of being The Last Film I Haven't Seen From One of My Favorite Filmmakers. still didn't love it, but i certainly wasn't baffled by its appeal like i was the night before. the stop-motion animation is gorgeous and i loved looking at it, but idk, it's also kinda stiff. like of course i'm not going to be able to get invested in these characters when they move like that. but this still has all of the normal delights that come with a wes anderson movie, just in a milder form, likely because it's sanitized for a younger audience but it also feels like he's maybe coasting on his style more than usual. his films can be extremely funny or crushingly sad, but this one isn't really either of those things for the most part. it seems content with just being cute and nice.

Fantastic Mr Fox was my pick for you, Inmate. I actually dislike it, but I took all my picks from the animation list and you seemed to be an Anderson fan so I figured you’d get something out of it. Glad you mostly liked it.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Do The Right Thing

Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends by defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.
~Martin Luther King

I think there are plenty of good people in America, but there are also plenty of bad people in America and the bad ones are the ones who seem to have all the power and be in these positions to block things that you and I need. Because this is the situation, you and I have to preserve the right to do what is necessary to bring an end to that situation, and it doesn't mean that I advocate violence, but at the same time I am not against using violence in self-defense. I don't even call it violence when it's self-defense, I call it intelligence.
~Malcom X

These two printed quotes are the final words to be expressed just before the credits run for this Spike Lee film. A film that shows a lot of anger, a lot of yelling and not enough communication, on a hot, hot summer day in the city. Resulting in, as the night comes and the anger and heat remains; violence happens. And sh#t gets destroyed.

That is the lesson that Spike Lee wanted to get across in 1989.

Now, some thirty years later. . . Do we get along? Can we get along? Or are we just yelling till we're too angry to communicate? And the only thing accomplished is sh#t getting destroyed.

Or maybe.
Just maybe. We're all finally tired of this volatile merry-go-round and round.
Maybe. Just maybe:
F@ck the anger.
F@ck the yelling.
Let's get something nice and cold to drink. Sit down. And work this sh#t out. Because we all want the same thing: Love, Respect and To Be Happy.

But then, I already knew all of that and I spent the entire film just shaking my head at it all.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
But what did you think of the movie?
I got angry.
I've seen this stuff in real life back then so watching it on a screen just made me scowl.
Had a lot of folks I like and enjoy but I could have gone without sitting through it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I got angry.
I've seen this stuff in real life back then so watching it on a screen just made me scowl.
Had a lot of folks I like and enjoy but I could have gone without sitting through it.
Fair enough...and I understand theres movies that make me really angry too.

Didn't you have a strong negative reaction to one of the noms in the last main HoF, based on it's subject matter? I can't remember the title only that you really hated it

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Fair enough...and I understand theres movies that make me really angry too.

Didn't you have a strong negative reaction to one of the noms in the last main HoF, based on it's subject matter? I can't remember the title only that you really hated it
I'm not sure. Maybe The Hunt? I'm actually looking back and trying to check on it. . .

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm not sure. Maybe The Hunt? I'm actually looking back and trying to check on it. . .
No I don't think it was that. I mean you seemed to really, really despise what happened in the movie. But damn if I can remember the title or even in which HoF it was. Maybe I'll take a gander.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
It might not have been The Hunt since i did put it at #3 on my vote. It did anger me but then that was the nerve it was going for. A very good film and a very worthy win. As I said in my review, "A very hard watch."

Now, I do remember having a conversation with you about a film that irked the hell out of me. No idea what it was though.