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The People's Republic of Clogher
At least you had the option to rebind keys.

This is, I think, the first major multi platform release I've chosen to buy on console over PC since Fallout 3, and that was only because GAME were selling the PS3 editions with a ltd ed statuette. I bought the PC port about a month later.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

there's a frog in my snake oil
Hey, you got to discover the mystery of the missing content first
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Gah. Dave's gonna kill me. I finally started Life is Strange and, while looking something up, read a spoiler. Not the kind of thing I couldn't have maybe guessed, but still lame.

Fret not. I'm sure I will be the last one to play it...3 years from now.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Gah. Dave's gonna kill me. I finally started Life is Strange and, while looking something up, read a spoiler. Not the kind of thing I couldn't have maybe guessed, but still lame.
Uh-oh. Whodunnit type spoilers?

The Adventure Starts Here!
Uh-oh. Whodunnit type spoilers?
I assume Yoda won't spoil anything here. I have the game myself and although it's installed (and I played a demo), I haven't really started it yet.

Nothing like that (I PM'd you some more specifics), thankfully.

And yeah, really exceptional so far. I've yet to see the way any of these choices actually result in meaningful changes, but it's early, and I have to admit, even if most of the consequences are minimal, it's doing a surprisingly good job of making it feel like everything matters. I'm hoping the mechanics get a little more involved/challenging at some point, but even if they don't, this feels like what the Telltale Games are often trying to be.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Uno update - Because I know you want one!

Apparently you can only see multiplayer video feeds of people on your friends list in the new version. Xbox 360 Uno multiplayer was one of the weirdest experiences I've had, with completely random player nakedness and/or drug use. It was basically the Wild West of supposedly genteel card games.

I'm sad now.

The People's Republic of Clogher
There's a new Humble Indie Bundle out and it's pretty decent.

In the lowest tier you've got Lethal League, which is one of the few recent indie multiplayer games I can fully get behind, The Beginner's Guide (didn't care for) and Galak-Z which is a game I wanted to love much more than I ended up. For $1 they're all well worth it.

Beat the average ($5.74 as of now) has the above plus Octodad, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and Super Time Force Ultra. Only played STFU and wasn't a huge fan.

The $10 tier has everything plus Nuclear Throne, which is a great little game.

A great little game on PC, it has to be said. The PS4 version is a shambles apparently.

Captain Load O' Bricks just realized that Deus Ex releases on the same day as Madden. I realize that Madden probably isn't yuge outside of the States, but why release against one of the biggest serial games ever?

The People's Republic of Clogher
Even though the only American footballer I could comfortably name is also a kitchen appliance I think that the sport lends itself well to video game format. That said, Bloodbowl is kinda better and I've not played a Madden game in 20 years.

I pre-ordered Deus Ex although am relieved that it seems to be reviewing well - The videos I'd seen looked pretty clunky in the gameplay department and pretty Xbox 360 in the visuals. If it's anything like Deus Ex: Human Resources, however, it'll be immensely satisfying in the long run.

GMG have a 25% discount for the Steam version. That's where I picked it up.

I guess I have the wrong perspective. I assumed two games you would prefer to avoid coinciding a release with would be Madden and Call of Duty.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Dragon Age Inquisition released on the same day as Far Cry 4 and a little game called GTA 5 (the PC release, granted). The only game I can see which shared a release date with the behemoth that was the PS3/360 GTA 5 was the fabled Hot Wheels: World's Best Driver.

COD's sales have been dropping in recent years so I reckon they might get to a stage soon where Activision will be the ones worrying about a release clash.

Dragon Age Inquisition and the last-gen version of Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor both came out on November 18th. I was unimpressed when the delay was announced, because I wanted to finish Mordor before Dragon Age came out. But that's my fault for not upgrading to one of the new consoles. It's a good thing I wasn't also interested in the Far Cry series.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I've been trying to finish Dragon Age Inquisition for two years...

I had 60 hours and two attempts on the PC version ... then I saw it on PS4 for a fiver and thought this would be my big chance. I've put another 60 hours in and am roughly 30% through the game.

I still want to continue with it, despite the boring combat, meandering plot, plethora of side quests (and you need to do a fair chunk of them to level properly) and a UI so terrible it makes the crafting system, which is fundamentally impressive, a chore.

The positives are a game world which feels organic and lived in, a host of interesting characters and choices which actually matter. I don't know how well this would play if you're new to the series but, as someone who's finished DA Origins and DA II multiple times, seeing your save games carry over, along with everything you chose to do, is immensely satisfying.

I've since found out that the PC version is moddable to the extent that you can increase your loot spawns and level up quicker, which will make the game a lot less grindy.

Will I have the heart to ditch my current game and return to the PC for a third time?

I'm thinking about it.

I don't remember much specifically about the UI in Inquisition other than the fact that the font was just way too small.

I think it may have taken me 150 hours to finish that game the first time. I did everything I could in the game, then immediately turned around and finished it again on Nightmare difficulty so I had all the achievements. I had done the same thing just months before hand when I played the first two Dragon Age games for the first time.

Playing all three games to completion in such a relatively short amount of time left me completely lost when I finished Inquisition and had no more game left to play. It's like I didn't know what to do with myself after all that haha.

I can definitely understand why you didn't finish it though. The best advise I can give (if you decide to try again) is not to stick around that first large map for too long. There's just too much to do (some of which you can't do until later anyway) and it just seems so overwhelming. Going ahead to the next area then coming back later breaks up the monotony quite a bit.