Breaking Bad All Over Again


A system of cells interlinked
Ha...I misread it to say THE story and not THAT story. Whoops!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Ha...I misread it to say THE story and not THAT story. Whoops!
I did the same initially, then wondered which story in the show was depressing because I get buzzed out of my head lol

A system of cells interlinked
Since we are on the

Pinkman, for sure. Quite a few really depressing turns for the character.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Since we are on the

Pinkman, for sure. Quite a few really depressing turns for the character.
Oh yeh. Just saw the one where he finds out about who shot Combo. And I think I said earlier that 2 episodes I find very difficult to rewatch are the ATM one and the meth house. Both made me feel quite unwell emotionally so I skipped them this time.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Another hand joby LOL. I forgot about that. Is that censored for any of you Muricans?

And Walt's line in the final scene. Goosebumps.

I love the actress who plays Andrea!

Oh and what was the green stuff Jesse snorted in his car before the final scene? Or was it blue and just looked green?

Finally Wendy's opening montage. ve it every time!!!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

A No Rough Stuff Type Deal

Great finale. I really can't get enough of Tuco. That dude is bonkers. I absolutely love the heist. One of the best BB moments.

Seven Thirty-Seven

This one has actually already mostly left my mind which means I won't rate it.


Forgot how good this episode was. I love the demise of Tuco and also the beginning of Teo. I still don't understand why Walt and Jessie would talk in front of him. The other plot hole that really bothers me is how in the hell Hank would trace Jessie's car to Tuco's house. I love everything else but have to give a star deduction for those two huge blunders. Also the start of Walt's ricin obsession.


You can't win an argument just by being right!
Great finale. I really can't get enough of Tuco. That dude is bonkers. I absolutely love the heist. One of the best BB moments.
Oh yes. One of my favourite characters. Apparently Raymond said he didnt want to come back because the role was so exhausting, but take that with a grain of salt because I didnt see the interview.

The other plot hole that really bothers me is how in the hell Hank would trace Jessie's car to Tuco's house.
He called Gomie and asked him to track it down (satellite I assumed)

Talking in front of Tio is exactly the sort of blustering thing those two clowns would have done. They dont get street smart until later. Annoyed me as well but all of their cock ups annoyed me. It's just who they were - bumbling idiots.

I saw Box cutter last night. Still holds up to a rewatch. I think it's where I fell out of love with

WARNING: spoilers below
Gustavo. Mr nice guy all gone now

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
He called Gomie and asked him to track it down (satellite I assumed)
Good call. In my head I thought that was to get his address, but he already had that info. Still not convinced it's that easy but at least it is an explanation. I know a couple cops. I will inquire.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Good call. In my head I thought that was to get his address, but he already had that info. Still not convinced it's that easy but at least it is an explanation. I know a couple cops. I will inquire.
Just had a thought, considering it was several years ago it might not have been that easy so yeah, might actually be a goof. They goofed about Osama bin Laden later with the neo nazis. I dont mind so much about those timeline goofs because I get so sucked in I watch it as the present, but I know stuff ;like that really annoys people.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Just had a thought, considering it was several years ago it might not have been that easy so yeah, might actually be a goof. They goofed about Osama bin Laden later with the neo nazis. I dont mind so much about those timeline goofs because I get so sucked in I watch it as the present, but I know stuff ;like that really annoys people.
I try not to let it but that's one that is just glaring to me. Especially since they go out of their way to make it so isolated. They know all the major players as well. So they can track down Jesse's car in the middle of nowhere but they don't know that's where Tuco is stashing his drug pin grandfather. Just a bridge too far. Which sucks because I love everything else about the episode.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I try not to let it but that's one that is just glaring to me. Especially since they go out of their way to make it so isolated. They know all the major players as well. So they can track down Jesse's car in the middle of nowhere but they don't know that's where Tuco is stashing his drug pin grandfather. Just a bridge too far. Which sucks because I love everything else about the episode.
Now you've ruined it for me (there you go; there's even an emoji for it). Does seem too rushed and convenient now you point it out. There I was thinking Gomie was a super sleuth. OK here's another now you bring up Tuco, how did the DEA not know he was a drug lord dealing from tht office which you'd think would be under 24/7 surveillance, and why wasnt there any discussion about the explosion?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Just had a thought, considering it was several years ago it might not have been that easy so yeah, might actually be a goof. They goofed about Osama bin Laden later with the neo nazis. I dont mind so much about those timeline goofs because I get so sucked in I watch it as the present, but I know stuff ;like that really annoys people.

It's been a while, but I remember Hank using some type of tracking device (not what he tried to use on Gus). I couldn't remember specifically, so a quick google revealed that when interviewing Pinkman's mom he realized that because of the style car he drove, he probably had a security device called Lojack.

It was just dumb luck the car signal happened to be at Tuco's hideout.

I wish I had started back with you guys =*(

oh. I forgot @seanc

You can't win an argument just by being right!
It's been a while, but I remember Hank using some type of tracking device (not what he tried to use on Gus). I couldn't remember specifically, so a quick google revealed that when interviewing Pinkman's mom he realized that because of the style car he drove, he probably had a security device called Lojack.

It was just dumb luck the car signal happened to be at Tuco's hideout.

I wish I had started back with you guys =*(
I wish you had as well. This is fun but I get over excited/totally drugged out on faux crystal I race ahead. About to crank out 403.

Oh nice one. My husband used to have a tracking device on his car that sounds similar to that but the company went belly up few years ago.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Oh no, I've been sucked in to nitpick hell by Gustavo's air filtering machinery.

I was happy with that explanation of the tracker but then it hit me - why wouldnt he have just got Gomie straight on to it rather than go and see his mum?
Simple answer - because the lead up to all of it at Tuco's hovel was interesting for me so I can give it a hall pass if it is a goof. I dont like it very much when I dissect stuff like this because it makes me feel bad that I'm dissing the writers. Also gave it a lot of suspense and then BOOM you see Hnk arriving right in the middle of the fight.
Also, Jesse's mum and Hank scene showed how much she still loved Jesse so for me it really worked. Almost had me sniffling like a baby.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Oh no, I've been sucked in to nitpick hell by Gustavo's air filtering machinery.

I was happy with that explanation of the tracker but then it hit me - why wouldnt he have just got Gomie straight on to it rather than go and see his mum?
Simple answer - because the lead up to all of it at Tuco's hovel was interesting for me so I can give it a hall pass if it is a goof. I dont like it very much when I dissect stuff like this because it makes me feel bad that I'm dissing the writers. Also gave it a lot of suspense and then BOOM you see Hnk arriving right in the middle of the fight.
Also, Jesse's mum and Hank scene showed how much she still loved Jesse so for me it really worked. Almost had me sniffling like a baby.

I'd have to watch it again, but I don't think the idea even occurred to him until the convo with mom mentioned the hydraulic bounce kit. That tech triggered a realization like "...oh yeah,he put a lot of money into his car... yeah... oh snap! he prob has lojack!!!" *calls Gomez* There's an argument that a cop might run that possibility first, but even still, we all slip up! And considering Walt had been missing, I can excuse a slip or two from anxiety. Wait. This all takes place while Walt is missing, right? Or am I blurry episode memories?! UGH

Not to worry. I dissect the hell out of things and it too often pulls me out. I've found BB calming in that respect, because most of the things I would normally pick apart, it seems as though one of the writers had foresight enough to back-door some detail to address it. love this show.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Wait. This all takes place while Walt is missing, right? Or am I blurry episode memories?! UGH
Not blurry. That is the very episode so you're spot on. Makes you realise just how close Hank was to catching Heisenberg the whole time but he was in such denial.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
@yntwf; The lojack thing makes a ton of sense and makes me feel better.

@Dani8 I agree about the tracking Tuco comment. In fact every time they have a drug dealers whole rap sheet in memory it bothers me a bit. Because, like you said, if they know them so well their surveillance should be turning up Walt already.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
@yntwf; The lojack thing makes a ton of sense and makes me feel better.

@Dani8 I agree about the tracking Tuco comment. In fact every time they have a drug dealers whole rap sheet in memory it bothers me a bit. Because, like you said, if they know them so well their surveillance should be turning up Walt already.
Yeh it's pretty annoying now I'm thinking about it, but even more annoying if they did their job and sprung Heisenberg at Tighty Tuco's office block is the show would have been over - and that's my usual wave off at moment's like this, but I do enjoy when fans dissect. Makes me really want to see a writers' room and how they thrash it ll out.

Also, they knew Tio was cartel so you'd think they would know where he and Tuco were living BUT WAIT... half a trillion to track bin Laden didnt work so well and the DEA wouldnt have that much moolah, so yeh, back to giving it a pass.

More importantly, how many shops in ABQ would have that style of hat? They know he wears it so unless he bought it off the net, set up right there. And if they could track Jesse and Emilio's crappy chili P down to a nice, nondescript house in the burbs, why couldnt they have previously found Tio and Tuco. And where is Tuco's 4WD now???

Urgh. This is why I dont personally like to dissect because I can go for hours carving up everything, but I still covet that hat!

Has anyone tried that crystal meth blue candy that a woman makes and sells in ABQ?

LOL she really does look the part.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
This is so bad I just have to do it

Heisen Berg.