Top Ten Movies of 2008


Registered User
The Wrestler

Iroquois, let me congratulate you on your 7,000th post by warning you not to skip Synecdoche. what thou wilt! If nothing else, opposing opinions can mean that the film in question is interesting. Personally, I thought it was absolutely horrible. But having said that, I've heard the arguments for it, and I recognize that it's the type of film that is going to strike some people the right way and some not. Clearly, I am in the latter category.

(PS: It's horrible. )
the angel stayed until something died, one more murder suicide

Welcome to the human race...
We'll see - I think I may have missed its brief theatrical run anyway so I may have to end up waiting for the DVD. Hurm.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Since I've brushed up a bit on my cinematic experience of last year, I'll felt like posting an updated top 10. Strictly a favorites list, if it were what I consider the best of the year, films like The Midnight Meat Train wouldn't even be considered, and the list is subject to change over time.

1. The Wrestler
2. Let the Right One In
3. The Dark Knight
4. In Bruges
5. The Midnight Meat Train
6. Gran Torino
7. Burn After Reading
8. Man On Wire
9. Slumdog Millionaire
10. Cloverfield

I still haven't seen much, and the majority of the ones I did see were the popular choices among critics and fans. I have only included the ones that are labeled as a 2008 release, any films that have the 2007 label and came out in 2008 in certain areas have not been counted.

Overall, it was a decent year. To me, the first four films that I put down deserve to be placed among the best of the decade, yet alone the year.

Here's my list (unlike others, if it got widely called a 2008 film, even if it was released somewhere else before, I put it in)-

1- Wall-E
2- Shotgun Stories
3- My Winnipeg
4- Slumdog Millionaire
5- Waltz with Bashir
6- Maman Est Chez Le Couiffeur
7- Happy-Go-Lucky
8- Synechdoche, New York
9- Mongol
10 4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days

Banned from Hollywood.
Top 10

1.Synecdoche, New York


3.The Dark Knight

4.Gran Torino

5.The Wrestler

6.The Curious Case Of B.Button

7.Rachel Getting Married

8.The Reader


10.Iron Man

worst 5

2.The Day The Earth Stood Stilll
3.Slumdog Millionaire
4.Righteous Kill
5.Saw V
My 100 ALL-TIME FAVE Movies

Out of all the crappy movies that came out last year, how in the world is Slumdog Millionaire in the worst 5? I guess you must've not liked it at all, but seriously compared to things like One Missed Call or Jumper, it's not that bad. I liked it, though, even if it is pretty overrated.

Manolo, Shoot That Piece Of Sh*t!
1. The Dark Knight
2. Harold And Kumar 2
3. Yes Man
4. Slumdog Millionaire
5. Wall-E
6. 21
7. Cloverfield
8. Kung Fu Panda
9. Pineapple Express
10. Meet Dave

"You accuse me of blasphemy, but how can you accuse me of a crime without a victim?"

Spikez's DVD Collection

Last Movie Seen: The Breakfast Club

Manolo, Shoot That Piece Of Sh*t!
worst 5

2.The Day The Earth Stood Stilll
3.Slumdog Millionaire
4.Righteous Kill
5.Saw V
Slumdog Millionaire was pretty good, it wasn't worth all those academy awards, but it was definitly NOT one of the worst movies of 2008and Righteous Kill??? It was the first copmovie I have ever liked, even better, loved! It was so good, I mean, if you don't like it, ok, but to say it's one of the worst movies.. goes waaaay too far, man.


Out of all the crappy movies that came out last year, how in the world is Slumdog Millionaire in the worst 5? I guess you must've not liked it at all, but seriously compared to things like One Missed Call or Jumper, it's not that bad. I liked it, though, even if it is pretty overrated.
Maybe they had the brains not to see those films? I certainly didn't like Slumdog.

top 5 in no particular order:

gran torino
dark knight
the wrestler
hellboy 2

Banned from Hollywood.
Slumdog Millionaire was pretty good, it wasn't worth all those academy awards, but it was definitly NOT one of the worst movies of 2008and Righteous Kill??? It was the first copmovie I have ever liked, even better, loved! It was so good, I mean, if you don't like it, ok, but to say it's one of the worst movies.. goes waaaay too far, man.


If you have seen my list of favorite actors pacino is at # one. de niro further down the top 5...Righteous Kill was really average...their second on-screen collaboration was really unsucessful...I would go as far as saying that i thought 88minutes was a better than righteous kill...

sorry. was disappointed by righteous kill. it had nothing to offer other than two great actors playing together. other than that it had one of the worst screenplays i have ever seen and if it didnt star pacino and de niro i bet you more than 100% that no one would have been interested and that it would have been the worst movie ever made.,,it's only those 2 hollywood giants that save the whole thing from sinking into obscurity.

Gran Torino


one of the first years i liked almost all the Oscar choices.

Forgot to mention The Wrestler

01. Revolutionary Road
02. The Wrestler
03. Milk
04. Synecdoche, New York
05. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
06. Slumdog Millionaire
07. Body of Lies
08. Frost/Nixon
09. Vicky Cristina Barcelona
10. Doubt
I was recently in an independent comedy-drama about post-high school indecision. It's called Generation Why.

See the trailer here:

I still haven't seen too many films from 2008, but here's five I would probably include in a top ten.

Waltz with Bashir
The Wrestler
The Dark Knight
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

I think I finally got around to seeing most of the films I been meaning to see from this year (Waltz With Bashir is probably the only '08 one I still need & want to see). Here's a quick update from my earlier post, but it's not too much different:

15. Role Models
14. frost/nixon
13. Pineapple Express
12. The Fall
11. [REC]
10. Chop Shop
A film in the spirit of City Of God or Kids, in which it comes as close as it can to seeming like it's a documentary (I was never a big fan of the term "mockumentary". And I'm not sure that the way this movie was shot would qualify it as one, anyway). At certain points of the movie, it feels as though this is happening in real life. And even though the storyline's non-linear structure helps to emphasize this feel, there's still enough there to sense that a tale of some merit is indeed unfolding.
Great acting from all involved.

9. Kung Fu Panda
8. Bronson
Just like The Wrestler at number 5, Bronson is an excellent example of a film where the performance of the lead actor makes the movie.
Tom Hardy is barely recognizable as he bares all in a role of a convict who relishes & celebrates the high level of his own societal self-destruction as though life in solitary confinement was more of a trophy than a tragedy.

7. Iron-Man
6. The Dark Knight
5. The Wrestler
4. In Bruges
Every once in a while, a film comes into my life that will provide more than just a sliver of escapism. Sometimes, it will enrich my life with a bit knowledge that will leave me not just entertained, but also just a bit more educated. For instance, this movie. After watching In Bridges, I came to find out that a lot of midgets tend to kill themselves. A disproportionate amount, actually. Villechaize off of Fantasy Island. Possibly somebody from the Time Bandits. And another famous midget, but can't remember.
It's not the R2D2 man; no, he's still going.
Oh, and I also learned that you can't sell horse tranquilizers to a midget.
you can,
just don't expect 'em to wave back hello.
It's also a film that, when it comes to the of subject killing for money, brings up certain queries of a contemplative nature.
what's a 50 year old lollypop man doing knowing f*#kin' karate?

3. Cloverfield
2. Wall-E
1. Let The Right One In
Right now, all I'm wearing is a mustard-stained wife-beater T-shirt, no pants & a massive sombrero.