MoFo Top 100 Horror Movies: The List

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I don't have much to say about today's films, because I don't really remember much about either one. That shot from The Others looks amazingly atmospheric though. I get the feeling that not putting it on my rewatch list was probably a gross oversight.

For some reason I've seen the Nic Cage Wicker Man multiple times, yet I've only seen the 1973 film once.

Seen: 51/64
My List: 8

02. Re-Animator (1985) - #88
07. Cabin in the Woods (2011) - #52
11. The Descent (2005) - #40
16. Event Horizon (1997) - #49
17. The Wailing (2016) - #69
18. It Follows (2014) - #78
20. The Babadook (2014) - #63
21. Videodrome (1983) - #42
25. The Void (2016) - DNP/1 Pointers List

That doesn't seem odd to me. Some of my favorites I've seen 20 times, but not for years now. Others I watch every so often. No real rule either way, at least for me.

Perplexed mainly that you haven't seen your #11 horror movie in a long time.
I've seen it multiple times, own it on DVD, and remember it well enough to know that I like it a lot. It's also closer to pure horror than a lot of what I ranked beneath it, including films I've seen more recently, so 11 seemed like the best place for it.

It's been (again) quite a while since I've seen either of today's films. The Others I remember being OK film with good atmosphere and a twist that certainly didn't surprise me. I'd probably agree with @mark f 's description. The Wicker Man is a film I'd need to rewatch. DIdn't like it that much as a teen but it's something that may have gotten better with (my) age.

Seen: 53/64

I've seen it multiple times, own it on DVD, and remember it well enough to know that I like it a lot. It's also closer to pure horror than a lot of what I ranked beneath it, including films I've seen more recently, so 11 seemed like the best place for it.
That's encouraging to see.

The Others is amazing but didn't make the cut

The Wicker Man was my #26 and I hate myself for not put in on my list. Terrific movie.

''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Trouble with a capital "T"
Glad to see The Wicker Man make the list. My review.

The Wicker Man (1973

The Wicker Man takes a psychological horror-mystery story and wraps it in an intriguing script that explores both Druidism and the agriculture of a small Scottish Isle that is warmed by the gulf stream. As unlikely as this might seem, the story is very plausible and that's why its believable. If a mystery horror story isn't believable it won't work....The Wicker Man works!

Playing off the innate human fear of strangers, the film shows us the inhabitants of a small Gaelic community and makes them seem strange to the outsider. Edward Woodward is that outsider, a rather stoic and inflexible police sergeant from the big city, London. His awkwardness at dealing with the tight knit, close mouth community makes him at odds. His angst and mistrust is where the film gets its tension from. In the movie the fear of strangers takes the role of an antagonist. We the viewer then fear the towns folks because the sergeant does.

A real treat for fans of 1960s-1970s horror films is the memorable role of legendary Christopher Lee. A towering man with a calm voice and yet so intimidating in his screen presence.

Another treat is Britt Ekland who was introduce in this film. In what has to be seen to be believed, Britt does a musical number in which she attempts to beguile the police sergeant. Her movements and the way the scene is shot give the look of an early music video, quite artistic....and she does it in the nude too.

The Wicker Man has an intelligent story and weaves an intriguing narrative of an island that turned from Christianity and embraced Druidism. Filmed in Scotland which gives this film an even more realistic feel.

Absolutely love The Others, subtle and perfect to me, been on my fav horror list since it came out, as well as on my all genres/all time top 100. Was expecting a higher spot on this list.

My list so far:
6. The Others (# 38)

9. Bram Stoker's Dracula (# 50)

12. Event Horizon (# 49)

13. Train to Busan (Did not place)

16. Interview With The Vampire (# 44)

23. The Babadook (# 63)

24. The Birds (# 41)


You mean me? Kei's cousin?
Yes! Finally another one from my list. My #6 was The Birds (1963). I know it's en vogue to hate on that film, but I don't care, I like it...a lot.

Physiologically it's frightening, as it speaks to the innate fear inside all of us, which is the fear of not belonging. The birds are a parable for the proverbially outsider coming into a small close knit, guarded community. Even if the birds were completely removed from the script, you would still have a sustainable drama based on the ostracization of the Tippi Hedren character as she tries to enter a self contained 'world' where shes shunned as the outsider. Of course like Mark said, the film can be interpreted many ways and that's the beauty of it.
...who hates on The Birds? This is the first I've ever heard of it.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

...who hates on The Birds? This is the first I've ever heard of it.
I do. No idea who else does though.
I've always heard it to be a generally well regarded film.

Had a look back and Thursday Next called The Birds a "genuinely bad film."

So I guess Yoda, Thursday, and I are the cool kids.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yep. They just said so a while ago. Guess you really do learn something new every day.
Holden Pike, Sane and someone else who I already forgot their name said they didn't like The Birds in the 1960s countdown. I seem to recall Camo didn't like The Birds, but I could be wrong about that.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Had a look back and Thursday Next called The Birds a "genuinely bad film."

So I guess Yoda, Thursday, and I are the cool kids.
I'm the cool old man.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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The Birds was on my list, but I can see why someone wouldn't care for it. But I thought the film directing was really solid and I enjoyed Hedrens performance.