Camo's 2018 Movie Log

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Trouble with a capital "T"
The Ice Truck Killer coz of the hair?
Yeah, that avatar and plus it has an intensity about it.

The ironic thing is I've been thinking about an avatar change myself, buy what says me?

Needs to be something friendly. You had a really intense Orson av once, it was a good av but it didn't really suit your personality. Suppose every pic of Orson is intense though. Maybe change your name to Jimmy Stewart Rules

The best av suits person to me was Cricket's driveby Burt Reynolds.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Needs to be something friendly. You had a really intense Orson av once, it was a good av but it didn't really suit your personality.
I wonder which one it was. Maybe this one?

Suppose every pic of Orson is intense though. Maybe change your name to Jimmy Stewart Rules
Stewart's cool, one of my favorite actors, but nah I don't think I can channel Stewart.
Click image for larger version

Name:	avatar 16 small sharpen.jpg
Views:	177
Size:	25.5 KB
ID:	41005  

Citizen are you using a phone? You just gave me two rep for the same post, the only other time i remember that happening was from Cricket and i figured it was a phone thing.

The site might be glitching recently though as i saw a double post from someone the other day. Hadn't seen one of those since the dark age of the Database Error

Trouble with a capital "T"
Citizen are you using a phone? You just gave me two rep for the same post, the only other time i remember that happening was from Cricket and i figured it was a phone thing.

The site might be glitching recently though as i saw a double post from someone the other day. Hadn't seen one of those since the dark age of the Database Error
Nope not on a phone. Just an old PC computer.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I got double rep from Citizen a few days ago, too. It was on my Forrest Gump write up in the HOF.
My mouse is screwed up. When ever I click once, say to close an open tab, it als closes the one right next to it. Maybe that's it? And yesterday I bought a new mouse so if that was it, you guys won't be getting double reps from me no more

I wonder which one it was. Maybe this one?

Stewart's cool, one of my favorite actors, but nah I don't think I can channel Stewart.
So @Citizen Rules

I kind of see you a cross between Orson Wells and....

And Cam, I would never pick on you for being Scottish.... I am a Shaw and a Graham.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I'm sure Oldman gives a really great performance in this film, but for some reason I have ZERO interest in seeing it.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Last Supper

This is a very interesting nomination, i had no idea it existed. Wasn't crazy about it but i didn't dislike it either; good cast who were all performing well and it was a short and easy watch.

I initially liked that it didn't take sides; Zach was a gross, aggressive racist but the gang were being very condescending and smug and just as close minded except in a more socially acceptable way. It was a good portrayal of a liberal bubble being burst; liberal group think being challenged by someone they see as beneath them. Also Paxton was great, he actually managed to solicit some sympathy from me initially when his faith was being sneered at then he quickly turned it up to 11 coming across really unsettling and bigoted, yet he was still on an equal footing with the rest in terms of likeablity probably due to the non-serious and almost surreal vibe i got from the scene. I thought that was a very good start.

My problem is it just kept repeating itself and even though it was the intention i came to really hate the gang and just wanted to stop watching them. Not even because they were unlikeable or because of their actions, they were just exhausting to watch and listen to after a while. Ramping up their self-righteousness and making their reasons for killing increasingly flimsier becoming as intolerant as those they are against was a good idea, it just wasn't that interesting to watch for me. Every Conservative introduced was a caricature, so were the gang but we spent all our time with them and the conservatives only had a scene each so in the end they ended up frustrating to watch for me at least. Also i think nearly every guest was better and more interesting than the regulars which played into that.

I understand why people could love this: the humour, but i didn't find it all that funny. It was similar to Clueless in that i recognized lines as funny or clever but i didn't actually find them as such because it was just too "written". I dunno nothing felt natural, barely any lines or situations felt like they came from real people at least at the frequency they were delivered. That's not really a criticism of the movie because there's nothing wrong with that and i can enjoy it at times plus it obviously wasn't supposed to be a realistic feeling story, but it can also kill my immersement and that's what happened here. I was aware at all times i was watching a movie, or more accurately i was listening to a script being read.

Courtney B Vance was the best of the gang IMO. His calm delivery of everything was so great: "I say we just bury the cracker then finish eating our meal" . The others all did a pretty good job too, think this is the best performance i've seen from Cameron Diaz which speaks more to what i think of her as an actress. I did like how 90's this was: the music, the hair, clothes, even the cast: George Constanza and the dude whose only other film i know of is Drop Dead Fred . The film really fits into a specific era (Audiovisually i mean, its main points are timeless i guess) and i really like that sort of thing.

Thanks for nominating this Siddon. Even though i wasn't crazy about it i doubt i would have ever been aware of its existence if you hadn't and it's an interesting film. The Ascent next for me then i'll finish with Orlando.
I remember when seeing this film when my parents did not have Pay Per View. Back in the day instead of scrambling that channel it was actually broadcast with inverted colours. So instead of 'black and white' and it white and blue with bits of purple. It was a negative image.

This is one of only two movies I remember seeing like this, the other was Carried Away (which as a kid I loved because of the naked woman).

As for the film, I don't remember much of it. Only that they killed guests they deemed morally wrong or anyone who had opposite view points from them. Then burying them in their garden and one guy sucking on a Popsicle.

Maybe I'll give it a re-watch for weird nostalgic purposes.