How many times have you walked out of theatre out of disgust for movie


yes Once. I could not finish Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy because it's boring.

I Enjoy Working With People
I've never walked out of any movie in disgust. I thought briefly about walking out of "Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down," but all of the people I drove to the movie theater were staying, so I stayed.

Walked halfway out of screening of 'Rambo : last blood' .

Basically it's the same scenario of Liam Neeson's 'Taken' series of movies---that of rescuing a beleaguered young girl related to the older hero from human traffickers . In 'Taken' series Liam rescues his own daughter and here Sylvester Stallone plays a role of rescuing his foster niece .

The girl is of Mexican origin and has been dumped by her father after her mother died . She is growing up now in a ranch in Arizona in USA under care of John Rambo and her grandmother . All of a sudden she develops an itch to meet her father and despite warnings that he doesn't care for her and that it is dangerous for a girl of seventeen to go alone to Mexico , she drives all alone to Mexico . Even though she has been told that the girl who promised her to meet up with her father is a bad girl . Then why does she go ? Obviously the moviemakers could not think of anything intelligent as reason for her to fall in trouble . So a lame reason was invented .

Predictably , the girl who enticed her to Mexico sells her off to a brothel . I could see this coming . So what's new....don't all guardians of girls who are going into lawless territory worry about this only ? So old Rambo has to once again get ready his guns and his trusted knife and drive down to Mexico .

Before this happens he is shown living in a series of tunnels in the ranch . He is still afflicted by visions of what happened to him in Vietnam decades ago and has to take pills to ward off those visions .

Once Rambo reaches Mexico he directly goes into the liar of the human traffickers searching for his foster niece and gets surrounded and beaten and brutally slashed on his face by a knife . Meanwhile rapists have been let loose like wild dogs on his niece and other kidnapped girls and the niece is drugged by injection .

So Rambo's and his niece's condition is presumably going to get worse before it gets better . But I didn't wait for it to get better and walked out because for a person used to watching Bollywood , films on kidnapped girls forced into brothels is regular fare ; nothing new at all . In all probability old plodding Rambo will still show the capacity for unleashing mayhem full of blood and gore later in the film . But until now I was neither enthused by Sly's acting nor by the first half of the movie. Never ever reviewed a Rambo series movie before but this was the worst---at least the part I saw .

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
None. If I've paid big money for a movie it's gonna feel like a waste not watching it all the way through, even if it's absolute dog s'hit.

On a few rare occasions I've turned off a movie at home that starts sucking right away, but I pretty much always finish what I've started.

Never left a theater. Just dozed off a few times.
My Favorite Films

I walked out of the 1976 Peter Bogdanovich comedy Nickelodeon and asked for my money back.
Really? Wouldn’t expect that from the maker of What’s up, Doc? Just four years earlier.

Only once have I walked out of a movie in disgust: 1999's The Omega Code. Despite the movie being more than halfway over, I demanded my money back and I received it back. Just once in 51 years, not bad. LOL!

How many times have you walked out of theatre out of disgust for movie
0 times. Last uncomfortable watch in theater I can remember was; 8MM 1999.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
Never. I don't believe in leaving the theater because I feel like it's a waste of money, even though the crappy film I'm watching isn't worth it, it's less worth it if I leave. Although, my husband wanted to walk out of Alita: Battle Angel.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
I walked out of the 1976 Peter Bogdanovich comedy Nickelodeon and asked for my money back.
That reminds of what someone said about how bad Suicide Squad was. He said he downloaded it illegally and still wanted his money back

I've never walked out but I fell asleep in Twilight, after I woke up I had the parent of a friend next to me trash talking it
- I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares do more is none. -

Did you get your money back?

I haven't personally walked out of a theatre, but I nearly left a preview screening for Be Kind Rewind (2008) as I felt ripped off, despite the fact that I didn't even pay for it (I won free tickets).

A friend of mine walked out of How to Lose Friends and Alienate People (2008), as well as Jupiter Ascending (2015). This person usually has a high tolerance for rubbish movies, so it was a bit of a surprise. Myself and my other friend managed to sit through both, however haha.
No, I didn't get my money back

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
With the amazing cast that movie has, wouldn't it be worth staying just to watch them at least? I don't think I can ever picture myself asking to be refunded for something Burt Reynolds is in, no matter how bad

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Just remembered, I was with a friend once who walked out one hour into a film festival screening of Cemetery Of Splendor. I stuck it out, but ended up hating it just as much as him.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I walked out of the 1976 Peter Bogdanovich comedy Nickelodeon and asked for my money back.
Why did you walk out of that movie? Did you object to something in it? I remember it being a cute fun movie.