Better Call Saul...whatcha think?


Oh and how can I forget?! Michael McKean who I loved all the way back in the days of Laverne & Shirley! Solid actor, I really feel good when my childhood stars get work.

DEADWOOD sighting!!

Lawson the gun dealer who made an appearance in the Breaking Bad finale, has recurred his precuring role ? , and has already made a few appearances on Saul. Jim Beaver was great in Deadwood, and like all of them, I really wish he got more work.


Augh! This is why I binge watch seasons, to avoid cliffhanger problems like this! They ended it there?! oh balls

Great watch! Liked it more than season 1 in bunches. People say cable has the advantage should watch the directing of this show, just the basic skills of storytelling, and point to something on the major networks that can hang. I doubt its out there.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Michael McKean's been working steadily since Laverne & Shirley. (All those Christopher Guest mockumentaries, for one thing.) It's ol' Squiggy who kinda fell off the face of the earth.

Factoid: Both actors attended Carnegie Mellon's drama program, but neither one graduated. Rumor has it that they got kicked out for impersonating the instructors, though I suspect that is more of an urban legend around these parts here in Pittsburgh.

Yeah, it doesn't start off gangbusters. I'd say every single episode is good (which is really something, all by itself), but it was only occasionally great in the first season, and it wasn't consistently so until the second.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I really liked the first season so am excited when I hear how much better season 2 is. I'm waiting for Netflix, some circumstances got me behind and didn't want to miss any episodes. I think the show is pretty funny.

I really liked the first season so am excited when I hear how much better season 2 is. I'm waiting for Netflix, some circumstances got me behind and didn't want to miss any episodes. I think the show is pretty funny.
I agree with Yoda, and I think its gonna rev up even further in season 3.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I agree with Yoda, and I think its gonna rev up even further in season 3. 99.9% sure theyll [SPOILER REDCATED].
WARNING: "Better Call Saul" spoilers below

That will be great news for me. I love Gus.

Ugh! I took it out and you quoted me capturing the possible spoiler for Cricket to see THE HUMANITY!

Love the first comment:

i feel like i've seen that guy somewhere, his face rings a bell...
Really need to watch Season 2, watched the first two episodes but i still haven't got back to it.

I watched freaking TWO SEASONS of this show and expected Gus to come on every god damn time, especially as some sort of cliffhanger... I left disappointed each time.

BUT... is now the time?! IT SURE LOOKS LIKE I!!! If Gus's in it... this season's gonna be AMAZEBALLS!

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I hope they update the fashion statements within the show. A big shot like Chuck, should really only be wearing gold foil blankets.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

This guerrilla marketing is really getting out of hand.

Uh, sorry if Im being stupid, but why did you post this in the Better Call Saul thread? Because its in Albequerque?

Well, that, and a controversial lawyer, too. Just thought it was funny how much it sounded like something from the show.
Well that lawyer should have his own spinoff show. Sounds like a 21st century version of Judge Roy Bean.