The Annual MoFo Christmas Thread


Oh, you're fine, Swan. I think I may have said this before (or maybe it's a new idea?) -- but, if you ever have another schizophrenia attack, just come here. I'll make ya a thread (or you can make it) -- Swan's Schizophrenia Commentaries -- and you can just ramble and delude yourself as much as you need to in there. No one will shame you (here, at least). And you'll get rep.


That's great news Swan, Happy Christmas to you. Getting better every day is an amazing success

Happy Christmas to all you Mofos. We have such a great community here, people from all over the world talking about the films we love, sharing knowledge, having fun and along the way sometimes being able to offer support to each other . What a place

Have a lovely day tomorrow everyone xxxx

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Very nice post Swan. I have really enjoyed getting to know this past year. Merry Christmas buddy.

Master of My Domain
Happy Christmas to everyone. It's been a such a privilege to be part of such a wonderful community full of fun, knowledge, and an overall joyful atmosphere and I hope to be part of it as long as I can. Thanks for quickly expecting a 2-month newbie and a review virgin to this place with your hilarious (you guys really do crack me up sometimes ) and at the same time sweet MoFo love. Once again Merry Christmas everyone!

I've never eaten so much stuffed turkey during one meal EVER in my life.

Now I'm quietly going to enjoy a good, warm, old-fashioned Christmas film with a glass of wine.

Merry Christmas!

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

OK, so it's over, but I've got to post one more of these.

For once, I don't blame the kids.

And, for those who felt some of the pics were too dark or horrible, I'm sorry. Just be glad the site's PG-13.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Master of My Domain
Okay Santa Yoda, where is the rainbow colored lightsaber with a unicorn horn as the handle I asked for?

I'm not old, you're just 12.
NO! It's not Christmas yet! At least wait til the end of November!

I'm seeing Christmas stuff next to the Halloween decorations already, and I don't like it! It's slowly spreading, soon it will be Christmas all year long! Resistance is apparently futile. LOL.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson