Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Well, now you really should watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 since it's intended to be funnier.
I will watch it, but probably not until I've made more progress on my 70s list.

The Beguiled (1971)

I'm not sure why this Clint Eastwood movie is on the top 100 westerns list. To me, it's a lot of things, but it sure isn't a western. To me, it's more a crazy mix of drama, romance, dark comedy, and especially horror. I knew it was going to be a strange movie when, about 5 minutes in, Clint Eastwood is kissing a 12 year old girl. It's unique, freaky, creepy, kind of disturbing, and very good. I would recommend it to anyone to at least try.

I'm on a Tarantino REWATCH SPREE:

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Well, what can I say? It's a big cliche, but this film is just SO incredibly good! The structure, the style, the dialogue AND the depth of the "whole" work brilliantly together! I truly feel Tarantino made THE perfect film here.
This isn't one of those typical Tarantino "genre pictures". This is Tarantino's actual view on life and all of its complexes, dressed up as one of the coolest crime films ever made.
I strongly urge GUNSLINGER in particlar to rewatch this one somewhere in the future, because I feel that this film should thematically really be something that he understands and likes. Set your mind free of all the prejudices you have against Tarantino and watch this film again.
This was my third viewing of this film (the last one was almost two years ago) and although I got the message of this film the previous two times, it is only now that I truly see how strongly and smoothly it resonates throughout all three of the intertwined stories.

It was already one of my absolute top favorite films of all time, but this rewatch definitely confirmed my love for it and perhaps even strengthened it.

Indisputable masterpiece.

Pulp Fiction is a real gem. I am not a fan of this genre of film (not very serious crime films) but Pulp Fiction is so awesome and so cool that even I was exploding with excitement when I watched it ("I will git medieval on your ass"). I rate it as
and it is on my top 60 favorites.

FOR THE GLORY THAT WAS GREECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RAM THE TRIREMES INTO THEIR FAT (asses) SHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was one of the most stupid films I ever watched (even worse than the 1st one), it's about as stupid as Lion King and The Tree of Life clumped together. It is also even offensive to the ancient Greeks and Persians and these battles that shaped the history of western civilization perhaps more than any others when they are depicted as mentally retarded videogame characters.

But, anyway, that doesn't matter! it's GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think it's better than 12 Years a Slave and all Nolan's films. Turn your brain off and enjoy!

Aha!!! I knew it! I knew you were going to become one of those miserable art house snobs who without even seeing it automatically hates any film that dares to be mainstream, that dares to actually try and be fun. You disgust me sir!

I noticed that sometimes you appear to regard me as someone with tastes different than ours but notice that the majority of films in my top 200 are mainstream blockbusters it's just that not all mainstream enjoyable films are made in the US. Kurosawa and Miyazaki, for instance, are the Japanese equivalents of the likes of Hitchcock and Spielberg.

Red Dragon - doesn't even come close to SOTL but still pretty decent,enjoyed it a lot.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Well yesterday i saw much awaited film Captain America: The Winter Soldier and i am going to rate the movie 8.5 out of 10.

I'm on a Tarantino REWATCH SPREE:

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Well, what can I say? It's a big cliche, but this film is just SO incredibly good! The structure, the style, the dialogue AND the depth of the "whole" work brilliantly together! I truly feel Tarantino made THE perfect film here.
This isn't one of those typical Tarantino "genre pictures". This is Tarantino's actual view on life and all of its complexes, dressed up as one of the coolest crime films ever made.
I strongly urge GUNSLINGER in particlar to rewatch this one somewhere in the future, because I feel that this film should thematically really be something that he understands and likes. Set your mind free of all the prejudices you have against Tarantino and watch this film again.
This was my third viewing of this film (the last one was almost two years ago) and although I got the message of this film the previous two times, it is only now that I truly see how strongly and smoothly it resonates throughout all three of the intertwined stories.

It was already one of my absolute top favorite films of all time, but this rewatch definitely confirmed my love for it and perhaps even strengthened it.

Indisputable masterpiece.

I rewatched this movie three days ago, and i felt the same way. This movie is truly amazing, very cool and unique.

I didnt like it very much when i saw it for the first time, but i think it is mandatory to watch this movie multiple times.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
For Jaydee: art house films = boring and cruelty to animals, so I really see where he's getting angry at your guys close-mindedness.

And just to check you do realise I was just messing about and having fun with Daniel?

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future

And just to check you do realise I was just messing about and having fun with Daniel?
And just to check you do realize I was just messing about and having fun with JayDee?

I'm standing up for all the people on here who don't think that cinema begins and ends with art house; the people who are more interested in the latest Sylvester Stallone film than the newest offering from Bela Tarr, the people who are more interested in films which feature cats talking and dancing than being tortured. This is a call to arms for all the normal people out there - it's time for the revolution of the simple-minded!

Just a bit ago I finished Filth (2013).
It's really one of those movies that fit my style perfectly, it's a pretty well done dark comedy, with a lot of drama, and just bizarre and interesting. 9.5/10
I generally don't give .5s, but this one I'll let it slide because I think it's definitely one of my new favs, but it's not quite a 10 rating material.

A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)

Oops, that's not the real poster! Hmm.

I know this one was really put down but I thought it was a bit of mindless fun. I only expected chases, gun play and explosions and that's what I got.

Still, I hear they're going to do yet another Die Hard movie. Since they're running out of ideas and should really stop the series, maybe they should name the next one, Die Hard 6: Just Die Already!

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
And just to check you do realize I was just messing about and having fun with JayDee?
Well now I do. That's the only drawback with the internet. There's lots of great stuff (I'm a particular fan of its extensive library of pornography) but a lot of the time you're unsure about people's intended tone

Ah yes Satantango. Was drawing a complete blank. To be fair that's only a single example, I'm not of the impression that every art house film features animal torture. They just all feel like torture to watch!

'' The Bucket List by Rob Reiner ''

wow completely incredible movie about life and dream . These two ''icons'' of acting (Nicholson and Freeman) are amazing in their roles and the ending make me cry for minimum 10 minutes . I recommand it .

''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Finished here. It's been fun.
Sansho the Bailiff

Speechless. A true masterpiece and one of the most perfect films ever. Its perfect.


Kakarot89: The Infamous Thread Killer
Red Dragon - doesn't even come close to SOTL but still pretty decent,enjoyed it a lot.
You should also check out Manhunter. It was the 1980s version of Red Dragon and was made even before SOTL. However, Brian Cox plays Hannibal Lecter, just giving you a heads up.