The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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One could just google parts of the reviews to know the movies before the reveal.
Yeah, but what's the fun in that? One trusts people to, well, not do that
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I like Almost Famous a lot, it's a very entertaining film. The music by the fake band Stillwater, particularly the song ''fever dog'' is quite good, I have it on my iPod haha. Other then that, I have a hard time sometime to understand how they sometime consider this teenager as an adult. Still very entertaining.

I saw Juno once a long time ago and I remember disliking it, but have no memory why.
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Yeah, but what's the fun in that? One trusts people to, well, not do that

It's not just that. Those kinds of reviews could be for practically any movie, making it nearly impossible to guess. I prefer the poems. I've been thinking of clues and poems for movies I think will appear on this list myself.

Forgot to add this: Almost Famous.

I saw the original version. I'll end up comparing it to the bootleg cut later, but I've got other things to watch. Lemme say that even though I would've liked to see more Kate Hudson in this version, it had a lot of spirit. I'm a huge music fan, so seeing people go through all of that old vinyl nearly put me in a state of euphoria. Jason Lee was my favorite performer in this. He's a good actor, but this one came so damn naturally to him! I wasn't ENTIRELY pleased with the ending, but most of the resolved issues worked out fine. I just wish McDormand's character got some more growth.


I had enough time for five movies yesterday. I also got through Goliath Vs. the Vampires, Hellraiser 3, Guy Ritchie's King Arthur (I need to watch Snatch because I'm sure it'll pop up sooner or later), and my favorite of those four: Tank Girl.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's not just that. Those kinds of reviews could be for practically any movie, making it nearly impossible to guess. I prefer the poems. I've been thinking of clues and poems for movies I think will appear on this list myself.
I like the regular clues, maybe Thief can make them a bit harder. It's OK if people sometimes can guess 1 movie correctly, they occasional could guest correctly when Yoda hosted and he did the poetic hints, that's the fun of it.

Eh, there was some talk that the clues on the refresh list were too hard, but virtually every time at least someone guessed right. By definition a reasonable level of difficulty will result in some users finding some too hard, since everyone's different. It's not supposed to be guessable by everyone every time, since the only way to do that is to make it too obvious.

Also, too hard is better than too easy, since at worst it just means there's effectively no clue.

Maybe, but I think posting review clips could effectively count for pretty much any movie that has many similar reviews, which could be thousands upon thousands of movies regardless of the decade "filter" put on the list. I feel like hints that are closer to the themes of the movies make things a little more fun. To me it's like the difference between a challenging Easter egg hunt and a needle in a haystack.

76 points, 7 lists

Danny Boyle, 2007


Cillian Murphy, Rose Byrne, Chris Evans, Michelle Yeoh


77 points, 5 lists

Zack Snyder, 2009


Malin Åkerman, Billy Crudup, Matthew Goode, Jackie Earle Haley


Danny Boyle. Looks like there are two movies I legitimately have to get through today to keep up with exploring directors I'm familiar with instead of trying out new ones all the time.

I've only seen two Danny Boyle films: 28 Days Later and Trainspotting. I wasn't in love with Trainspotting the way most were, but I'm not denying it was a fun, frantic and tense experience. 28 Days Later, however, is my favorite of the two. It made the zombie genre exciting again for the first two acts, even though the third was a little predictable.

As for Snyder, I'm not really into his style, so I haven't explored him very thoroughly. Man of Steel was pretty typical for a superhero movie, but I liked how Superman actually had to deal with a THREAT this time, and it was more human than the average superhero fodder we got in those times. 300 was just Snyder's excuse to jack off over his own directorial style, but it was fun. It reminds me... I need to replay The 300 Spartans. Army of the Dead was a pretty fun zombie movie which had some interesting ideas that were a bit different from usual zombie movies, even though it was essentially in character and plot the same thing as Aliens.

I haven’t seen either one and have no desire to see them.

I’m getting really worried my number 1 isn’t going to show.

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