The Mummy Reboot


Welcome to the human race...
The main thing I take away from this new trailer is that I can still hear that goofy Cruise scream from the last trailer.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The main thing I take away from this new trailer is that I can still hear that goofy Cruise scream from the last trailer.
The Edge of Tomorrow Scream? That was a crack up.

In light of everything going against it (reboot, tom cruise), this doesn't look unwatchable.

I would see it in a, "awww....Guardians is sold out and you've already seen it 3 times anyways, but the Mummy is playing" way.

The most loathsome of all goblins
Well, after making the first two Mummy movies, he made a ton of bad choices including a load of kids' films that felt like they were written by 1980s Disney... then there was that incident at an awards ceremony where he spazzed out which gave him a load of bad press... then The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor put the final nail in his career's coffin.
He also got divorced and ran into some financial trouble. I'm sure the $900,000 a year in alimony didn't help

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
He also got divorced and ran into some financial trouble. I'm sure the $900,000 a year in alimony didn't help
^^^ This.

He was making BANK when that happened. Now he still has to shell out that cash despite not making the same amount. American Justice!!!!!!
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The reviews are in!

...And people hate it. Shocker. The movie didn't look good to me, but I'll probably see it eventually. Definitely not this week, though. Too many things I want to see come out this week.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Vox review:

Probably the best thing that'll come out of this.
Urghhhh. OK, think I'll pass.

I'll be seeing this on Sunday.

I knew it would get awful reviews and I think it looks terrible, but I'll watch anything with Russell Crowe in it.
I can't fault ya there.

However I will stay away. I will stick to Mummy movie with either Brandon Fraiser, Boris Karloff, or Abbott and Costello.

This might just do nobody any good.
I knew it would get awful reviews and I think it looks terrible, but I'll watch anything with Russell Crowe in it.
I know some people who'll see this movie as a guilty pleasure. I don't really get them.

That said, I always loved the heights of ham Crowe reached in Virtuosity. I hope his Mr. Hyde brings some of that back.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I know some people who'll see this movie as a guilty pleasure. I don't really get them.

I'll see it because it looks like popcorn fun. I wont see it as a 'guilty pleasure'. I dont actually know what that means, Saunchy. I've never understood it. If I enjoy it - that's great. If I dont well I'll probably turn it off after 15 minutes. I wont pay to see it in the cinema, though. Will wait for the dvd, or until some kind soul slips me a screener.

I wont see it as a 'guilty pleasure'. I dont actually know what that means.
So you've never watched a movie that you know is poorly made - whether it be bad writing, bad acting, bad direction, terrible set and costume design, bad effects or a combination - but enjoyed it anyway?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
So you've never watched a movie that you know is poorly made - whether it be bad writing, bad acting, bad direction, terrible set and costume design, bad effects or a combination - but enjoyed it anyway?

Sharknado, Bait 3D, The Shallows, but I dont regard them as a guilty pleasure. Guilty pleasure to me is people who watch stuff like The Kardashians and love it but are too embarrassed to say they watch it. I own the crap I watch with pride. Sharknado is the most brilliant film ever mde...even if it's absolute crap. I dont feel the least bit guilty. Guilt is for catholics.

*skips off singing Domenique*

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Oh dear. I don't know who movie psychic is but this is rather unflattering.

I wont see it as a 'guilty pleasure'. I dont actually know what that means.
So you've never watched a movie that you know is poorly made - whether it be bad writing, bad acting, bad direction, terrible set and costume design, bad effects or a combination - but enjoyed it anyway?
It's like you copied the synopsis for Battlefield:Earth

At the very moment when TOM CRUISE was added into the leading hero's cast this movie lost it's real purpose and turned into an action movie.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
At the very moment when TOM CRUISE was added into the leading hero's cast this movie lost it's real purpose and turned into an action movie.
And that's all it is. Popcorn action with some saccharine tossed in. Pretty average, until you get to the orange and teal which is a nightmare.