The Movie Forums Top 100 Comedies Countdown

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Out of the one pointers I have seen:

The Phantom of Liberty
Something's Gotta Give
A Day at the Races
I love You Phillip Morris
Short Cuts
Teen Beach Movie
Ruthless People
Beat the Devil
Artists and Models
Overboard 1987
Free Guy
Boeing, Boeing
Weekend at Bernie's
The Whole Nine Yards
Seven Samurai
Austin Powers in Goldmember

Trouble with a capital "T"
[Boeing, Boeing] I agree, fun movie.
I'd be interested in watching other 1950s-60s comedies or dramas that focused on stewardess or airlines in general like Boeing, Boeing did. Don't ask me why I just think they might be fun.

Out of the one pointers I have seen:

The Phantom of Liberty
Something's Gotta Give
A Day at the Races
I love You Phillip Morris
Short Cuts
Teen Beach Movie
Ruthless People
Beat the Devil
Artists and Models
Overboard 1987
Free Guy
Boeing, Boeing
Weekend at Bernie's
The Whole Nine Yards
Seven Samurai
Austin Powers in Goldmember
Wow! you've seen a lot of them, I'm impressed. I've only seen a poultry few myself

My pick for my one-pointer is Le Grand Amour which I recommended in the Comedy Hall of Fame yet the person I recommended it to dropped out and missed out on this wonderful french comedy. This is a mix of Tati and Woody Allen where a man fantasizing about leaving his wife for his secretary.

You're too smart Yup, ya got it!

Fun movie too, but I doubt many have seen it.
I had that gut feeling it was this movie, I might of seen you mention it somewhere or something. Unfortunately I have not seen that movie yet.
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The Impostors was my one-pointer. It is a strangely overlooked gem: an absolutely loaded cast and an homage to all sorts of classic comedy, but with a modern edge to it that really bites. It's one of the most quotable films I've ever seen, and yet I've never heard a stranger quote it.

Sometimes a great movie just falls through the cracks. This is such a movie.

Here's my review of it (
) from way back in 2007, and here's an excerpt:

Tucci plays a struggling actor named Arthur, and lives with another struggling actor named Maurice (Oliver Platt). Neither of them are all that good; everything they do resembles a caricature, and it's always unintentional. Still, they love their craft, and seem to think of nothing else, except for maybe where their next meal is coming from. Naturally they combine the two, and in the earlygoing try to use their acting to con a local baker out of some pastries in one of the film's most hysterical sequences.

Long story short, they anger a more accomplished actor and find themselves as stowaways on a ship (The titlecard when they learn of this is: "An Ocean Liner?!"). To avoid detection they disguise themselves as baggage handlers. On this ship, we meet the rest of the cast, all of whom get to ham it up in roles well within their considerable talents. They don't just chew on the scenery; they swallow it whole.

Besides Knick Knack, I've seen these:

Pink Flamingos
I love You Phillip Morris
Ruthless People
Overboard 1987
Weekend at Bernie's
The Whole Nine Yards
Seven Samurai
Austin Powers in Goldmember

I thought Megamind was kind of mediocre. I'm not sure I really know what to make of Rejected, or of Hertzfeldt's work in general. Pink Flamingos is a turd of movie. I only vaguely remember I Love You Phillip Morris, Ruthless People, and The Whole Nine Yards. Overboard and Weekend at Bernie's were childhood favorites, but were never in consideration for me. I recall Goldmember being decent and, while Seven Samurai is a great movie, I suspect its inclusion here was the result of someone trolling the list.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I had that gut feeling it was this movie, I might of seen you mention it somewhere or something. Unfortunately I have not seen that movie yet.
I mentioned it in my Spam my Comedy Ballot thread which was my prep thread for this countdown and a fun way to help promote this countdown. This is what I wrote about Boeing, Boeing

Boeing, Boeing (1965)

Yahoo! I loved this movie. It was funny and for once I even liked Jerry Lewis as his performance was way more restrained, sort of like he did in The King of Comedy. Tony Curtis is an actor I like the more I see of him and this was a good role for him too. Of course Thelma Ritter had all the best lines and with her sarcastic quips she stole the proverbial show.

I equally enjoyed all three actresses who played the three different stewardess. It was unique for a movie to cast a French, a German and a British actress to play women from those countries. I guess that's why their accents sounded so authentic. Enjoyable movie.

@ Captain Steel thanks for the recommendation.

Yayy, finally! Looking forward to this.
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I mentioned it in my Spam my Comedy Ballot thread which was my prep thread for this countdown and a fun way to help promote this countdown. This is what I wrote about Boeing, Boeing
That's probably where I saw it, I remember viewing that thread

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's probably where I saw it, I remember viewing that thread
Yeah probably. I remember you made me a comedy suggestion or two in that thread. I wish I could've watch all the comedies people suggested I just didn't have the time, but a big thanks!

La Guagua Aerea (1993) was my one pointer. I was sure nobody would get that one or probably even heard of it. It's a Puerto Rican film set in the 1960s and follows an assorted group of Puerto Ricans that are traveling to New York for different reasons. The title, which can be translated to "The Air Bus" or "The Air Wagon", is a play on how the trip is treated by them not with the "formality" of a plane trip, but with the casualness of a trip in a public bus. The basis comes from actual massive migrations of Puerto Ricans that occurred during the 1950s and 1960s to the US, particularly New York, because of political and economical reasons while looking for the "American Dream".

I'm really not sure how this film would play to someone from another country, since it is so full of our little quirks and idiosyncrasies, most of which would either get lost in translation or go over the head of a foreigner. Things like clapping when the plane lands, or bringing a huge pot of rice to eat in the plane, especially after tasting the awful airplane food, and then sharing it with others, or bring a bag of live crabs for a relative in the States. But in the middle of all that quirkiness and comedy, there's a strong commentary of how our socio-political situation as a territory of the United States makes us feel sometimes trapped, inferior, or ashamed of our culture, but also how we cherish and enjoy the company of others.

I forgot the opening line.
42 one-pointers?????

Mine was :

A magical, funny romp from Robert Altman which features Bud Cort's only ever "other" lead role before he disappeared for years into obscurity. It's actually a really great movie about a man who is destined to fly like a bird with the help of a mysterious contraption. Actually, it's kind of a crazy movie - but that's why I love it.

I've seen : The Phantom of Liberty, Paul, The Toy, Meet the Fockers, Pink Flamingos, Artists and Models, Free Guy, Weekend at Bernie's and Seven Samurai. Okay. I'm sure when I go through this thread properly now there will be an explanation as to why Seven Samurai is here.

Also - although one-pointers are meant to be obscure, I was sure I would have seen more considering there were 42 of them.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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One Pointers:

The Phantom of Liberty
Something's Gotta Give
Red Rocket
Club Dread
Night of Something Strange
The Fate of the Furious
Knick Knack
The Toy
Mother, Jugs and Speed
A Day at the Races
American Babylon
La guagua aerea
Meet the Fockers
Pink Flamingos
I love You Phillip Morris
Short Cuts
Le Grand Amour
The Imposters
The Grass is Greener
Teen Beach Movie
Ruthless People
Living in Oblivion
Beat the Devil
Artists and Models
Overboard 1987
Free Guy
Boeing, Boeing
Weekend at Bernie's
The Whole Nine Yards
Heavy Trip
Scary Movie 4
Seven Samurai
Austin Powers in Goldmember
Brewster McCloud

Yup, one of those was my 1 pointer...and it wasn't Beat the Devil, A Day at the Races or Artists and Models. Though I do watch a LOT of old moives...any guesses as to which is mine?
I was surprised to see The Fate of the Furious there, but I really can't fault anyone for labeling it as a comedy. That film is crazy. But did someone actually vote for Seven Samurai?

Anyway, there are only a few of these I've seen and most of them, it's been a long time (Weekend at Bernie's, Overboard, Ruthless People).

Victim of The Night
The Impostors was my one-pointer. It is a strangely overlooked gem: an absolutely loaded cast and an homage to all sorts of classic comedy, but with a modern edge to it that really bites. It's one of the most quotable films I've ever seen, and yet I've never heard a stranger quote it.

Sometimes a great movie just falls through the cracks. This is such a movie.

Here's my review of it (
) from way back in 2007, and here's an excerpt:

I liked this one a good bit.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm pleasantly surprised that my one-pointer didn't make the list. I doubt it will make the countdown, but it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who voted for it, and I'm looking forward to finding out who else loves this movie.

I've seen 18 of the one-pointers.

Paul - This was one of the first few movies that I watched for this countdown, and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

Knick Knack - I love this, and I might have included it on my list if I had included some shorts.

A Day at the Races - I strongly considered this movie for my list, but it just didn't make my final list.

Megamind - This was a pretty good movie that was much better than I expected it to be, (but to be honest, my expectations weren't very high).

The Grass is Greener - This is a great movie, but it was just pushed off my list by better movies.

Artists and Models - This is one of the few Martin & Lewis movies that I liked.

Free Guy - I watched this for the countdown, and I liked it a lot, but I never really considered it for my list.

Boeing, Boeing - This is a fun movie. I'm glad to see it get some recognition here.

Weekend at Bernie's - This is a fun movie that I'm surprised didn't get more votes.

Seven Samurai - Add me to the list of people who don't consider this movie a comedy, but I guess that's why it's only a 1-pointer.

The rest of these movies I saw so long ago that I don't remember much about them:

Something's Gotta Give
The Toy
Mother, Jugs and Speed
Meet the Fockers
Ruthless People
Beat the Devil
Overboard 1987
The Whole Nine Yards
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Welcome to the human race...
The Phantom of Liberty
Something's Gotta Give
Red Rocket
Club Dread
The Fate of the Furious
A Day at the Races
Meet the Fockers
Pink Flamingos
Beat the Devil
Overboard 1987
Free Guy
Seven Samurai
Austin Powers in Goldmember
These are the one-pointers that I've seen. At least two of them would crack a "worst 100" movies list of mine and at least a couple more wouldn't be far behind in that regard. Gotta give respect to the less obvious choices like Seven Samurai and Stroszek - would definitely debate how much the former should qualify as a comedy (though that bit with the branch-swinging early on would be a stand-out moment no matter what) but the latter definitely qualifies even in a bleakly European fashion.

My one-pointer was Dolemite, a zero-budget blaxploitation picture that cuts a furious rug on the fine line between being intentionally and unintentionally funny. Ostensibly a film about the eponymous kung-fu pimp getting revenge on the people who framed him, it's one very loose film with all manner of tangible incompetence (shaky camerawork and visible boom mics galore) but I'd still count it as a straight comedy precisely because so much of it is about comedian-turned-actor Rudy Ray Moore funneling his stage persona into an action-comedy role where the quips come fast and the film even stops dead multiple times just for him to do routines. Not all of it works, but it remains an unforgettable experience.

I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
As I've posted in the other thread, my #25 is a popular post-2000 film and expectedly didn't show in the one-pointers. It has good probability to make top 100.

I've seen only four of the one-pointers:

Meet the Fockers (2004), seen it couple of times on television. A bit overdone movie of lower tier than its prequel.


Something's Gotta Give (2003) - pleasant romantic-comedy, pretty watchable and entertaining. A typical well polished product featuring big stars. Works great for attracting huge audience. Earned more than $150 millions above its budget, including my ticket too.
Saw it back then in the theatre and couple more times later on the television. Nice but I didn't consider it for this game. Quite probably to be on my top 100 comedy though, #88 to say.


• The last two I've seen - Short Cuts and Seven Samurai - both great but I'm puzzled too about their appearance here.

May this be some animated parody of Kurosawa's work?
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Every chance I get to sneak a little F&F into the MoFo family… I do it.

So yeah, The Fate of the Furious was of course my one-pointer.

Simultaneously the most dead serious and downright hilarious entry in the Fast-franchise. These films are so drenched in cheese and is the closest to 80s action flicks I’ve seen in a long time. Filled with one-liners, insults and stupid machoism. It’s an art form, really.

Of the 42 one-pointers I've only seen:
Knick Knack
(literally watched just now, thanks for the link)
A Day at the Races
Weekend at Bernie's
Seven Samurai
(like many I wouldn't deem it a comedy)
Ruthless People
The Whole Nine Yards
Something's Gotta Give
What even is American Babylon - a documentary that literally nobody has rated on IMDb or a documentary that's apparently not even been made yet? Or am I missing something obvious?

Night of Something Strange looks like it may well be my kind of jam though.