The MoFo Top 100 Animated Films - The Countdown

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Lilo & Stitch was my #18. I not only connect with Lilo, but also her older sister as I have had to care for my siblings in such a way once upon a time. Also the family line always gives me a lump in my throat. I can't believe no one has mentioned the cross dressing alien yet!

Ponyo is probably my least favorite of Studio Ghibli (though I still have a few that I need to watch *cough* The Wind Rises *cough*). Having said that it is still pretty cute.

The Emperor's New Groove is insanely rewatchable for me. I didn't vote for it, but I do love it. Did anyone else play the video game? Great stuff. Sometimes I think it'd be easier to learn Squirrel than Russian.

Lady & the Tramp is not a favorite Disney of mine. The Siamese cat song was probably the high point for me, but I just have never loved this movie.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I love Lady and the Tramp, but I just couldn't fit all of my favorite Disney films on my list with room for other movies too, so sadly, it got cut. But I love it so much that I bought a statue of the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti scene.

I've seen both David Spade and Patrick Warburton in movies and TV shows, and I find both of them very annoying, however having said that, I thought The Emperor's New Groove was hysterical. Again, I just couldn't find a spot for it on my list, but I'm glad to see that it made the list anyway.

I love Lady and the Tramp, but I just couldn't fit all of my favorite Disney films on my list with room for other movies too, so sadly, it got cut. But I love it so much that I bought a statue of the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti scene.

I've seen both David Spade and Patrick Warburton in movies and TV shows, and I find both of them very annoying, however having said that, I thought The Emperor's New Groove was hysterical. Again, I just couldn't find a spot for it on my list, but I'm glad to see that it made the list anyway.
I'm now officially your fan.

18. The Lady and Tramp

I watched it a month ago or so, it didn't have the same magical effect as it did when I was little, but it will always be one of my favorites, it's beautiful and charming.
.Royal purple is noblest shroud.
Theodora Empress of the Byzantine Empire

Ah, Lady and the Tramp... What a deliciously charming, warm and nostalgic film that is! I had it at #16, but it could've easily been higher. It's of course a childhood favorite, but I've seen it as an adult too and it's one of those films that stay relevant and interesting.

I've always had a special affection for this film. The reason for that is probably because the film has such an old-fashioned, magical and still realistic atmosphere. The perspective of a dog on family life and suburbia in the '50s simply is an idea that really works for me. The sense of "wonder" that this innocent perspective brings to the story is ultimately what makes it such a brilliant film, I think. Every moment has an additional charge to it that (for the most part) doesn't exist in films that center on human beings (especially modern films, which always try to be as self-conscious as possible).

The film also doesn't shy away from darkness. It seriously contains some very thrilling and sad moments that today's animation pictures mostly seem to avoid. The fact that these fearful moments are grounded in reality, makes them even more disturbing.

As I said before though, it's the overall mood of the film that makes it such a rewatchable and rewarding experience. The music is absolutely fantastic and the seemingly perfect environment of nice houses, beautiful gardens, large parks by moonlight and the back alley of an Italian restaurant gives the film a very romantic feeling, while also making the dark threats that approach this wonderful world feel even more effective and problematic.

The film also has a very playful tone at times, of course (especially through the character of the Tramp). Here's a funny scene, for instance:

Here's also an example of that inherent "wonder" that's such an important aspect of this film (and look at how beautifully old-fashioned the chambers were decorated back then):

The use of sound is absolutely remarkable. This is truly a great film. One that I'll definitely show to my kids if I ever have any someday...


I also like The Emperor's New Groove. It's one of those funny, enjoyable Disney films that make you laugh at the exact same moments everytime you watch it. The eccentric characters, the weird take on a classic storyline and the situational (and often unexpected) humor make for a very cool film experience!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I didn't vote for Lady and the Tramp because I haven't seen it in a long time. I only voted for 4 childhood favorites. If I had seen many of them recently, it probably would've been about double that.

I never considered watching The Emperor's New Groove because I didn't know it was that popular.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I just looked at my list and I did vote for Lilo & Stitch. I thought that I had cut that one, but apparently not. Stitch always reminded me of my dog Boo that died last year.

82. Lilo & Stitch

Very good, enjoyable film with a great sense of humour and strong emotional center about family life, any pet lover will surely love this. I probably saw it loads of times when I was younger and my younger sister has probably watched it loads too. Didn't vote for it, but a good film.

81. Ponyo

One of the few Miyazaki that I haven't seen yet, think I'd like it.

80. The Emperor's New Groove

Good, pretty funny and I enjoyed it when I was younger, never loved it though.

79. Lady and the Tramp

Pretty much the same here, although it's been ages since I saw it so I would maybe appreciate it more now.

78. A Charlie Brown Christmas - Voting Stats

Total Points: 68
Part of a Numeric Tie? No.
4 Votes: 1st Place (25 pts.), Two 6th Place (20 pts. each), 23rd Place (3 pts.)

* * *

77. Allegro Non Troppo - Bolero/Evolution - Voting Stats

Total Points: 72
Part of a Numeric Tie? No.
5 Votes: Two 5th Place (21 pts. each), 11th Place (15 pts.), 16th place (10 pts.), 21st Place (5 pts.)
Special Note: The feature film Allegro Non Troppo is about 50% live action and was therefore ruled a hybrid and disqualified for the purposes of the countdown. However, the film itself is a collection of animated shorts set to classical music - much like the more familiar Fantasia from Disney. This particular piece, set to Ravel's "Bolero," was chosen by the voters to represent the film.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I absolutely love Charlie Brown Christmas. I guess I felt if I started including these less cinematic shorts that I would drive myself crazy. So none of those types of animation made my list.

I have, of course, seen A Charlie Brown Christmas several times in my life but I've never been a Peanuts fan and I haven't watched any of the specials in a very long time. I didn't vote for any of them.

Allegro Non Troppo, the feature, is a really beautiful but also quite funny film that I recommend to any fan of animation. I really struggled with the decision of whether or not to allow it in the countdown and I think this was a good compromise. I was not one of the voters for this piece, but I agree that it is the best of the film's shorts.

Give it a watch here:

Lord High Filmquisitor
I wonder how many more Christmas specials will show up on this list. While I certainly like A Charlie Brown Christmas, it is one of my least favorite Christmas specials out there with poor quality voice work, stagey production and overall dully told story (although it works as a whole, and is generally enjoyable). I would hope that a few others would make it in hiher than this particular one.

I have not seen Allegro Non Tropo, but I will have to now. I grew up in a band family and have played the saxophone (first alto, then tenor) in school bands, jazz bands, marching bands and pep bands since I was in sixth grade. Anything described as "a gorgeous send-up of Fantasia" is at least worth a look in my book.
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Lord High Filmquisitor
So I just watched the link that you provided, Miss Vicky. That was absolutely amazing. Although it started off a bit slow and meandering to my taste, kt very rapidly transitioned into breathtaking. I am definitely making the larger film a priority to watch.