The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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1. Heat
2. Andrei Rublev
4. Akira
7. Once Upon A Time in the West
11. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
15. The Tree of Life
17. Enter the Dragon
22. Schindler's List

Both are great films, but neither made my ballot.

12 Angry Men is one of the first classic films I fell in love with. When I was new to film, I occasionally struggled with slow pacing and, with the exception of 2001: A Space Odyssey, had some difficulty with getting into older films, but that was before I watched this film. I was pretty blown away by how many wonders it was able to work in the one room it largely took place in (acting and suspense, mainly). It initially landed in my top 5. Though it has declined quite a bit to the point it didn't make my list, I still consider it to be a great film and a strong entry point to classic film.

On the other hand, my reputation with The Shining was the exact opposite. I initially had a few issues with it and it took me some time to warm up to it, but nowadays, I consider it to be great and among Kubrick's best films. And, by best films, that means they're among the best films of all time. I consider it to be top-tier claustrophobia. It works so many wonders with its atmospheric hotel that I don't think there's a single frame in the film where you don't feel at least a bit of suspense. And this distinction is important and impressive for any horror film to have. However, I went with 3 other Kubrick films for my ballot. A Clockwork Orange which has already made this list, one which will surely make this list later on, and one which probably wont make it, sadly.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Two really good films there that were not on my ballot but I'm glad to see here.

Got to say I'm starting to think Inception won't make it now. Austruck has jinxed it

rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User
Both are great films, but neither made my ballot.

12 Angry Men is one of the first classic films I fell in love with. When I was new to film, I occasionally struggled with slow pacing and, with the exception of 2001: A Space Odyssey, had some difficulty with getting into older films, but that was before I watched this film. I was pretty blown away by how many wonders it was able to work in the one room it largely took place in (acting and suspense, mainly). It initially landed in my top 5. Though it has declined quite a bit to the point it didn't make my list, I still consider it to be a great film and a strong entry point to classic film.

On the other hand, my reputation with The Shining was the exact opposite. I initially had a few issues with it and it took me some time to warm up to it, but nowadays, I consider it to be great and among Kubrick's best films. And, by best films, that means they're among the best films of all time. I consider it to be top-tier claustrophobia. It works so many wonders with its atmospheric hotel that I don't think there's a single frame in the film where you don't feel at least a bit of suspense. And this distinction is important and impressive for any horror film to have. However, I went with 3 other Kubrick films for my ballot. A Clockwork Orange which has already made this list, one which will surely make this list later on, and one which probably wont make it, sadly.
I have to say, I find it a bit puzzling that you struggled with slow pacing with the exception of 2001! I've never seen a more slowly paced movie in my life.

I have to say, I find it a bit puzzling that you struggled with slow pacing with the exception of 2001! I've never seen a more slowly paced movie in my life.
When I first watched it start to finish, I had seen chunks of it a couple times in the past as my Dad is a huge fan of the film. Though I only remembered the opening act and everything from the HAL sequence to the ending, I remember my Dad telling me a brief explanation of what the film meant a couple times. This and coupled with the fact that I was drawn to surrealism back then was why I think I responded so well to the film.

The Adventure Starts Here!
One of the (many) reasons I love 12 Angry Men is that, during my first jury experience here in Pittsburgh, I *was* Juror #8. I learned quite a lot about the legal system through that experience, especially that I never want to be on trial opposite a jury of my peers.

TL; DR: On the third day of deliberations, with me having been the lone juror calling for a guilty verdict, one by one the other eleven folks came around to my way of thinking. It was grueling. But I stood my ground, stayed calm, and answered question after question about my reasoning.

So, this movie has always felt incredibly realistic to me, and way too plausible. Add on the amazing cast and acting, the tension created simply by the words and actions set in one small, unadorned room, and you've got a classic well worth rewatching.

rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User
When I first watched it start to finish, I had seen chunks of it a couple times in the past as my Dad is a huge fan of the film. Though I only remembered the opening act and everything from the HAL sequence to the ending, I remember my Dad telling me a brief explanation of what the film meant a couple times. This and coupled with the fact that I was drawn to surrealism back then was why I think I responded so well to the film.
Fascinating. Those are definitely the most watchable parts! But I think the slow stuff in the middle is about as unsurreal as you can get - showing the true mundanity of space travel, which is an amazing achievement if bordeline unwatchable at points. Don't get me wrong, 2001 is a staggering film. Practically every shot could be stilled and put in a museum.

My Popcorn Ratings for the list - 100 - 50  

My Popcorn Ratings for the list - 49-21  
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Fascinating. Those are definitely the most watchable parts! But I think the slow stuff in the middle is about as unsurreal as you can get - showing the true mundanity of space travel, which is an amazing achievement if bordeline unwatchable at points. Don't get me wrong, 2001 is a staggering film. Practically every shot could be stilled and put in a museum.
At the time, I forget if I blocked those parts out or mainly remembered the scenes set to the soundtrack, but I remember being entertained by them as well. Nowadays, I don't have any issues with the pacing. I find the sensory experience of the film which persists from beginning to end to be fantastic.

Absolutely loved 12 Angry Men when I first saw it a long time ago. It totally lived up to my expectations and didn’t wobble at all in its one-location setup... Great script, great acting and I was engaged throughout. Definitely due for a rewatch though, but I’m also a little scared to revisit it. Anyways, it wasn’t on my list because I didn’t wanna put anything on there I had only seen once...

The Shining topped my horror list and it’s still probably my favorite horror film. In general, it’s just a damn great film. Kubrick is certainly one of my directors and this one is very high on my Kubrick-listing, for sure. So yes, of course it was on my list.

rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User
At the time, I forget if I blocked those parts out or mainly remembered the scenes set to the soundtrack, but I remember being entertained by them as well. Nowadays, I don't have any issues with the pacing. I find the sensory experience of the film which persists from beginning to end to be fantastic.
I do too, but it is hard to watch those parts and stay awake IMO. I watched a theater screening last year and half the theater were snoring during that section LOL

I do too, but it is hard to watch those parts and stay awake IMO. I watched a theater screening last year and half the theater were snoring during that section LOL
Yeah, as great as it is, it does run at an incredibly slow pace. I'm just use to slow pacing at this point, so I don't mind it at all.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm not a fan of 12 Angry Men. I'm probably the only MoFo who dislikes it, though there use to be another here who felt the same about it. I reviewed it if anyone is interested in reading it.

The Shining, I think I prefer the remake 1997 miniseries over the original Kubrick film. Though Kubrick has one helluva scary Shelley Duvall that makes the film memorable. Oh and Jack is pretty fun-great too.

I'm not a fan of 12 Angry Men. I'm probably the only MoFo who dislikes it, though there use to be another here who felt the same about it. I reviewed it if anyone is interested in reading it.

The Shining, I think I prefer the remake 1997 miniseries over the original Kubrick film. Though Kubrick has one helluva scary Shelley Duvall that makes the film memorable. Oh and Jack is pretty fun-great too.
I'm not a fan of 12 Angry Men either, I can't stand movies where people stay in this one spot and just talk and talk the whole movie.

100. Brazil (69 points)

99. Suspiria (70 points) N.W.
98. Cabaret (71 points) N.W.
97. Enter the Dragon (71points)

96. The Searchers (71 points)

95. Ikiru (72 points)
++ (my list)
94. Her (73 points)

93. Braveheart (73 points)

92. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (74 points)

91. Rosemary's Baby (75 points) N.W.
90. Harold and Maude (75 points)

89. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (75 points)

88. Akira (76 points)

87. Toy Story (76 points)

86. Dazed and Confused (77 points) N.W.
85. To Kill a Mockingbird (77 points)

84. The Apartment (77 points)

83. Saving Private Ryan (77 points)

So far excellent list. I should watch the ones I haven't.
82. 8 ½ (77 points)

81. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (78 points)

80. West Side Story (79 points) NW
79. American Beauty (79 points)

78. Star Wars: A New Hope (79 points)

77. Young Frankestein (80 points) NW
76. Stand By Me (81 points)

75. Paris, Texas (82 points) NW
74. Magnolia (83 points)

73. Metropolis (83 points)

72. A Woman Under the Influence (85 points) NW
71. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (85 points)

70. Heat (86 points)

69. American History X (89 points)

68. Pan's Labyrinth (89 points)

67. Andrei Rublev (91 points)

66. Mulholland Drive (91 points)

65. Forrest Gump (94 points)

64. Singin' in the Rain (94 points)

63. Die Hard (94 points)

62. The Tree of Life (95 points)
(the most pretentious movie ever IMO)
61. City of God (95 points)

60. There Will Be Blood (96 points)

59. Rocky (97 points)

58. The Night of the Hunter (104 points)

57. North by Northwest (106 points)

56. The Terminator (107 points)

55. Gone With the Wind (109 points) NW
54. Come and See (109 points)
(movie suffers from logical contradiction in they way it delivers its message)
53. Sunset Boulevard (111 points)

52. Fight Club (112 points)

51. No Country for Old Men (113 points)

50. Amadeus (114 points)

49. Raging Bull (115 points)
(used to be more harsh to it)
48. The Third Man (115 points)

47. The Exorcist (117 points) NW
46. The Silence of the Lambs (118 points)

45. Persona (120 points)

44. Halloween (127 points) NW
43. Unforgiven (127 points)

42. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (129 points)

41. Schindler's List (129 points)

40. Rear Window (129 points)

39. Spirited Away (130 points)
38. It's A Wonderful Life (132 points)

37. Aliens (139 points)

36. The Wizard of Oz (143 points) NW
35. The Godfather: Part II (145 points)

34. Back to the Future (147 points)

33. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (149 points)

32. A Clockwork Orange (150 points)

31. Once Upon a Time in the West (154 points)

30. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (159 points)

29. Se7en (160 points)

28. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (164 points)

27. Psycho (168 points)

26. Seven Samurai (177 points)

25. Stalker (178 points)

24. The Matrix (178 points)

23. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (181 points)

22. 12 Angry Men (183 points)

21. The Shining (183 points)

this list just needed more Miyazaki movies and Grave of the Fireflies to be perfect, IMO

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm not a fan of 12 Angry Men either, I can't stand movies where people stay in this one spot and just talk and talk the whole movie.
Actually I enjoy films that stay in just one spot and study the people through dialogue and interaction. So that's not my reason for disliking it.

Actually I enjoy films that stay in just one spot and study the people through dialogue and interaction. So that's not my reason for disliking it.
What was the reason why you didn't like it?