President Trump


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Seems to me the mistake here is the same one people made during the campaign: if I hate X, then the enemy of X is my friend. But that's not how it works. The media being bad doesn't mean literally anyone laying into the media is good. Just like not being Hillary Clinton doesn't magically transform you into an acceptable candidate.

Here's a thought: have actual principles about what's good and bad, and why. Consider them seriously. Then, judge people against them. Thus, if lying is bad, it's bad when the media does it, and it's bad when Trump does it, and you can hold those two views simultaneously, rather than just deciding which you hate more and then looking the other way on everything else.
Any chance everyone that exists on Facebook and Twitter will read this and take it to heart.

I think it depends on what you mean.

He clearly can't be defended in the sense of "this is an honest man" or "this is a competent/knowledgable man." But he can be defended in a more general way, IE: "the system is irrevocably broken and he is the least bad/only way to change the status quo." I don't agree with that, but it's a potentially reasonable position.

But, as we've often seen, a lot of people, rather than take this nuanced view, just sort of lean into the hate by never conceding anything and/or trying to convince us that he's some hyper-competent man of the people, despite rampant evidence to the contrary on both counts.

Here's a guy our Commander-in-Chief thinks highly of,

Happy President's Day!

Coming to similar conclusions != thinking alike. In fact, if you look over the last few posts, you'll see people thinking about all this in very different ways.

But you wouldn't be suggesting this was a problem if we all loved him, anyway, so it's not really a good faith claim to begin with.

Coming to similar conclusions != thinking alike. In fact, if you look over the last few posts, you'll see people thinking about all this in very different ways.

But you wouldn't be suggesting this was a problem if we all loved him, anyway, so it's not really a good faith claim to begin with.
Actually, really, I might not have ever grown to love Trump as much as I did, if this forum hadn't been so deadset against allowing anything constructive about him to stand, I mean, he is our President, after all

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Imagine if Patton didn't have his accident in 1945 and went on to become US President.

Here's a guy our Commander-in-Chief thinks highly of,

Happy President's Day!
Yes, because when everybody is agreeing and happy, there's something horribly wrong. (Sarcasm Mode Activated).
Patton was also a man that believed he had been reincarnated multiple times, and had seen battle in Ancient Rome. While he may have been a military genius, that doesn't mean he should be a hero figure for a President to admire. People like Ameila Earhart, Albert Einstein, Gandhi, MLK, and JFK should be inspirational figures to those in power, people who led others in peace. Men and women who pushed boundaries and limits, not by pissing others off, but by daring to use their heads and open their hearts to do incredible tasks nobody thought was possible. Yes, Patton was a tremendous general, but a President shouldn't aspire to be like someone who was a military leader. They should understand the value of being a level-headed individual that doesn't shoot first and ask questions later. Life is too short to get made at everyone and declare war on the first person that doesn't like you. History remembers the ones people loved and were inspired by, and the ones people feared and despised. Which one will Trump be?

We've gone on holiday by mistake

Trump said the media was the opposition party, his enemy, and later the enemy of the American people, and you're right there cheering him on from the sidelines. That's not a nuanced critique of the media, that's an attempt to delegitimize it. When you say, "Of course I understand the need for a free press" you don't sound very convincing.

And for the record, Trump doesn't have the support of even the voters, let alone the American people. He lost the popular vote against the worse possible candidate the Democratic party could have put up against him and his approval ratings are historically low. Even Fox's polls show that.

But hey, if you want to live in a fantasy world, unencumbered by facts, reality, or any opposition, so be it. But the free press isn't going to roll over for you, or for Trump.
Does America even have a free press? or a controlled corporate press controlled by 6 mega companies. Something like 90% of western media is in the hands of these mega companies, so don't tell me its a fair and balanced media, a bastion of truth and justice acting as a counter weight against corruption.

Does America even have a free press? or a controlled corporate press controlled by 6 mega companies. Something like 90% of western media is in the hands of these mega companies, so don't tell me its a fair and balanced media, a bastion of truth and justice acting as a counter weight against corruption.
I thought conservatives liked big corporations. Now you don't?

First of all, the CEO's don't get to decide what journalists report on (unless we're talking about Fox here, which has a history of doing this). Not everybody is as controlling and morally corrupt as Trump and Co. Secondly, the media is not perfect; we all know this. But declaring war on the media because "it's not fair" and "Trump's getting bad coverage" is the political equivalent of crying and pouting over your diapers being uncomfortable. "Does America even have a free press?" Give me a break. Go get your rattle and pacifier.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Sure, journalists can report whatever they like through the layers of sub editors, editors, management and ownership.

Does America even have a free press? or a controlled corporate press controlled by 6 mega companies. Something like 90% of western media is in the hands of these mega companies, so don't tell me its a fair and balanced media, a bastion of truth and justice acting as a counter weight against corruption.
Here's the definition of "free press":

a body of book publishers, news media, etc., not controlled or restricted by government censorship in political or ideological matters.
So, yes, we have a free press. You can complain about mega corporations, the nature of the 24-hour news cycle, the choices made in regards to what stories are featured, how they're covered, and of course you can complain about individual news entities, but all of that is besides the point. When Trump praises The National Enquirer because they are obscenely and absurdly pro-Trump, despite the fact they are pure fiction, and then denounces The New York Times, one of the most respected newspapers in the world, then we can all see what his agenda is.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

I hope everyone enjoyed Not My Presidents Day

Contradicting Trump on Russia: Russian Officials

For-Profit Schools, an Obama Target, See New Day Under Trump

In Trump's future looms a familiar shutdown threat

Saw this just now and I had to share it
that's a good un!
CiCi we've had several in Bristol including this one on a pub near me

and this freaky pre referendum one

Actually, really, I might not have ever grown to love Trump as much as I did, if this forum hadn't been so deadset against allowing anything constructive about him to stand, I mean, he is our President, after all
We didn't "allow" it to stand in the same way a house of cards isn't "allowed" to stand when a gust of wind comes along. It didn't stand even under its own weight.

That's what happens, though, if you form your opinions based on what other people hate, rather than on a coherent sent of principles. This stuff matters.

Registered User
I will say this much: I've never been a political person. I don't identify myself as any "party" and I've had members of all parties (including liberals) angry with me when expressing my opinions. I guess I'm "neutral" or "independent" or whatever.

Ever since Trump was elected, I started, for the first time, to post about politics online. That's unlike me. I simply don't do that. Ever. I HATE political discussions and I've NEVER posted about them on the internet. Trump changed that. He turned my head. He turned all of our heads, for good or ill.

To say that I dislike him doesn't even properly describe my feelings regarding him. The man repulses me. Deeply. In a myriad of ways. I think I literally hate everything about him: his attitude, his politics, his voice, his face, personality--all of it. Tenfold.

Since this is a thread and I have all the time in the world to hash out WHY I don't like this man, I'll only cover a few basic reasons here for now.

First of all--regardless of his politics, this man inspires racism. Whether he intends to or not, that's what he inspires. And let's please leave Obama out of this. Yes, he inspired racism as well, but I want to keep this subject on Trump because...that's the subject.

The KKK loves Trump. Since he's taken office, racists all over the country are "coming out of the closet" and he's literally going in the extreme opposite direction of Obama and causing one faction of racists (KKK) to "rise back up" against the other faction of racists (BLM). He's literally taking us from one problem (Uber Political Correctness) to yet another (Uber Political Incorrectness) and all it's doing is fueling racism and endless issues.

My wife is a LEGAL immigrant from Asia. Green card holding permanent resident who just applied for her US citizenship.

Since Trump became president, we've been getting dirty looks from people in public and someone even saying: "I hope your bags are packed!"

THIS is what he inspires. Regardless of INTENTIONS, THIS is what his politics inspire. For the first time in my 32 years of life, a presidency has me afraid--for my life and for my wife's life. That's part of the reason she applied for her citizenship, in fact--with his controversial stance on immigration, we are too afraid of what he may do to other immigrants. We were always going to go down the citizenship path for her but we expedited the process once Trump was elected.

Some may call it paranoia but, unless your spouse is an immigrant, you canNOT understand the anxiety of laying in bed at night, wondering if your spouse will one day be pulled from your arms. It's a fear that a person should never have to feel.

Anyway, that aspect is only one of a myriad of reasons why I hate Trump. I hope this lunatic burns himself out and is booted/impeached/whatever and I hope it is soon.