The Resident Bitch's Movie Log

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Interesting. I know a bit about Turing but i was never interested in seeing this or The Theory of Everything from the same year. Bit more open to it now, i do like Cumberbatch at least

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Interesting. I know a bit about Turing but i was never interested in seeing this or The Theory of Everything from the same year. Bit more open to it now, i do like Cumberbatch at least
I likedThe Theory Of Everything much much less.

Interesting. I know a bit about Turing but i was never interested in seeing this or The Theory of Everything from the same year. Bit more open to it now, i do like Cumberbatch at least
It reminded me a lot of A Beautiful Mind, which I also really enjoy.

Dances With Wolves (Kevin Costner, 1990)

Date Watched: 5/21/16
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: Have decided to rewatch old favorites in preparation for a new personal top 100
Rewatch: Yes

Long before I'd ever heard the name Joaquin Phoenix, I was a fan of Kevin Costner and Dances With Wolves was a huge reason why. The best word that I can use to describe this film is breathtaking. The sweeping landscapes, gorgeous cinematography, the costumes, all of it. Just beautiful. On top of that, you've got a story and a group of characters - both human and animal - that really pull you in. It views like a love letter to the old frontier and to the native peoples that inhabited it.

I've hesitated to rewatch this film for a very long while due to its three hour run time, but I really didn't feel the length. I wasn't checking the clock or finding my mind wander at all. I was completely engrossed in it from start to finish. It's a shame I've put off revisiting this for so long. It's an incredibly moving experience.

Wolves is excellent . I much prefer Goodfellas but i've never been that bothered with it missing out on the Best Picture award because i like Dances With Wolves so much. Really underrated film.

Well worthy of a 5/5 rating. I love Dances with Wolves, I don't get why so many people dislike it?
I don't get it, either. Maybe just bitterness about it winning Best Picture over Goodfellas?

I think Goodfellas is a solid film, but it doesn't have the emotional impact that Dances has so I've always preferred this. I'll choose emotion over grit any day.

Also when do you think this will be?
Don't know. There are a lot of movies I want to revisit first and quite a few movies that I've watched since the last list that I need to find room for - which will mean having to make the painful decision of eliminating some long time favorites.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't get it, either. Maybe just bitterness about it winning Best Picture over Goodfellas?

I think Goodfellas is a solid film, but it doesn't have the emotional impact that Dances has so I've always preferred this. I'll choose emotion over grit any day.
Agreed and agreed! I just watched Goodfellas for the 8th HoF, I wasn't overly impressed with it. If you take all the shock violence scenes out of Goodfellas it really doesn't tell much of a story. I don't get the love for Goodfellas. I liked Casino much better.

Master of My Domain
Agreed and agreed! I just watched Goodfellas for the 8th HoF, I wasn't overly impressed with it. If you take all the shock violence scenes out of Goodfellas it really doesn't tell much of a story. I don't get the love for Goodfellas. I liked Casino much better.
Agreed. I give Goodfellas a
for the sake of the amazing acting, editing, and cinematography, but the very base is the dead horse scene from The Godfather played over and over again.
Letterboxd Profile:

It is possible to think both are amazing. * over here guys*

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cricket, based on what I know about your movie likes/dislikes I would say you would really like Dances with Wolves. It has a well thought out story that explores humanity, it has a realistic look at Native American culture back in the mid 1800s and it has stunning on location filming in the vast wilderness of the South Dakota.

The Nice Guys (Shane Black, 2016)

Date Watched: 5/21/16
Cinema or Home: Cinema, with Funny Face
Reason For Watching: Russell Crowe
Rewatch: No

Despite ***** like The Man With the Iron Fist, Noah, and Winters Tale, Russell Crowe has been on my list of actors who I'll watch in anything for a long time now (longer even than Joaquin Phoenix) so as soon as I saw the preview for this, I knew I had to watch it.

Like most comedies, a lot of the best stuff was in the trailer, but there were still plenty of laughs to be had and lots of great atmosphere to soak up. It reminded me a lot of Inherent Vice (albeit a much easier to follow version) with its vibe and its quirks. I realize Inherent Vice is something of a divisive film, but for me the similarities are a good thing and I had a lot of fun with this. I may even give it another watch before it leaves the theater.
