Rate The Last Movie You Saw


When your biggest complaint is god I wish this film was given an IMAX screening. This is Peter Jackson's best film since Fellowship of the Ring

Snooze factor rating = Z

Snooze factor rating = Zzzzz

I just wanted this film to end, it felt like it was going on forever and it's only about 100 minutes long...

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it

Welcome to the life of a kid growing up in America, and maybe other parts of the world as well. Facebook is not only a tool to become a tool, but also a status symbol. Not to mention, the women.
Loved Eighth Grade... can't remember the last time a movie so effectively nailed how much it sucks being 14 years old.

6th Rewatch...every superlative listed on the poster is true...definitely in the top five of Woody Allen's work, as usual per Woody, razor sharp screenplay, perfect cast, and terrific music and for my money, the Outstanding Lead Actress of 1985...Mia Farrow.

Loved Eighth Grade... can't remember the last time a movie so effectively nailed how much it sucks being 14 years old.
Even though I'm not a female, I can only heavily agree with this!

Of course, just because the main character is a girl, the film does a fine job showing being 14 years old in general. But what I mean is it was just done so well that I could easily slip into her shoes and feel exactly how she felt.

Even though I'm not a female, I can only heavily agree with this!

Of course, just because the main character is a girl, the film does a fine job showing being 14 years old in general. But what I mean is it was just done so well that I could easily slip into her shoes and feel exactly how she felt.
Couldn't agree more...had no problem feeling Kayla's pain.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well detailed telling of the events that lead up to the infamous gunfight at O.K. Corral. It's a movie, so don't look for total historical accuracy, instead enjoy the narrative...Lots of good backstory here on Doc Holiday (Kirk Douglas) and his regrets in life & reasons for being so reckless. Equally good backstory on Wyatt Earp (Burt Lancaster) who we meet not in Tombstone, but in Texas where we learn of his early adult life. Shot in part at old Tuscan, so the sets look real good and familiar! What I like was the film had lots of deposition with just the right mix of action and drama included to make it all work. Jo Van Fleet (the mother from East of Eden) made a good ex prostitute, (if figures!) as Kate the sometimes girlfriend and sometimes adversary of Doc Holiday.



1983 - Godfrey Reggio

"Time magazine shot on high speed film" - Joel

This is more of an adventure and meditation than it is a narrative in the traditional sense. You basically sit back, relax, and let the time-lapse cinematography wash over you. Having the composer Philip Glass accompany every last frame is something that allows the viewer to zone out and feel at ease because the music is so well composed. Arpeggiated swells, repetition, choral vocals all arranged staccato, as if each voice was a limb. The camera is usually fixed, waiting to reveal the unfolding and progression of nature's overture, big city life, industrial assemblage, microcosmic irony.

A cinematic experience at its fullest if ever there was one

@Citizen Rules
- I copied you a little bit. Just this once!


Cold Pursuit– Lots of killing and lots of tongue-in-cheek moments result in a very strange film. It’s always good to see Liam Neeson go full revenge and kill bad guys who truly deserve it. Yet, everything felt emotionless and by the numbers. This movie wanted to be Fargo meets Wind River but failed massively to deliver any weight or true charm. Honestly, there were some characters that were completely unnecessary. You literally will ask yourself why the female cop or the wife was even in the movie. Every scene “fleshing out” Viking’s child was pointless. Then, the movie ends with really no sense of full resolution. We literally see no ramifications of the final act or pay off at all. Just a strange cartoon like gag and then fade to black. They either ran out of budget or wanted to go full kooky. Never go full kooky.

The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939)

I watched this because it's on the 30's list and is eligible for the upcoming horror countdown. I don't feel that it's horror at all, and that's certainly not a criticism of the movie. In fact, I don't have any criticisms of the movie. It looks good and I liked the cast and the story. It just didn't grab me in any way, and anything Sherlock Holmes has never been very interesting to me.

Loved Eighth Grade... can't remember the last time a movie so effectively nailed how much it sucks being 14 years old.
Was it? I have fond memories of being 14 years old. Great friends in school, zero internet, football, 1998 world cup. And exams, who can forget them. Probably it's all ruined now. Kinda worrying, isn't it. When you see ads encouraging kids to go out and play, I just think, how did it get to this??
My Favorite Films

Galveston (2018)

First rate acting from Ben Foster, and nice work from the young Elle Fanning. Unfortunately the story feels well worn and a bit trite. Watchable, but most underwhelming.

Doc's rating: 5/10

Suicide Squad (2016)

This wasn't as bad as I thought it would be given a lot of people's harsh criticism, but I thought it was serviceable. Certainly not great, but it had some fun, cool moments. The movie's tone was all over the place though. I'll never watch it again purposefully, but I might turn the channel to it every once in awhile if it's on TV.

Weird is relative.
Suicide Squad (2016)

This wasn't as bad as I thought it would be given a lot of people's harsh criticism, but I thought it was serviceable. Certainly not great, but it had some fun, cool moments. The movie's tone was all over the place though. I'll never watch it again purposefully, but I might turn the channel to it every once in awhile if it's on TV.
I think it might have turned out better as a TV show (minus all that Enchantress stuff). I would love to see Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn for an hour a week for ten or eleven weeks in a row... heh.

(OK, maybe a more badass version of her that wasn't so screwed-up by the Joker.)