Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Weird is relative.
Fitzcarraldo (1982)

I read the background information after watching this, and it gave me a whole new perspective. Jiminy Crispies. What a film. It's both appalling and awe-inspiring.
Drags on through some parts. The 2.5+ hr runtime is too long.
I'm at a loss for words, really.

I would have liked to see people's opinions on this in a HOF, but I don't like it enough to nominate it, and don't want to subject anyone to that runtime without their prior consent.

If you compare this and Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972) ... both are out-dated, colonialist and somewhat misogynistic... but are very impressive on a technical level, and showcase beautiful cinematography of the Amazonian rainforest.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Revenge (2017)

Totally simple movie but this is exactly what I was in the mood for. Nice and violent and very easy on the eye.

The Amityville Horror (1979)

Not seen this for years and was better than I remembered.

Solid nights viewing!
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Welcome to the human race...
Who Killed Captain Alex? -

posting the full thing here because it's essential viewing

I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

A 1975 rape-revenge western that feels quite familiar (Kill Bill-ish). Newlywed Mormons on the trail run into some very bad dudes who rape Jessi, kill her husband then shoot her and leave her for dead. She recovers and begins her revenge with the help of a badly bearded rancher and a few other outlaw women she meets up with on her way. This isn't very good, some of the scenes/subplots leave you scratching your head, but it isn't boring.

I usually don't like to describe movies this way, I think it's cheap, but this movie sucked. Definitely the worst thing I've sat through in a loooong time and up there for worst ever. I guess it's a sexploitation slasher that's very light on the sex and the slash. What are ya left with? Half a star for because Claudia Jennings is in it and half a star for an ending so god awful that it has to be seen to be believed.

Evil Dead II (1987)

Boring slapstick that has nominal connection to the first film and primarily serves as a prologue to Army of Darkness. Inferior in every way to its predecessor.


the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Coup De Torchon (1981)

Absolutely no idea how this ended up in my watchlist but I'm glad I watched it. Really dark humour in this almost nourish type film, about a lone policeman in a small African town. Also contains a young Isabelle Huppert who, along with Philippe Noiret, was excellent.

Good show.

The Sisters Brothers (2018)

Enjoyable light-handed western about a couple of brothers who are assassins looking for a man with the formula (it seems) to make locating gold simpler during the California gold rush. All round watcheable but not very gripping. Realise this is Jacques Audiard's frist English language film but that wasn't a problem. I expected a wee bit more from the story and actors. 6/10

The Sisters Brothers (2018)

Enjoyable light-handed western about a couple of brothers who are assassins looking for a man with the formula (it seems) to make locating gold simpler during the California gold rush. All round watcheable but not very gripping. Realise this is Jacques Audiard's frist English language film but that wasn't a problem. I expected a wee bit more from the story and actors. 6/10
For all the hype this got, I was underwhelmed. The river scene was where I threw in the towel. I give them credit for a different take, but just makes me wonder how much soft money goes into some of these website reviews.

For all the hype this got, I was underwhelmed. The river scene was where I threw in the towel. I give them credit for a different take, but just makes me wonder how much soft money goes into some of these website reviews.
Seeing the cast and liking westerns I expected more.

The Sisters Brothers (2018)
Enjoyable light-handed western about a couple of brothers who are assassins looking for a man with the formula (it seems) to make locating gold simpler during the California gold rush. All round watcheable but not very gripping. Realise this is Jacques Audiard's frist English language film but that wasn't a problem. I expected a wee bit more from the story and actors. 6/10
I thought John C. Reilly stole the show. Seems like he's getting a lot of good work lately. J. Phoenix didn't seem to fit his role; and J. Gyllenhaal was wasted on his.

Hefty actors, lightweight story; although it holds one's interest to see how it ends. I'm beginning to think Phoenix is best in stoner type rolls, or ones where he plays a character of lesser intelligence.


[The Old Man & the Gun]
Happy to see your heads-up re this film, we watched it last night. The compelling story of Forrest Tucker, a gentleman bank robber who escaped from incarceration 16 times, could have been presented in a dozen different ways.

This was a fitting presentation for Robert Redford's swan song (he's announced his retirement). The role allows him --even at age 82-- to exude his patented boyish charm and understated conviction. Sissy Spacek is delightful as Jewel-- Tucker's eventual lady friend. And Casey Affleck gives a first rate performance as the pragmatic policeman who pursues Tucker-- but with admiration.

It is a small movie about a fascinating subject, that avoids kitschy displays of gore and violence. I could do with many more like it.


The Deer Hunter (1978)

(contains spoilers)
The movie is not about the war itself but about the effects of war on relationships and sanity.
The wedding scene was so long I felt bad I didn't bring a gift. Sure it develops character, but it's inefficient in the way it does so. The film improves when the characters enter 'the war'.
The Russian Roulette scene is regarded as one of the best movie scenes of all time, and it shows. The acting and the tension in the scene is phenomenal.
Michael's (DeNiro) troubled attempts to blend back into civilian life; his tentative romance with Linda (Streep) is really engaging and well-acted, as is his inability to reconnect with his friends.
"Screenwriter Deric Washburn didn’t interview a single veteran to research the script."
Of all the documentaries testimonies, memoirs I've seen,
I've never come across anyone who even knows of someone who went insane to the point that Nicky (Walken) did.
It makes those last scenes a bit inauthentic for me. The final scene keeps it very real but also very depressing.

In short; Great acting, an epic scene, slow pace and an overly long runtime.

To All The Boys I've Loved Before (2018)

Sorry To Bother You (2018)

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

A teenager, already with enough problems, finds himself having a new problem when he begins foreseeing deaths of those close to him. When one of his best friends die after a vision, he is even more outcast and copes with having to deal with both life and death. Cameron Monaghan gives out a great performance and it helps that he has this natural chemistry with his co-stars. I highly recommend this as a good way to start the new year!
It's All About the Movies

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
A Quiet Place -

A well done sci/fi horror film. Character issues aside, the film has some intense sequences and a great premise

Ralph Breaks The Internet -

Not as well thought out as the first film, but the tale of friendship is strong and some good laughs are had in the internet world, specifically when they visit Disney

Blockers -

Typical comedy here with gross out jokes and hit or miss humour. I didn't hate it, but it is completely forgettable.

The Week Of -

Another Sandler-Netflix special. Not funny, cringe worthy and inconsistent. Rock damages his hands, which he needs as a surgeon, but they are fine two scenes later. Missed opportunity here, could have been more comedy based or more drama based, the juggling act of both is a failure

Paddington 2 -

Wes Andersonish, the film is enjoyably fun with cuteness overload. I was surprised by how much I liked the first one and not surprised by how much I liked this one

The Princess Switch -

Hallmark TV holiday special. The two switch places, fall in love and blah blah blah. Boring, but my wife and mother enjoyed it, so there is an audience out there for this type of movie

The Holiday Calendar -

Slightly better than The Princess Switch, but not enough to warrant a higher rating. Kat Graham makes this one bearable.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Green Book (2018)

Very enjoyable thanks to the two main actors.
