The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame


Brick (Rian Johnson, 2005)

Date Watched: 03/17/2020
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame
Rewatch: No.

I haven't got a clue who picked this for me or why.

I thought the basic premise of the film was interesting but I never felt fully engaged with the story or the characters. The dialog felt a bit unnatural and I had to turn on the subtitles to even figure out what was being said some of the time. I was also a bit bothered by just how little the high school felt like a school. Where were all the students? The faculty? The only "adults" we see (I put that in quotes because damn those are some old looking teenagers) are the vice principal and Pin's mother.

Speaking of... that was the one scene in the film that I genuinely enjoyed. The awkwardness of seeing these drug dealing, violent kids gathered around a table and being served breakfast by a very wholesome mom was pretty damn funny. Beyond that, though, I found it to be a mostly forgettable but not unpleasant experience.


When the person nominated Le Trou, they just said The Hole with no date. I originally marked it down as The Hole from the 90's list which is completely different. I came to realize it must be Le Trou, which I didn't realize is also known as The Hole. Anyway, great movie that I watched for a different HoF a few years back.

I liked Grizzly Man but not enough for it to make my top 25 documentaries list.


Rango is the story of a pet chameleon, who is an aspiring actor. After falling out of his glass cage and into the Mojave Desert, he has to go on a journey for water and a journey to find out who he really is. The story is a classic western one, where a stranger comes into a town with a problem, and is expected to heroically save them. The difference is that in Rango, the stranger isn't much of a hero. Instead, he's a clumsy chameleon who has no clue what he's doing.

Rango is self-conscious about this and parodies the western. It does this much better than I expected, as it successfully pokes fun at a lot of classical elements from the genre. The predictable story didn't manage to keep me interested throughout the entire movie, but the many references and jokes made this a fun watch.

The animation of Rango is good and the cinematography is fantastic! There are some very beautiful scenes, especially in the parts that take place during the evening or night. The cast of characters is diverse, and they all have unique and interesting looks. The only thing that bothered me visually was the human cowboy that Rango met. He looked like he came out of a bad videogame! Luckily he wasn't on the screen for very long.

Rango is a good looking animated film and a fun parody of the western genre. It's worth a watch if you like westerns, animation or both!

Rango scored very high for me when we did the animation countdown. So maybe I nominated it for you? Keep up the good work CaptainT, 3 more and I will unleash your nominations.

Strange Days 1995 Directed by Kathryn Bigelow

Guesses who recommended this one; Cricket, Ed, MV, or Inmate.

Kathryn Bigelow痴 Point Break is one of my all time favorites. Near Dark is really cool and I think I'm one of the few who enjoyed K-19: The Widowmaker.
Written and produced by James Cameron, who has almost unlimited credit with me because of Terminator, T2, and Aliens. I also really enjoyed watching Titanic and True Lies in the theatre. And I respect the vision and genius strategic movie business move he made with Avatar.

Strange Days is an action / crime / cyberpunk-thriller / sci-fi flick. It was a bit of an unbalanced and unrefined mess for me. Too many genres, messages, plots and story-lines thrown together.

Released in 1996 totally off predicting and depicting 1999. Crazy technological advances and scientific development. Riots in the streets, military presence everywhere in a span of only 3 years.

The action sequences were solid and the camerawork was pretty smooth.
They also did a great job casting; Tom Sizemore, Juliette Lewis, Michael Wincott, Vincent D丹nofrio and William Fichtner. They all fit their roles perfectly and played their characters well.

Because of the filmmakers involved, I was really expecting (maybe too much) to love it.
Turned out to be a 'mixed bag'.

Rango scored very high for me when we did the animation countdown. So maybe I nominated it for you? Keep up the good work CaptainT, 3 more and I will unleash your nominations.
That's actually what I was thinking too!
My guesses so far would be that Rango was nominated by you and Jaws by Hey Fredrick.

lol, haven't heard that one in a while!

Although maybe not the most successful rec. Strange Days was a logical and well thought out choice for me. @ TBD.

Trouble with a capital "T"


Rango is the story of a pet chameleon, who is an aspiring actor. After falling out of his glass cage and into the Mojave Desert, he has to go on a journey for water and a journey to find out who he really is. The story is a classic western one, where a stranger comes into a town with a problem, and is expected to heroically save them. The difference is that in Rango, the stranger isn't much of a hero. Instead, he's a clumsy chameleon who has no clue what he's doing.
Sold! I'm not big on animation but that photo and what you wrote really piqued my interest and now I want to watch Rango.

Strange Days 1995 Directed by Kathryn Bigelow

Guesses who recommended this one; Cricket, Ed, MV, or Inmate.
One guess per customer please Bummer you didn't like it more, I've only seen it once and like 20 years ago...I remember it having a cool & grungy feeling about it. I think Juliette Lewis is perfectly cast.

Le Trou (1960)
Directed by Jacques Becker
I really dug that one, ha!
Le Trou came in at 2nd place in the 5th HoF...and at 5th place in the Second Chance HoF.

The trick is not minding
Just discovered my local rental is still open! And work canceled our Saturday shift!
Guess who痴 going to the rental with a big list of films to rent and a whole weekend (48 hours!) to binge most of them??

<覧覧覧覧覧覧裕his guy!

For you guys who use the library, I heard something on the radio about being able to order DVDs and books and they'll leave them out for you. The last time I went to the library was to vandalize it when I was like 12.

The only thing open at my library is the return, which is just slots on the outside wall. Just hoping they reopen in time for me to finish

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
My guess: Citizen Rules aka no clue at all, could be any of you

It's a staple of American cinema, winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture, and pretty much hailed as a masterpiece all around; I was pretty hyped for this, and for the most part I was not disappointed.

Jack Nicholson is honestly an incredible actor, all around. I know he's super famous and well loved, I was just under the impression that he wasn't truly one of the greats. And he is. Totally. First with The Departed, then The Shooting, and now he blew both those performances out of the water with this.

He totally makes McMurphy a believable, real, breathing character, someone who has flaws and we know people like that exist - but also someone we want to root for, a true hero of the story. That is exactly McMurphy's role in this - to be a hero for the other mentally ill patients, and to show us how to find joy in life.

This is one of those films where the second half - to me - is exponentially better than the first. The first is great, don't get me wrong, but it also focuses on setting up characters and motivations and etc. It's not boring, but some of those longer therapy/basketball scenes can begin to seem a little tedious. What holds that together is Nicholson's top notch acting - he shines on the screen as I said.

Nurse Ratched of course is one of the most believable and terrifying villains ever, someone who isn't evil at the purest form, but does such inhumane and evil things to the mentally ill inmates that you just have to think of her as a bad person. In the end, she's just trying to do her job - she doesn't have evil plans for the inmates, she isn't trying to make Billy commit suicide. She's simply ignorant, foolish, and yes - makes terrible decisions throughout.

The themes of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest aren't very subtle. That's in no way a bad thing, neither are the themes of Shawshank Redemption or La La Land, two other movies I loved. The themes in all three of these movies are powerful and effective, they stick with you. The second half of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest sticks with you, truly. Especially the crazy and disturbing last twenty minutes.

Chief's final "act of mercy" and escape from the hospital is beautiful and tragic, a last pleading cry for freedom and happiness in life that only McMurphy had instilled in the minds of the patients. As Chief runs through the window, I can't help but wonder what his life will be like now. He's running from a corrupt and dictatorial hospital, into what? Crime, disease, ignorant people, evil people -- the real world. It's the sad truth of this movie, that good times are good but no matter where you are they won't stick.

From the director of Amadeus - my second favorite movie of all time - this movie could hardly hope to measure up to that movie. But I was indeed impressed with how close it came, especially at the end. It's undoubtedly a masterpiece of how to instill all emotions into it's viewers - both love and hatred, happiness and anger, joy and sorrow. Some parts haven't aged well today, but that didn't cloud my vision on this wonderful (and Best Picture deserving) movie.

Lists and Projects

Trouble with a capital "T"
For you guys who use the library, I heard something on the radio about being able to order DVDs and books and they'll leave them out for you. The last time I went to the library was to vandalize it when I was like 12.
The only thing open at my library is the return, which is just slots on the outside wall. Just hoping they reopen in time for me to finish
I went to return a dvd at our library a few days ago and even the book return drop was closed with a sign that said to keep books and dvds and that there would be no late charge.

If anyone needs help finding movies online just give a shout out.