Is Movie Forums DYING?


Trouble with a capital "T"
Well, you... talked about movies I guess?

Other than that, you have never said a single nasty thing, as far as I have read.
I've said some things I regret, more so in the past. I think I learn as I go and the longer I'm at MoFo the more mellower I get.....Eventually I'll be so mellow, I'll replace warm milk and put everyone to sleep

BTW, I've always liked your avatar, it's very artistic and easy on the eyes. Good choice

Movie Forums may not be dying, but I think I've been "dying" from the forum myself.

And I think I've been doing this for a long time now.

I haven't really been a very good member here. I'm even worse now because I keep deleting my posts. I even deleted all of my posts in this thread, and some of them were very good, so I've heard.

I don't know if I'll ever fully be able to correct this problem. Sometimes I want to get the hell away from here for good. Sometimes I want to stay and see what positive things could happen if I stay.

I'm mostly scared of some kind of downfall to this forum. I fear for its future. I fear for my future here. I'm terribly upset about a lot of things I've done on this forum. The way I've reacted to things. I think, maybe, that I've been depressed and I just couldn't handle things the right way.
Look at the site slightly differently, and not so seriously. The most permanent thing in life is change, and yet many people like ourselves are set in our ways. However the Forum is right now, it will change, and it will probably not change to how it "used to be". Not being open to such change can really shut off any possibility of you enjoying it. Let the surprises come, let the unpredictableness come, and you'll probably find more refreshment and less stress. Trying to control things will only make you bitter, but just being yourself (especially you) in a forum makes you unique. If everyone thought and acted as you then that would be boring for you.

Well, you... talked about movies I guess?

Other than that, you have never said a single nasty thing, as far as I have read.
@Citizen Rules seems to accept anyone and does his best to get along. He's not judgemental from what I can see. I don't follow all his post.

I just know that he and I tend to get along and we are both at separate ends of a spectrum.

Eventually I'll be so mellow, I'll replace warm milk and put everyone to sleep

And thank you for liking my avatar! What you said was exactly why I chose it, plus it had a zen quality to me.
(But in the future if I happen to choose a less nice avatar, please don't hate me...)

the phrase in your signature just caught my eyes.
I'd love to have someone abstract me up like that
Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien.
Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta

I can't take you seriously until I see a Morton Downey Jr. avatar. He was a true prophet of doom and gloom. Then I will know you are serious.
Alright, we'll give it a try. I remember seeing a documentary available about him. I was going to watch it. I'll have to see if it's still available.

Oooh, it is still available. I'll watch it later.

And thank you for liking my avatar! What you said was exactly why I chose it, plus it had a zen quality to me.
(But in the future if I happen to choose a less nice avatar, please don't hate me...)

the phrase in your signature just caught my eyes.
I'd give everything to have someone abstract me up like that
I left the forum for 3 years because of a lot of posts. If you read the whole posting, it really wasn't a positive thing.

It may have been me? I tried to make amends.
I have felt you have never liked me..... perhaps I was wrong.. and that was my responsibility to find out.

No, i'm Spartacus! Nah, i believe it was several of us, myself included.
same as my response to rauldc14

The only events I was aware of didn't seem particularly significant, but maybe I lacked relevant context. Regardless, I think if anyone is upset by what someone says, the available options are:

1) Try to talk it out and make amends.
2) Ignore them.
3) Don't use the site.

I don't think it makes sense to strongly imply you're upset every so often, though, without doing #1 or #2.

Registered User
I hate to bum you all out, but I still say Movie Forums is dying.

1. I went crazy.
2. Camo got BANNED - by asking for it.
3. Way too much stupid talk on the forum. Iroquois, I’m thinking about you.
4. An obvious troll nobody’s doing anything about (Cynema de Bergerac).
5. Song Tournaments and “Hall of Fames” have grown wildly out of control, like weeds.
6. This one is very important - controversial subjects aren’t getting talked about even quietly anymore. And I’m downright disturbed that even mentioning President Trump will cause a thread to be closed. Yoda, what do you think you’re doing?

I’m sorry, but the Movie Forums going into 2019 is a sorry state.

The Countdowns have been lame, too. There was a ‘30s Countdown? And horror? Again? Wake up, people - Countdowns were fun for a couple of years, but they cannot continue into infinity. Same with Song Tournaments and Hall of Fames.

There MUST be change!

Maybe I can be that change. There is hope, afterall. Jase is the change! The reinvention of Movie Forums! A person who has totally shed his skin to start anew!

Welcome to the human race...
I hate to bum you all out, but I still say Movie Forums is dying.

1. I went crazy.
How exactly did that result in MovieForums dying?

2. Camo got BANNED - by asking for it.
Conceded. He was one of the good ones and it sucks that he had to straight-up ask to be banned to get away from this place. Very relatable.

3. Way too much stupid talk on the forum. Iroquois, I’m thinking about you.
Good, I needed a new signature.

4. An obvious troll nobody’s doing anything about (Cynema de Bergerac).
If this place ever actually did anything about obvious trolls you'd have been IP-banned by now.

5. Song Tournaments and “Hall of Fames” have grown wildly out of control, like weeds.
We have Song Tournaments?

6. This one is very important - controversial subjects aren’t getting talked about even quietly anymore. And I’m downright disturbed that even mentioning President Trump will cause a thread to be closed. Yoda, what do you think you’re doing?
Yoda loves to keep it civil around here. There's nothing civil about Trump. It's not hard to figure out.

I’m sorry, but the Movie Forums going into 2019 is a sorry state.

The Countdowns have been lame, too. There was a ‘30s Countdown? And horror? Again? Wake up, people - Countdowns were fun for a couple of years, but they cannot continue into infinity. Same with Song Tournaments and Hall of Fames.
The horror one is justified because the original one was so rough and poorly handled by our current standards that it's worth redoing, whereas the '30s one only continues the decade theme and encourages expanding one's knowledge of film history beyond slasher sequels and Jake Gyllenhaal movies.

There MUST be change!

Maybe I can be that change. There is hope, afterall. Jase is the change! The reinvention of Movie Forums! A person who has totally shed his skin to start anew!
You could've referred to this as "Jason Takes MovieForums" and the fact that you didn't shows you have lost your touch and are extremely unlikely to change things for the better.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Registered User
@Iroquois - hello, lover, thanks for replying so thoroughly.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
How exactly did that result in MovieForums dying?
If Movie Forums was at its peak performance, that never would have happened. It didn't happen around 2011-2014, the last Golden Years of Movie Forums.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
Conceded. He was one of the good ones and it sucks that he had to straight-up ask to be banned to get away from this place. Very relatable.
I don't get why Camo did that. Actually, I kinda DO get it, and it's why I say Movie Forums is dying. Camo could always ask nicely to reverse the ban, perhaps. He (and Sexy Celebrity, I might add) need avatars on their profiles. I need to somehow get Sexy Celebrity an avatar. Yoda, help me. Give it something.

Just because I'm saying Movie Forums is dying is no reason to panic. It's not DEAD. It's just calling for a nurse.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
Good, I needed a new signature.
Well, you're welcome.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
If this place ever actually did anything about obvious trolls you'd have been IP-banned by now.
Okay, I'm just gonna state this right now -- I am NOT a troll. I am very offended at the idea that I am a troll. Do I sometimes MIMIC a troll? Maybe. But, honey, that's just style. I speak frankly and freely and sometimes it gets me into trouble. A lot of times. I'm just loud and boisterous by nature. SOMETIMES. Not all the time. Sometimes I'm very quiet, in real life. And then suddenly, I ERUPT, like a volcano.

That's what I am. A volcano.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
Yoda loves to keep it civil around here. There's nothing civil about Trump. It's not hard to figure out.
This is Yoda's place and he has the freedom to make whatever rules he wants, but AS A SUGGESTION -- Trump is there. Trump NEEDS to be talked about. TALKED ABOUT. Discussed. Critiqued. ANALYZED.

I find shutting down Trump discussions to be childishly silly. Sure, HEATED discussions deserve to be cooled down, but worrying about everything Trump is childish. And I say this to EVERYONE who picks on Trump all the time. In the spirit of @cricket, I say -- REMEMBER! He's our President! Whether anyone likes it or not, he deserves some respect for getting where he is, EVEN IF HE RIGGED THE ELECTION (which I don't really believe). We can't be scared of Trump. We can't act childishly when it comes to Trump. EVEN IF TRUMP SEEMS LIKE A BIG CHILD HIMSELF SOMETIMES. The man is in control of one of the greatest countries in the world. Bow down, at least once in your life. You may find you like it.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
You could've referred to this as "Jason Takes MovieForums" and the fact that you didn't shows you have lost your touch and are extremely unlikely to change things for the better.
I absolutely have lost some of my touch. It's because of the forum. The forum strangled me. The anti-Trump stuff made me fall down, Humpty Dumpty style. But I am COMING BACK with a NEW ATTITUDE. I'm more positive and peaceful now. I'm, frankly, heavily medicated now. I'M BACK! And that's all I've got to say about everything right now. I'm back. This voice is back and this voice will be heard!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The horror one is justified because the original one was so rough and poorly handled by our current standards that it's worth redoing, whereas the '30s one only continues the decade theme and encourages expanding one's knowledge of film history beyond slasher sequels and Jake Gyllenhaal movies.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Just my own side of things:

A. I've made more avatars this year than any other year, simply because of all the new members appearing
2. Quizzes are on the up and up, more being added, and more people taking them
D. We've had some pretty special MoFo Movie Weekends, with more coming up in the future

Lastly, the Horror List needed updating... and what's wrong with getting together and making lists?
Isn't that one of the foundations of the community we call MoFo?

Registered User
I've got to go. Be back later. Continue discussing.

Registered User
I’m so full of myself, aren’t I?

HAHAHAHA, lol, don’t take me so seriously. All in fun. I just have some concerns. Don’t we all?