The 27th General Hall of Fame


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Surprised so many people love Temple of Doom the most. I'm a Crusade fan myself.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Trouble with a capital "T"
I sent you a link. It's on youtube at very decent quality with subs. Just search "demons 1971" and it should be among the first hits.
I just took a look at and video quality looks great and with subs too. Cool. Thanks!

Safety Last! (Fred C. Newmeyer & Sam Taylor, 1923)
I am shocked. Completely stunned. Utterly bamboozled at how little this did for me. Like, I don't think there was a scene or bit that even made me smile. Felt nothing throughout. The big climax got a "wow that looks dangerous" out of me but I didn't really "feel" it, y'know? Despite this, I wouldn't say I was bored either. The movie was on and I was there for it is kind of all I can say. I just have no strong feelings one way or the other. I don't know how to keep writing "I have nothing to say about this". I guess I'll just add that of the Harold Lloyd films I've seen this is safely last.

I've been meaning to watch Demons for awhile, but for some reason keep forgetting about it. At least, I don't think I watched it, but that image pahak used on their review looks incredibly familiar.

Glad it was nominated either way.

Surprised so many people love Temple of Doom the most. I'm a Crusade fan myself.
I absolutely love some aspects of Temple of Doom, but there are others that I despise (*cough*Willie*cough*). The whole thing is like a roller coaster. I think the average of those highs and lows might work out to make me enjoy it more than Last Crusade though.

Surprised so many people love Temple of Doom the most. I'm a Crusade fan myself.
Yea I never cared that much for Temple of Doom, easily the weakest of the original 3 imo.

30 minutes into Witness for the Prosecution, and I've definitely seen this before. Not sure if I've seen the whole thing though, as I don't remember what happens.

I absolutely love some aspects of Temple of Doom, but there are others that I despise (*cough*Willie*cough*). The whole thing is like a roller coaster. I think the average of those highs and lows might work out to make me enjoy it more than Last Crusade though.
I generally agree that there are some setpieces I love, but overall, I borderline dislike it.
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Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Not a fan of Temple of Doom. Raiders and Crusade for ne
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Temple of Doom is easily the most fun of the three for me. Also Mola Ram is one of the best movie villains and Harrison Ford looked great shirtless.
In the name of equality, I demand adventure movies with topless female protagonists

30 minutes into Witness for the Prosecution, and I've definitely seen this before. Not sure if I've seen the whole thing though, as I don't remember what happens.
Update now that I've finished it: There was a scene towards the end (in a train station) that I had definitely seen before as well, but there's a large chunk in the middle and again most of the ending that weren't familiar.

I must have seen parts of it on TCM or something.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Update now that I've finished it: There was a scene towards the end (in a train station) that I had definitely seen before as well, but there's a large chunk in the middle and again most of the ending that weren't familiar.

I must have seen parts of it on TCM or something.
That sounds like my majority of film rewatches, there's always a few scenes or images I remember but the rest of the movie is a mystery to me. I kinda like it that way too! It's like watching the movie for the first time