Rauldc14's Top 119 Films

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What really bugs me about that film is that too much happens every minute, it's impossible to follow. That's why I love Taxi Driver, it takes its plot very slowly.
Indeed. That's why I watch Béla Tarr's movies. They are slow enough so that I can easily follow then.

You find Goodfellas hard to follow? Damn, it was my favourite film when i was like 11 year old i watched it every week and had no trouble following it.
You should be ashamed that it's not in your current top 10. ASHAMED!

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33. Goldfinger

The best Bond film in my opinion and I really like the franchise. Connery of course is the best Bond and I really like Goldfinger and Oddjob as the villains here. It's the best Bond story for me and one of the best 60s films.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
32. Braveheart

Really like everything about this film. The first hour of the film is great storytelling. The cinematography and scores are both fantastic. And Mel Gibson directs himself to a very fantastic performance.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just reread this entire thread, lots of good stuff here and I had missed a lot of them as I haven't been as active on MoFo.

I just requested 3 of Raul's top movies that I'd never seen but sound great: The Quiet Man, Signs, Wall-E

I wonder what the top 30 will be like?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
31. Finding Nemo

My second favorite animated film and my favorite Pixar film of all time. The animation is gorgeous and I love the story.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
30. Spirited Away

My favorite animated film of all time. And the second most imaginative film ever. Here's what I said about it last watch for 8th Hall of Fame, wish I had said more:

Spirited Away

This was a highly anticipated rewatch, and it's my favorite animated film of all time. The animation is on a level of its own, the mates tic world that is created is truly one of the most mesmerizing and original in film history. The vibrant colors and characters Miyazakiuses to tell his story are completely perfect. This is the film that got me into Miyazaki, and although he has created other great films, this is a true masterpiece. The story is captivating to me and it's the most imaginative film that I have seen with the only competition being Wizard of Oz. Needless to say, I really hope this film does very well! An excellent nomination!


Guessing you just have to type "D" on your Kindle for that to show up now

Spirited Away is in my top ten Animated Films. Love it and Miyazaki of course. Think he's underrated here, i should dedicate my next 30 Thousand posts to telling people here that because i don't think that's been done on MovieForums