

I honestly cannot say that I agree with much that Obama says, but - if this is from his heart and not a "quip" then he has earned some respect from me:

“Even though we’re having a passionate disagreement here, we can be civil to each other, and we can try to express ourselves acknowledging that we’re all patriots, we’re all Americans and not assume the absolute worst in people’s motives.”

I always thought that to some extent the president was a puppet on strings. I still do - but now the puppet master seems to be Russia, China, Iran, and etc..., and the puppet has a really big nose too.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The puppet's always had a Big (Growing) Nose, and the puppet master has often been another country or a multi-national corporation which used to be an American corporation before they sold themselves out with a humongous debt and/or takeover. Let's see, for the last 41 years, there have been Democratic presidents for 13 of them.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

...and the puppet master has often been another country or a multi-national corporation which used to be an American corporation before they sold themselves out with a humongous debt and/or takeover.
I always thought that The Puppet Master was a horror movie about a guy named Neil Gallagher who finds the secret to Toulon's puppets that come to life and then he kills himself.

Guess everyone forgot that Obama inherited two wars and a nearly $10 Trillion deficit. He's doing very well and he's showing the American people that he's just a guy doing a job the best he can. Anyone who doesn't love Obama is un-American, he embodies everything that this country stands for.

In case anyone's wondering, as inane as Beldegast's post above is, it's not why he was banned. There are three separate accounts all under his IP, all with the same link in the signature.

By the by, I've got a number of replies written up but need to read up on a few more things Gol sent me before I can do his points any justice. I'm looking at houses and wedding locations, so please forgive my relative absence for the time being. I do have what I've written so far saved, however, and will definitely return as soon as possible.

EDIT: however, I don't need time, or additional reading, to know that Beldegast's pseudo-attempt at defending Obama makes no sense whatsoever. It's not the "deficit" that's $10 trillion, it's the national debt. There's a huge difference between the two. Second, nobody's suggesting that Obama's on the hook for debt he inherited; just the incredibly, mind-bogglingly large amount he's added to it, which dwarfs the previous deficit by a ridiculous sum.

Plus, it's not as if Bush wasn't catching deficit-related flack all the flippin' time, so pointing to past deficits (which were much smaller, anyway) is nonsensical. The post above fails on every level, from technical knowledge, to coherency, to basic respect for opposing viewpoints.

A system of cells interlinked
@ Beldegast

I have your un-American right here, buddy...

It's nice that you can parrot little catch phrases and such, but we like people to have an opinion of their own, as well as being able to back them up without going on Ad Hominem attacks right out of the gate.

Please deposit your sophomoric nonsense at the door, thanks.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Sir Toose
Is he serious?
Nah, it's a really postmodern standup routine
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

he embodies everything that this country stands for.
Except when he's standing up in front of the Islamic 'World' and apologising for your country on global TV?
Is it good that an American president stands up in front of its most fanatic enemies and apologises for America?

I think Obama is okay...Hell ****ing Mr Ed would be better after Bush...But he's an apologist for Islam. And I don't like that.
And with the most powerful man in the World saying there is nothing actually up with Islam as it is... it does not give much hope for any kind of reformation, bring it into the 21st century (hell, the 18th century would be a start!), reform that in fact many Muslims are striving for.
By being a weak willed apologist he undermines the very people who could change the religion for the better.

Now I think it is a wonderful thing that a Black person is now The American President. Yes I do! Historic!
But you have to laugh when (as was said in the UK) people declare "how great that a Black man is in the White House when you think his ancestors could have been the slaves that built it".

OH PLEASE! He's Arab African. His ancestors were Arabian Muslims.
The only reason there ARE Arab Africans is because Islamic Arabs invaded Africa. And while there they enslaved Africans!

America did not go out and 'hunt' its slaves! IT BOUGHT THEM.
And who did it buy them FROM?
Arabs! Arab slave traders! A slave trade that STILL continues today.

Obama should not be judged by his ancestors...I agree... but if you are going to bring the topic up, then it is in fact only fair to state that Obama's ancestors were not amongst the slaves who built the White House...They SOLD the slaves who built the White House!

It hurts I know. But the truth sometimes does.