Favourite TV shows of all-time


Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
The Addams Family
All in the Family
The Benny Hill Show
Charlie's Angels
The Dukes of Hazzard
Fantasy Island
Get Smart
Gilligan's Island
Happy Days
Hogan's Heroes
I Dream of Jeannie
The Incredible Hulk
The Jeffersons
Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Kung Fu
Lost in Space
Mission: Impossible
The Munsters
The Odd Couple
Sanford and Son
The Six Million Dollar Man
Space: 1999
Star Trek TOS
Three's Company
The Twilight Zone
Welcome Back, Kotter
I loved the Addams family too. Thanks for the reminder!
Boldly going.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Patty Duke Show
That's one I haven't seen, but I think I'll end up binge watching one of these days.

How did I forget the Mythbusters? Excellent show!
Use to LOVE that show, but I don't think I could rewatch it with Grant having passed, just too sad.

Use to LOVE that show, but I don't think I could rewatch it with Grant having passed, just too sad.
If people dying is an issue for you, how do you manage to watch all the stuff you love?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

That’s a broad question..
Let's start with my favorite non-animated 20 to 30 minute comedy shows/sitcoms I grew up with as a kid.

From old to new..

I Dream of Jeannie


Happy Days

Fawlty Towers

Three's Company


Mork & Mindy

Family Ties

'Allo 'Allo!


1) Twin Peaks
2) Seinfeld
3) Pushing Daisies
4) Wonderfalls
5) Breaking Bad
6) Firefly
7) The Wire
8) The Haunting of Hill House
9) The Wonder Years
10) Blackadder

Of the reality/game shows
1) Crystal Maze
2) Eight of Ten Cats Does Countdown
3) Survivor
4) Would I Lie to You
5) The Amazing Race

1) Twin Peaks
2) Seinfeld
3) Pushing Daisies
4) Wonderfalls
5) Breaking Bad
6) Firefly
7) The Wire
8) The Haunting of Hill House
9) The Wonder Years
10) Blackadder

Of the reality/game shows
1) Crystal Maze
2) Eight of Ten Cats Does Countdown
3) Survivor
4) Would I Lie to You
5) The Amazing Race

I'm not sure exactly what my list would look like, but Firefly, Hill House, and Wonderfalls would likely be the top three.

Trouble with a capital "T"

I liked you TV show list I've rewatched some of those recently which is as a blast. I binge watched all 10 seasons of Happy Days too. I don't think I'd seen the last few seasons and the show really changes. Have you seen all 10 seasons? What's your favorite characters? Mine would be Ralph 'Mouth' (Donny Most) and Joanie (Erin Moran), oh and Mrs C (Marion Ross).

I liked you TV show list I've rewatched some of those recently which is as a blast. I binge watched all 10 seasons of Happy Days too. I don't think I'd seen the last few seasons and the show really changes. Have you seen all 10 seasons? What's your favorite characters? Mine would be Ralph 'Mouth' (Donny Most) and Joanie (Erin Moran), oh and Mrs C (Marion Ross).
Glad you like, more coming up..
Seen all Happy Days eps, it was on the network for years including re-runs. Fav character would have to be Arthur Fonzarelli.. Ey..!

Continuing my favorite non-animated comedy tv shows/sitcoms, this time from my early teens..


The Wonder Years


Mr. Bean


Keeping Up Appearances


Spin City

That '70s Show


Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Fawlty Towers

'Allo 'Allo!

These three are absolute cult!
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Brideshead Revisited
Los gozos y las sombras
Yes, Minister
Homecoming (Season 1)
The Shivering Truth
Twin Peaks: The Return
Westworld (Seasons 1-2)
The OA
Better Call Saul
Show me a Hero
Mr. Robot
Silicon Valley
Olive Kitterigde
The Leftovers
The Knick
Fargo (Season 1)
True Detective (Season 1)
Rick and Morty (Seasons 1-4)
Breaking Bad
The Wire
Game of Thrones (Seasons 1-4)

My top 10 favorite English language TV shows of all time are:

Babylon 5
Star Trek: Next Generation
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
Battlestar Galactica
I, Claudius
Band of Brothers
Bojack Horseman

If I do a top 20 TV shows including non-English language shows, then, it would be mostly anime shows, but I would include Babylon 5, Rome, Breaking Bad and I Claudius in there.

I'm seeing a disturbing lack of Cowboy Bebop in here so far, people...
Cowboy Bebop is an interesting case of a Japanese show that is much more popular in America than in Japan. I personally consider it a very good anime show, but I can think of dozens of others that I would rank above it.

I'm seeing a disturbing lack of Cowboy Bebop in here so far, people...
Easy space cowboy, I got ya.

The Simpsons
The X- Files
Cowboy Bebop
Dragonball / Z
Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Breaking Bad

That's one I haven't seen, but I think I'll end up binge watching one of these days.

Use to LOVE that show, but I don't think I could rewatch it with Grant having passed, just too sad.
Loved The Patty Duke Show, surprised there's someone around here old enough to remember it.

My Top 3 are more or less set in stone...

1. The Shield
2. The Wire
3. Breaking Bad

After that, it's a bit more shaky, but these are the ones that would be around my list.

* Boardwalk Empire
* The Americans
* Hannibal
* Justified
* Freaks and Geeks
* Bates Motel
* Firefly
* Manhattan
* Fortitude
* Catastrophe

Some that I feel like mentioning just because they were so amazing for a good stretch, even if they didn't stick the landing...

* Game of Thrones (S1 to S4)
* Lost (S1 to S3)
* The Simpsons (S1 to S5)
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Looking back at some of the lists here, Ozark would probably be a worthy recent inclusion.

A system of cells interlinked
I really need to get around to watching this show...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Knots Landing



Will & Grace


The Partridge Family

That Girl

Two and a Half Men


Law and Order SVU

The Brady Bunch



Dirty Sexy Money

Who's the Boss?

Melrose Place

I Dream of Jeannie