What is your favorite movie from 2010 to 2017?


This might just do nobody any good.
Doesn’t get better than drunk Gosling rolling into the corpse (played by Robert Downey Jr!)


Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

What do you think of Steve Mcqueen's other work?
I don't love them as much. Hunger is a great film with outstanding performance from Fassbender, but it's no Shame, while 12 I̶n̶c̶h̶ Years a Slave is a decent slavery movie with some good acting...
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Hello. It is really difficult to choose. My favourite movie is The Host, released in 2013. I have actually read its book before watching the movie. It is a science fiction thriller movie, where there are aliens called “Souls”, who are invading human bodies. I loved this film, as I actually sympathized with the antagonists. I realized that with these aliens, Earth became more peaceful and there were no social, economic, political or cultural problems. So, I’ll give it a 10/10! Bye!

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
The Skin I Live In (2011)

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
My favourite movie, if that is the only criteria, is probably Cloud Atlas (2012).

Other good 2010-2017 movies I have particularly enjoyed:

Wadjda (2012)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)
Lilting (2014)
Inception (2010)
The Way He Looks (2014)
The Martian (2015)

And I'd probably round out the top 10 with the Captain America movies. Or two of those and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol II.

I agree with Birdman. Michael Keaton, Edward Norton, and Emma Stone turned in virtuoso performances in this refreshing, off beat, but compelling film.


I don't actually wear pants.
I hoped for more than random frames from the films people enjoy, but I got my hopes too high. I haven't the foggiest what any of these that don't have a title are. How am I supposed to know what you enjoy, and thusly do some research to see if I'd like it, if you just post a random shot?
Thanks again, Mr Portridge.