twighlight vs lost boys


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Dammit, is there a corner of the Internet where people aren't bashing Twilight?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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It's just so hard not to rip into it. It's just so enjoyable to hate!
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WOW @ this thread, no offence but kind of silly, theres no comparasin at all!

Obviously Lost Boys is better, thats a given.

Though I actually have a *secret* enjoyment for twilight, mainly cause im a sucker for love and all things lovey dovey and i love the crappest movies known to man more often than not. Still id pick lost boys every time, its a classic!
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Whilst I agree with the sentiment, using the ****ing Potter juggernaunt to make it has more than a hint of irony, no?
True I just liked the pic as it was ripping Twilight
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I have absolute hatred for Lost Boys and it's probably roughly 100 times better than Twilight.

best picture ever.

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A system of cells interlinked

I would also need to mention Near Dark, the Superior 1988 Vampire genre blender, over Lost Boys. Twilight is right out.

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what movie would you was best the old teen vampire movie the lost boys or the now teen twighlight i watched lost boys the other night and forgot how good it was .....
Twilight explores the dualist struggle of humanity's animal and intellectual natures through a touching romantic love-triad between an average high-school girl (whom I can relate to, because her life is just like mine) and her two extremely sexy male co-leads against the backdrop of a unique Slavic mythological framework. It's also filled with action, suspense, and touching romance. Anyone with a heart will fall in love with Edward as Bella does.

This appeals to me.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

How about The Godfather verses Encino Man next?
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That's just dumb, g_p. The others... well... the others were intriguing. But yours? Yours was just plain dumb.

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Because internet.