what do you do?


Intensive care nurse.

Originally Posted by adidasss
haha...caitlyn, have you never seen anyone use the action stuff....that's what the ** are for...they indicate something I do....not he/she.....it's expressed in a third person like say, in a screenplay.....

thanks for the explanation, it was an honest question, we don't have that stuff in croatia.....

Yeah, I've seen it used… but it's a little hard to be sure with you…

I'm glad it was an honest question...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

there's a frog in my snake oil
I'm doing a jumble of part-time stuff at the mo... was doing a bit of research for a documentary, been doing some basic web-content editing (footage and pics), i write occasional film reviews for a minor UK mag, and just about to start doing some paid forum moderation. Yiiii (ain't saying for which companies tho )

I've become an almost-solvent techno-hippy. Dunno how
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
...so which UK mag?
You'll have heard of it, but rarely seen it in the shops. Tis really near the bottom of the pile, trust me. Glossy, and with some good stuff and staff involved, considering its budget, but it's no Sight & Sound . That's all i'm sayin. (Sorry for the 'mystery', but i reckon i better keep me working life and MoFo meanderings separate y'see )

Originally Posted by Golgot
I'm doing a jumble of part-time stuff at the mo... was doing a bit of research for a documentary, been doing some basic web-content editing (footage and pics), i write occasional film reviews for a minor UK mag, and just about to start doing some paid forum moderation. Yiiii (ain't saying for which companies tho )

I've become an almost-solvent techno-hippy. Dunno how

I always thought you were some mad scientist sort....I think due to your discussions.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Ophelia
I always thought you were some mad scientist sort....I think due to your discussions.
I'm hoping that'll be my next career-leap

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I help AIDS patients who don't have any money get the healthcare they need.
And I'm going to be helping them use Medicare to their best advantage - promotion in the works.
i was wondering what you did...

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I help AIDS patients who don't have any money get the healthcare they need.
And I'm going to be helping them use Medicare to their best advantage - promotion in the works.
Have you been sent by God?
Originally Posted by Golgot
You'll have heard of it, but rarely seen it in the shops. Tis really near the bottom of the pile, trust me. Glossy, and with some good stuff and staff involved, considering its budget, but it's no Sight & Sound . That's all i'm sayin. (Sorry for the 'mystery', but i reckon i better keep me working life and MoFo meanderings separate y'see )
I read a lot of film mags. I will find you Golly. Oh yes. I'll just look for the kittens...
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Not a damn thing.

When I'm at school at least. I spend 5 days a week doing absolutely nothing - nothing productive at least. Bless you, Tuesday/Thursday only classes!

When I'm back home, though, I'm a kitchen manager at a seafood market. I cook all kinds of stuff and boss people around for 12+ hours a day in a room that rarely drops below 120 degrees. Fun stuff. But then again, every person that works there is a great friend. You know you've got a great work environment when you're drinking underage at work from a bottle of Khalua that your boss bought you. Which, I don't endorse...

I also occasionally throw some hours in at an indepedent video store a good friend recently took over (Steve, if anyone remembers him, works there as well). That job has given me many, many stories considering before he took it over its customer base was largely for the porn room. People that rent porn crack me up.
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

10th grade student at John Carroll High School

Originally Posted by adidasss
^^em....any more detail on that? who do you counsel? do you work in a highschool? is it like a therapist?
Yes i am a therapist I work for myself and see anyone who the local GP's or anyone, refer. I used to work for the government in the mental health area. enough detail

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by blibblobblib
I will find you Golly. Oh yes. I'll just look for the kittens...
They always edit them out, the swine

Female assassin extraordinaire.
Originally Posted by OG-
That job has given me many, many stories considering before he took it over its customer base was largely for the porn room. People that rent porn crack me up.
that's why i buy it instead.

AAAAANyway, i began my existence with mofo as a college student. then a job, then a layoff, and now, a sorta tech writing thing in the online ad department of a fairly well-known internet company. i morphed the job into a writing job - they initially had me doing customer support first by phone, then by email. now i'm on a team that handles the FAQs and support materials for our internet product. yay!

the real dream is to live off writing-based royalties (the big novel, yet to be finished, but one day, one day!). and somewhere in there produce an album, along with some acting/voiceacting. good times.
life without movies is like cereal without milk. possible, but disgusting. but not nearly as bad as cereal with water. don't lie. I know you've done it.

I'm unemployed, I'm planning to go to Uni tho....