Captain Marvel

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Why should I have said that? Even if they are just trying to be digestible bits of fun, they don't exist in a vacuum. They are pieces of art (even the bad ones) and art reflects the world in which it is made to one extent or another, so it's only fair to analyse the choices that are made in these films and not automatically exempt them from criticism because they're fun and the masses love them.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Why should I have said that? Even if they are just trying to be digestible bits of fun, they don't exist in a vacuum. They are pieces of art (even the bad ones) and art reflects the world in which it is made to one extent or another, so it's only fair to analyse the choices that are made in these films and not automatically exempt them from criticism because they're fun and the masses love them.
Not saying they are exempt from criticism. What I am saying is they can be two things at once and not necessarily be contradictory. I am sure if people were saying this should obviously be a pro military film so they should drop the twist, you would think that was silly. Not every piece of art is created to reinforce your values.

Welcome to the human race...
Those are generalised statements that don't necessarily apply to Captain Marvel, though. I certainly question how much you can argue that the military's improved since the mid-'90s as the film is ostensibly being critical of modern military policy with its main antagonist being a militarised state that ruthlessly seeks to consolidate its power and creates its own enemies in the process, but at the same time they apparently need the Air Force's approval to tell Carol's heroic back-story and don't get much more critical than a bunch of airmen being sexist towards her. You want to say that I'd get annoyed at people saying this should be pro-military, but I'm arguing that it already kind of is and that the inconsistency of the approach is enough for me to question its conviction in its message and therefore its overall worth as a piece of art whether it personally reinforces my worldview or not.

just four words from my side. BEST MOVIE EVER WATCHED.

A system of cells interlinked
I had seen this in theaters when it first hit the streets, and although I enjoyed aspects of the movie, I found it sort of middling overall. I went to see it with a buddy of mine, as my wife had already decided she hated the character, even though she really had no reason to do so beyond her preconceived notions that the film was yet another vehicle for feminist propo. I don't really see it as such, or at least not especially so where it drops anvils on your head. I found Captain Marvel herself to be pretty bad ass, and i liked the use of music, both licensed and OST.

Meanwhile, after seeing Endgame, my wife sort of softened to the character, and mentioned she would watch CM when it hit video. Well, not only did she end up enjoying it (as well feel as feeling like an ass for avoiding the theater showing), but she now claims CM is one of her favorite Marvel characters.

Myself...I enjoyed it more on the second viewing. Larsen's comic delivery doesn't stick the landing some of the time, but i think she plays the character pretty well.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I know I'll end up watching this because boyfriend and i watch every comic book movie that comes out but I have NEVER been so unamped to watch a movie. The (for me) sublime cluster**** of an unlikeable actress playing an unlikeable superhero will be epic in all the wrong ways.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I swear I misread the thread topic as Captain Planet and got all excited because yesterday I randomly came across the old Don Cheadle's Captain Planet spoof and wanted to join in the fun here. As I was reading to catch up I just could not, for the life of me, figure out why Iro and Seanc would be in an argument over a Captain Planet live action movie.

Gah. I need coffee.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Back to Marvel, I went in with low expectation but actually enjoyed it. Glowy-eyed super heroes darting through things should be more common.

That is, in super hero movies. I don't think they should just be on every street corner or what have you. So that we're clear.

And by street corners, I don't mean prostitution. Not necessarily.

NOT to imply anyone standing on a street corner is, by default, a prostitute. NO! Nor a super hero. Let's not judge here, please.

What an excellent day for an exorcism
Just bought this on VUDU, I'm pretty much on the same page as Sedai's comment, "I found it sort of middling overall." I don't think it was bad, and it generally entertains somewhat, it just didn't grab me. A film like Alien pulls you in, you are in that ship shoulder to shoulder with Ripley wondering which dark corner contains the creature. I felt like I was one of the humans Morpheus woke up from the Matrix. Great film can pull you in and you become a ghost character. I never lost my audience identity watching CM.

Registered User
I think it's a pretty interesting one but people were looking for more.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I had seen this in theaters when it first hit the streets, and although I enjoyed aspects of the movie, I found it sort of middling overall. I went to see it with a buddy of mine, as my wife had already decided she hated the character, even though she really had no reason to do so beyond her preconceived notions that the film was yet another vehicle for feminist propo. I don't really see it as such, or at least not especially so where it drops anvils on your head. I found Captain Marvel herself to be pretty bad ass, and i liked the use of music, both licensed and OST.

Meanwhile, after seeing Endgame, my wife sort of softened to the character, and mentioned she would watch CM when it hit video. Well, not only did she end up enjoying it (as well feel as feeling like an ass for avoiding the theater showing), but she now claims CM is one of her favorite Marvel characters.

Myself...I enjoyed it more on the second viewing. Larsen's comic delivery doesn't stick the landing some of the time, but i think she plays the character pretty well.
Watched it yesterday, similar thoughts to above. Reminded me of Black Panther giving me a bit of a meh feeling. 7/10

Some initial thoughts,

- From a story point of view where has CM been all this time during prev crisis?
- Introducing a mega powerful hero like this just means they have to write in ways to get rid of her for most of the movie, see Endgame, Superman, Charles Xavier.
- She isn't much of a character, just makes snide remarks and gets angry, not enough depth.
- They captured the essence of the mid 90's very well, just as well as the Coen's did the 80's in No Country. Was funny to see and be reminded of slow boot up internet and box monitors.
- She doesn't ever really have much of a challenge to overcome other than getting her memories straight, once she goes full power she just nukes everything in front of her without a scratch, good villains are more important the heroes themselves.

Rewatched this, and I think this is still a good 3/5 stars or so. Brie Larson's attitude and portrayal of the character are still really unique in my eyes, and the humor was great when they went for it.

Rented this last night. It was fine. Not exciting at all, only a few interesting moments. Most of the enjoyment comes from the prequel-y hookups between the things we know and how they come to be.

Kinda weird that she never really seems to face a major challenge. She's basically invincible. That can work, but I think they kinda shortchanged whatever struggle they were trying to convey, because the end should be a huge release, when she finally breaks out and just basically destroys everything at will.

I agree her character is weird. I'm not sure if that's bad! It's just weird. Understated, wry. I think I like the general mood they had for her, but it might have worked better if they gave her more to say, and made it a bit more consistently witty/scathing/dry. Instead it was dryness with a lot of quips that weren't very quiplike. But I did appreciate that it wasn't just a boring archetype, exactly.

Forget politics, the movie itself is just bland.

On my “Best Comic Book Movies of All-Time” list I place Captain Marvel at #36. Shows you the extent of its blandness. It’s not offensively bad but it is annoyingly below average. Better than such things as X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Rise of the Silver Surfer but not by much. Captain Marvel being close to that quality is a stunning turn for the MCU and certainly the worst effort the studio has produced in their existence.

In a strange analogy, Captain Marvel is to Marvel Studios what the Vietnam War was to America. Controversial endeavor that the powers to be deemed necessary but overall detrimental. To quote Bill Murray’s Stripes: “We've been kickin' ass for 200 years. We're 10 and 1.” Well, Marvel Studios is now 20-1 but that’s still a damn good win loss record! Still a fan of the MCU and hoping for a return to glory for the MCU with Endgame.
This was well put to me. Saw it on very low quality a few months ago. I just can't bring myself to pay money to see a Brie Larsen movie. But to put that aside and be objective you summed up her performance and the movie in a word. Bland.

Brie just doesn't have superhero charisma to me. Which is magnified when the character itself is just as uncharismatic and boring as her. Then you top the character off with why Superman has problems translating to screen, she is invincible. What are her weaknesses? Even Superman has kryptonite. I guess chauvinistic men? Let's be real they had to send her away to "police" the universe for End Game. She would have beat Thanos with her pinky finger if she was there the whole time. Her kryptonite is attendance. And her being so small in stature just doesn't help me believe she is some Superman like figure. I just think she was miss cast honestly. Maybe she will grow into the role, I just don't see it.

I think you are bit harsh on the movie itself. It's very forgettable. Not some touchstone movie like Brie would like you to think for females, that was Wonder Woman by a mile. I didn't feel shamed for being a male by watching Wonder Woman, I actually felt empowered myself. Thought Patty handled that beautifully. And Gal as Wonder Woman blows Brie's Captain Marvel out of the water imo.

But I wouldn't call it bad, it had entertaining moments. Ant-Man and the Wasp is the MCU's worse movie I hated that movie, which is a shame because I really liked the first one.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

So I just watched the Captain Marvel movie, and I thought I might share my opinion with you about her character in the MCU world.

Actually, I hated Captain Marvel when I first saw her in the Avengers: End Game (I didn't watch the Captain Marvel movie until now). So I searched a little and found out that some other people have the same opinion about that. But I think the main reason is that she is extremely over-powered compared to other avengers and also seems a stranger to fans.

Some people might relate this to sexism, but that is not the case. Because, I can say it for sure that if you would replace the female Captain Marvel with a male one, the public opinion would be the same. Because she was not there from the beginning. People are not used to seeing her. She wasn't even a part of the team (not even an avenger!). And at the beginning of her presence, she starts arguing with and belittling the avengers...

To clarify it, fans are seeing her as a totally random stranger who was not part of the team, didn't suffer with them, was a completely new character, and just turns out to be the most OP person and wants to take all the credits for herself. This is to the point that when watching End-games, I was just thinking that all other avengers are useless! She could have done all of that on her own(except the last part when tony stark snapped). And the only need for avengers comes from the fact that the almighty princess does not have enough time to do little business, because she has lots of other galaxies to save! This seems like the MCU itself is belittling its own avengers in front of Captain Marvel!
Some compare her to Thor and say, why you don't say the same thing when it comes to Thor. Well, the answer is that thor's character is part of the Avengers team. He works with them as a team. He might be very strong physically, but he still needs his friends to succeed and does not corrupt the need for the other unique characters. He also has his own weaknesses that we have seen through the series. So he has his unique position in the group. But that is not the case for Captain Marvel.
I personally think that the MCU world does not have the capacity to hold such an OP character. This type of character is useful in single-hero universes like superman... Also, I realized today that I have no problem watching her being an OP character on her own movie " Captain Marvel". That's because, in her movie, she is a solo character. Her appearance does not corrupt others. The same thing happens with Superman. When you watch superman, you like him being solo. And when you watch another movie, the superman does not exist! But when it comes to adding her up with others she is simply invincible, which makes all other heroes useless.
Thanks for reading. Please leave a comment about your opinion

Welcome to the human race...
For what it's worth, we do have other threads dedicated to Captain Marvel that can be found by using the search function that can be accessed using the magnifying glass icon at the top of the page.

The whole idea that she has to save other parts of the universe while the Avengers are more or less relegated to Earth makes sense when you consider that films like Ant-Man and Spider-Man: Homecoming acknowledged that their respective crises were not on a grand enough scale to warrant involving the Avengers - there's always a bigger fish, as the saying goes. Doesn't make the threats any less serious. In any case, it's not like she was able to defeat Thanos and his armies singlehandedly either so she isn't exactly infallible or able to do all the heroes' work for them.

Im sorry for generating a new thread for this. I tried to delete it, but it seems the threads cannot be deleted. They only can be modified.

For what it's worth, we do have other threads dedicated to Captain Marvel that can be found by using the search function that can be accessed using the magnifying glass icon at the top of the page.

The whole idea that she has to save other parts of the universe while the Avengers are more or less relegated to Earth makes sense when you consider that films like Ant-Man and Spider-Man: Homecoming acknowledged that their respective crises were not on a grand enough scale to warrant involving the Avengers - there's always a bigger fish, as the saying goes. Doesn't make the threats any less serious. In any case, it's not like she was able to defeat Thanos and his armies singlehandedly either so she isn't exactly infallible or able to do all the heroes' work for them.

A system of cells interlinked

I've merged these latest posts in to this thread instead of deleting your thread. Feel free to continue the conversation here.



I've merged these latest posts in to this thread instead of deleting your thread. Feel free to continue the conversation here.
