Your opinions of Muslims and Islam


I'll offer another answer: because there's a difference between Christians doing things and people doing things because they are Christian. Much of what you're listing was not done for explicitly Christian reasons. Phrases like "largely led by Christian leaders," for example, make the distinction plain.

Not to mention that people react in fundamentally different ways to outright terrorism than they do to ill-advised wars, and for good reason.
I don't agree with you at all, Yoda.

Throughout colonialism, as well as the US genocide against Native Americans, there was always a justification based on the god-fearing versus the heathen/godless. That justification was also used in the US fight against communism, which included the Vietnam War.

And the Christian Right (who overwhelmingly supported and strongly influenced the policies of George W Bush) has long been a proponent of aggression in the Middle East, including the most recent war against Iraq. And they also find a basis for that aggression in their interpretation of the Christian Bible.

No one has criticized the Muslim faith in here, we have criticized the Middle Eastern Islamist countries and terrorists though. All the things about Chhristian you listed Celluoid, were either done in far past or not in the name of God. And most Christians themselves realize what Christian leaders done in the past is wrong. Eventually I think this will come out of Islam, and Jihad won't even be an issue. But at this point we're not there yet, as it is a comparatively young religion.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

If the majority of Palistinians only want peace, why did they elect Hamas?
Muslims as a whole in general I say the majority want peace.

That being said, this point was in my mind when I was typing. And to be honest I can only speculate. And either way I look at it it is not very good.

Throughout colonialism, as well as the US genocide against Native Americans, there was always a justification based on the god-fearing versus the heathen/godless. That justification was also used in the US fight against communism, which included the Vietnam War.
When a culture is largely Christian, any actions of this sort are going to be sold as being not just permissible under it, but required by it, so little is to be gleaned from the mere fact that it was justified this way. The question is what actively motivates it. And therein lies the difference.

And the Christian Right (who overwhelmingly supported and strongly influenced the policies of George W Bush) has long been a proponent of aggression in the Middle East, including the most recent war against Iraq. And they also find a basis for that aggression in their interpretation of the Christian Bible.
Do they? I didn't, and most of the people I know didn't. And anyone who believes in any religion finds basis for what they believe from their religion, indirectly, so by that logic anything a religious person ever does could be said to be religiously motivated. So, clearly, a somewhat stricter standard is required if you want to assign culpability.

For example: the distinction between a Christian holding elected office and starting a war with many justifications and facets (however ill-advised), versus a person deliberately attacking innocents for purposes of terror and explicitly doing so in the name of their God. This can't all be smushed together under the heading of each person's religion, as if they were equally motivated by religious principles.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Originally Posted by CelluloidChild
Throughout colonialism, as well as the US genocide against Native Americans, there was always a justification based on the god-fearing versus the heathen/godless. That justification was also used in the US fight against communism, which included the Vietnam War.

The United States did not commit genocide against Native Americans.

The focus on the fight of communism was not on the lack of religion and the Viet Nam War was about containment, not wiping out communism.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Originally Posted by CelluloidChild
Throughout colonialism, as well as the US genocide against Native Americans, there was always a justification based on the god-fearing versus the heathen/godless. That justification was also used in the US fight against communism, which included the Vietnam War.

The United States did not commit genocide against Native Americans.

The focus on the fight of communism was not on the lack of religion and the Viet Nam War was about containment, not wiping out communism.
Who wiped out almost all Native Americans then?

Have you never heard the oft-used phrase 'Godless Communists'?

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Look up the definiton of genocide.

The United States did not do that.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I have heard the phrase godless communists.

I have never heard anyone with power in governement say it was official government policy to wage war against them for that reason.

The deliberate killing of a large group of people, esp. those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

And godless-communists was more of a propaganda slang, as will stated the war in Nam was to stop the domino effect, not about God.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
I've got no problem with any religion so long as it doesn't make claims on people not of that faith. Here in the U.S., we are supposed to have a separation of church and state. If a Muslim can live by that here, fine; if not, go to a country that combines the two.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
As far as Muslims go as a people, I have no problem with them. I feel sorry for them believing as they do. As far as the Islamic faith goes, I don't believe or follow it. I am a good old fashioned Southern Independent Baptist. I believe that Jesus died for our sins so we could all get into Heaven if we accept him as our personal savior. That is just what I believe. I am not going to try and force my religion on other people and I feel that other people shouldn't try to force theirs on me. If they come at me with theirs I come back with mine. I do believe that they should put the King James Bible back into schools and TEACH IT! I am of the opinion that the country would go into a much better direction if they did.

EDIT: Also, Celluloid is right, it was genoside that the Indians got and a lot of people would argue that it is still going on today.
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

I have no problem with them unless they start praying in the middle of the street during rush hours.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

. I do believe that they should put the King James Bible back into schools and TEACH IT! I am of the opinion that the country would go into a much better direction if they did.
Doesn't that completely contradict saying that you don't want to impose your religion on anybody?

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“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Know nothing bout Muslims or Islam. I dont deify Muhammed (or any Pope for that matter). Sadly the nutjobs in their church are more organized and in groups committing terror on masses of people. Terrorism has done more to hurt the cause of Islam than anything at any time in history.

Because the schools are no longer created by churches...

(Other than private, but they have the right to teach the bible)