How many times have you walked out of theatre out of disgust for movie


Master of My Domain
None, but if had seen Gods of Egypt and Transformers 3 alone, without any people with horrible taste in film, I would have walked out, then keep on walking and walking.
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Please hold your applause till after the me.
There has only ever been one movie I've almost walked out of, and it's the worst movie I've seen in theatres and in my entire life, The Last Airbender. It's one of the few movies that I would walk out of, and it's the only one u was unfortunate enough to see un theatres, all this awkward close ups on the big screen was haunting.

Furious 7 insulted me to a point where I was black and blue in the balls and left halfway

Dumb and Dumber 2 also was absolute hell

I've never walked out of a theater, the movie has to be beyond awful to thwart me. I figure if it's bad it can entertain in other ways. I remember watching 300 in theaters and hating it, but it did produce some good laughs.There was a specific scene where a head was spinning in the air and I lost my sh*t. It took me a while to stop laughing and I could see some guy behind us fuming. Those were good times.
Youve got an interesting sense of humor. I loved 300 my self actually. I don't think ive ever walked out
Mad Max Fury road is trash

I have to return some videotapes...
Honestly so many, I won't sit in a film that I think is below a
if I'm still feeling this rating an hour through because I don't believe in wasting my time watching garbage.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

“Hell will hold no surprises for you.”

I only go to see movies that I know will be at least pretty decent. I realize trailers sometimes make a movie look better than it really is, but I only go see the ones I am really excited about. They never turn out to be that bad.

I haven't ever walked out of a movie I specifically paid for. I have ditched on movies at film festivals, where I had an all access pass to see any and every movie. In some of those festivals, especially the Portland International Film Festival I used to attend every year (when I still lived in PDX), I could see upwards of fifty movies over the few weeks of the run. In that situation there are many movies starting at staggered times and all in proximity to each other. A handful of times I would start one knowing that if it didn't immediately grip me I had backup options that I could eject myself for.

The only one of those I felt a little bad about was a Mexican film, the title of which I have long forgotten, because the film's director was sitting two seats away from me. When I got up and bolted half an hour in I had to go right past him. Oh, well.

But if I pay for it, no matter how terrible it is, I'll stick it out. I have let myself fall asleep in a couple because I was bored, stopped fighting the urge to doze, but I haven't ever gotten up and left.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

When a friend of mine and I saw the film "1776" in NYC's Radio City Music Hall, back in the early 1970's, we both walked out in the middle of it, because it was so boring.

Afew years ago, when the Somerville Theatre played a double feature of the films "Goodfellas", and "Casinos", I walked out after ten minutes of "Casinos", because I found it boring as hell.
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

When a friend of mine and I saw the film "1776" in NYC's Radio City Music Hall, back in the early 1970's, we both walked out in the middle of it, because it was so boring.

Afew years ago, when the Somerville Theatre played a double feature of the films "Goodfellas", and "Casinos", I walked out after ten minutes of "Casinos", because I found it boring as hell.
Casino is like an imitation of a Scorsese film

But Not Slight of Mind or Tongue...
Normally I would never walk out on a film in a cinema however horrible it might be, but I did walk out of a movie once. My girlfriend dragged me to me see Did You Hear About the Morgans? which I had no real interest in seeing. Within the first five minutes, she decided it was terrible and wanted to leave. I was happy to comply with her demands, so we walked out together. This was in a multiplex, so we ended up slipping into the theater playing The Fantastic Mr. Fox, the film I actually wanted to see, but she originally vetoed because she tends to dislike most animated movies. Fortunately, that film proved to be an exception, and we ended up both liking it a lot.

Phillauri ( march 2017 )

once again i walked out of the theatre after getting bored with this bollywood movie called 'phillauri' . phillauri is the name of a village in punjab region of north west india .

the story starts with a young man ( suraj sharma ) coming back to india from his job in canada to get married to his beautiful long term girlfriend ( mehreen pirzada ) . but in canada he has got into a habit of smoking and intaking drugs .

in india he is confronted with a quaint superstition that one might think comes from the dark ages but exists in parts of india---an astrologer declares him to be unlucky for getting married unless he first marries a tree and later marries his girlfriend . so he is married to this tree .

what anybody does not know is the fact that on the tree resides a female ghost ( anushka sharma ) , and his marriage gets solemnised with the ghost . the ghost then comes to stalk him every night ; passes comments on the exposing clothes that his girlfriend wears called her nude .

of course , the ghost has her own past love story of a lover ( diljit dosanjh ) in past life . but by this time i was getting mega irritated with the permanently confused and bored expression on the hero's face . the film has been marketed as a comedy but in the one hour i was in the theatre i hardly laughed once or twice . the proceedings were dull and utterly failed to hold my interest .

the only time i felt like laughing was when the girlfriend's drunkard grandmother ( she starts drinking at 9 in the morning ) joked about her husband screwing her in somebody else's house in her youth , and when her son ( girlfriend's father ) tried to shut her up she claimed that he wouldn't have been born if her husband was not so horny....i then waited for more jokes of this kind but when no more were forthcoming , i walked out....

I never leave before the end but in Prometheus I really wanted! I just watched until the end because my mom and my girlfriend was with me...

I personally have never walked out on a film, but I remember a mass exodus happening during Bug (2006), which I enjoyed, and the I've never seen an audience more upset at the ending of a movie than The Mist (2007).

haven't, but i would have walked out of Logan if I hadn't been with no.3 son, I thought it was really horrble. But then i wouldn't have been there at all if not for him.

The most loathsome of all goblins
None. Because I pick movies based on good review before ticket purchase.
But that only works on the assumption that critics have good taste. The truth is many of them don't. I read reviews beforehand as well, but only to get a idea of what the movie is about and whether or not I would personally enjoy it. I sure as hell don't pay attention to the rating or grade some blogger gives it, especially when it comes to horror films and comedies, the two most divisive genres.

Anyway, I walked out of the theater when I went to see Date Movie (2006). At the time I had no idea who Seltzer and Friedberg were and just thought it would be like Airplane! or something. I could only stomach about 20 minutes of that piece of garbage

Chief cook and bottlewasher
I've never walked out of a movie theatre. There are several movies out there that I hated but I stuck it out to the end.

Having said that, however, I've turned off multitudes of movies after 15/20 minutes. Life is too short to sit through a Lars von Trier movie.
Yes, it is your circus and these are your monkeys.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I personally have never walked out on a film, but I remember a mass exodus happening during Bug (2006), which I enjoyed, and the I've never seen an audience more upset at the ending of a movie than The Mist (2007).
Why were people walking out of Bug? I really enjoyed that disturbing movie.
nd I loved the ending of The Mist but dont think I read the novel.