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the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Not sure how you didn't know about the Gene Hackman "cameo" considering he's one of the top billed actors, and has a pretty significant amount of screen time to be considered a cameo. I'd consider it more like, the main supporting role.
I didnt know because i'd never heard he was in it plus i'd never really paid much attenetion to the film either. Also, maybe "cameo" was not the appropiate word but i dont think id consider Hackman "the main supporting role" as i thought C.W Moss had more screen time. I could be wrong though which im sure you'll advise me of.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Finished here. It's been fun.

This movie is a pitch-black dark comedy that deals with extremely taboo and dark topics.It's a very uncomfortable film to watch, and quite depressing too. But at the same time it's quite hilarious. It's such an awkward and messed up film, but it's still good though.It shows us how messed up seemingly normal people are beneath the surface. It's a very cynical view of human nature, but it never feels biased.I give the movie

Pawn Shop Chronicles 7/10

I enjoyed it but I wouldn't consider it a very good movie. I like the director; he comes up with some twisted things.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Damn what a bleak,depressing film. Man was this tough to sit through. Is it a good film?Absolutely. The performance by Fassbender is absolutely incredible, and the film's direction is incredible as well. There's a single shot that lasts over 15 minutes. This is not a film I would want to sit through ever again however.
. The film's director Steve McQueen is one of the best living directors imo. It actually seems that he's a director who has something to say. I can't wait to see what else he has in store.

Damn what a bleak,depressing film. Man was this tough to sit through. Is it a good film?Absolutely. The performance by Fassbender is absolutely incredible, and the film's direction is incredible as well. There's a single shot that lasts over 15 minutes. This is not a film I would want to sit through ever again however.
. The film's director Steve McQueen is one of the best living directors imo. It actually seems that he's a director who has something to say. I can't wait to see what else he has in store.
Great film. After I first watched this I looked into the hunger strike, I knew nothing about it before I watched this film. I'm no sympathizer to his cause, but Bobby Sands wrote a great poem while he was on hunger strike that has been in my youtube favorites for years, here it is.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Gotta say I really enjoyed this movie. It's an extremely original and quite intelligent sci-fi action thriller. It's really entertaining,energetic, and is a unique take on the time-travel subgenre.You can see influences from other sci-fi films here such as Blade Runner and 12 Monkeys, but overall this film is original and fresh. It's so nice to see a blockbuster with some wit and brains,so i award it a
. To those in the mood for some good sci-fi action, you are in for a treat.Glad i checked this one out.

I agree. If you look past some of the continuity and time travelling errors (which are bound to happen with any movie dealing with such a complex subject), it's a solid movie to just enjoy for what it is.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Definitely a good movie. And yeah it is historical fiction and not historically accurate, but I knew that going in so who cares? Geoffrey Rush is fantastic as the Marque De Sade, and Michael Caine is a bastard!

I know this is Miss Vicky's favorite movie, and given what I do know about here I do see some things in this movie she would like (the emphasis on writing, Joaquin, etc). But DAMN the subject matter gets really STEAMY! You saucy little wench you!

Let the night air cool you off

Maybe I am overrating this because of how I emotional it had me at certain points, but it might be my new favorite Lynch...and that is saying something.

Did they mop this floor with Dr. Pepper?!
I love this thread. I go through and add movies to my to-be-watched list. The thing has more than tripled in size since I joined the forums. I'm constantly realizing how totally behind I am. Oh well. Down the rabbit hole I go.

Definitely a good movie. And yeah it is historical fiction and not historically accurate, but I knew that going in so who cares? Geoffrey Rush is fantastic as the Marque De Sade, and Michael Caine is a bastard!

I know this is Miss Vicky's favorite movie, and given what I do know about here I do see some things in this movie she would like (the emphasis on writing, Joaquin, etc). But DAMN the subject matter gets really STEAMY! You saucy little wench you!

I'd give you more than one +rep for this post if I could.

Shame you didn't rate it higher, but I'll settle for a 4.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User


Finally got round to watching this and it didnt disappoint. Will definately be checking more from Sidney Lumet having only watched this,Serpico, DDA and 12 Angry Men. Can anyone recommend where to go next from him?


Hugo (2011) -

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011) -

Naked (1993) -

Despicable Me 2 (2013) -

Finished here. It's been fun.

The movie is not bad...but it's kind of bland. There's nothing that really sticks out. The performances are okay(nothing special though), the script is your typical fare, and nothing sticks out about the direction either. It just never goes beyond being "oscar-bait". It kind of baffles me how this won best picture last year. Again it's not bad, but nothing special either.

Did they mop this floor with Dr. Pepper?!

Unforgiven (Eastwood, 1992)

My favorite Eastwood movie so far, by far.


Big Trouble in Little China (Carpenter, 1986)

Tremendous fun! I really enjoyed that.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Doctor Who:The Day of the Doctor
Well this was awesome!Intro is same as in 1963,and for me that was epic,because this is 50th anniversary,ofc i didnt watched original Doctor Who but that was really good feature for 50th birthday,3 Doctors at the same time,well that can't be bad,i love dialogs 10th--->11th,11th--->10th.Finally Gallifrey is done with so much details,we can see how Daleks killed,children ,women,they dont care...We saw that war,so much epic moments,John Hurts War Doctor,he is a guy that will kill two races and himself to save universe.Acting is good,story is good,there are some holes in story,but this is Doctor Who,there are only stories never told,story holes are not there only stories never told!Ending wow,just wow i dont know what too say,evry Doctor looking at Gallifrey ,TARDIS is behind them,just epic scene,we saw only 5seconds of 12th Doctor but that look wow,i think that look confirmed ,this Doctor will be pretty dark and angry.Finally we saw regeneration John Hurt--->Eccelstone,but we saw only CGI eyes of 9th because Eccelstone didnt want to join for this episode,and if you guys remember he got out of BBC and Doctor Who pretty angry,he was mad,he said in 2005-06 that he is not coming back ever again so i dont see why are some people so pissed,he had big reason for refusing money and scene that milions will watch.It is sad how 10th,9th and War Doctor wont remember that they saved Gallifrey they will still think they killed Time Lords.Billie Piper is back,but she is not Rose,i always loved Rose she was best companion for me.There is a scene in witch general of Time Lords says that they used all secret weapons,there we can see how big this war was ,and how bad position for Time Lords was...Now when we know that Gallifrey is still out there,we know Doctor will try to find it,and probably he will find it,series 8 will be all about that.Bad Wolf words still give me chills.This was long but yea i'm big fan of DW.I really can't think of bad things really,i tried but nothing was bad in this one!Maybe some minor things ,but they are so little i alredy forgot about them.

Verdict 9-10

.... What the **** did I just watch? I like movies that are weird, and David Lynch is one of my all time favorite directors. But Lynch's weird and surreal movies are interesting and mysterious while this feels more like it was written on a mad lib. People want to **** in Malkovich's head, who cares?!?!?

I will stick to REAL weird and silly film writers like LLOYD Kaufman, thank you very much!