The MoFo Top 100 Animated Films - The Countdown

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You see what I'm saying here?


You're waiting on things like SHREK 2!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Fox And The Hound was #14 on my list. I love it. It is by far my favorite of what I call classic Disney. I know some of you youngins consider things like Lion King classic, I don't. Anyway it is a very sweet story and like a lot of Disney has some melancholy as well.

Like the Despicable me films, if the Shrek movies had been released when I was a child there is no doubt I would have loved them. Watching them as an adult is a chore for me. So none of the Shrek movies made my list.

I didn't vote for The Fox and the Hound, but probably would have if I had seen it more recently. I was more focused on watching new.

I didn't get to any of the Shrek movies as I didn't really think I'd like them. Maybe I would have now that I see a cat and donkey are amongst the cast.

The Fox and the Hound was a childhood favorite, but when I watched it as an adult something just didn't click.

I love the first three Shrek films and very nearly voted for this one (I adore Puss in Boots!) but in the end there were just too many movies and it got cut. Very relieved to see it make the countdown without my help.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
You see what I'm saying here?


You're waiting on things like SHREK 2!
Well, we're still in the 90s. The good stuff like Ghibli and more popular Disney films won't turn up for a while yet.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've probably seen the Fox and the Hound but I can't remember much about it. I wasn't really mad on Shrek 2.

That's almost word for word what I was going to say.

I'm pretty sure that I saw The Fox and the Hound when I was younger, but it didn't make much of an impression on me. I don't remember much about it, so it didn't make my list. (It was on my watchlist for a rewatch, but I just ran out of time.)

I'm not a big fan of the Shrek movies. I've seen them all, including the TV specials, and I even have most of the Shrek movies on DVD, but for some reason, when I'm looking for something to watch, Shrek is rarely picked. Sometimes I'll watch them when I'm flipping channels and one of the Shrek movies is on TV, but I rarely go looking for them.

Shrek 2 made my list as well. That gif makes me want to watch The Fox and The Hound.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
How many Looney Tunes shorts does you* think will show up?

*"you," as in any person.

I didn't vote for the individual Looney Tunes shorts. I voted for a couple of the movies that have multiple shorts in them.

Don't make me fall in love with her again! I was just getting over her after 2 years.


Anyway, it's been a very long time since I've seen both of the new entries, but I remember liking them both. Neither of them made my list, though.

The Fox and the Hound is a touching story about an unusual friendship that, like any good Disney Classic, knows how to pull at the heartstrings. It's a minor Disney picture, in my opinion, but it's nevertheless a very heartwarming experience.

I have pretty much the same feeling about Shrek 2 as I have with all of the first three Shrek movies. When it's trying to be funny, inventive and entertaining, it totally works for me and I enjoy myself a lot, but when it tries to delve into more emotional territory, it kind of loses me. This one is probably my favorite or second favorite film of the series (kind of on par with the first one), but to be sure, I should rewatch all of them again.
Just like Miss Vicky, I'm also a fan of the Puss in Boots character (be sure to also check out his spin-off movie if you like the character, because it's a lot of fun in a fantastically weird kind of way).
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I like The Fox and the Hound but it didn't make my list. There is something about the voice acting of both Fox and Hound that is a little off putting to me. It's still a wonderful story that is so very cute and a touch sad.

The Shrek movies are ok. Just ok.

Master of My Domain
You see what I'm saying here?


You're waiting on things like SHREK 2!
What's wrong with Shrek 2? It was a fun satire of Disney films and the jokes hit its mark.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I still haven't voted for any on the list. I thought The Fox and the Hound was a step up from the '70's The Aristocrats and The Rescuers, but I didn't consider voting for it. Shrek 2 is my choice for the best of the Shreks, and I did consider it but not for too long.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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