Lost (Possible Spoilers)


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Actually, the 26th is not a new episode, it's a recap episode.

No new ones till MAY 3.

The reason why it was a repeat was for the 2 hour special return of ALIAS.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The Adventure Starts Here!
O the cruel irony! They only need a recap episode because everyone FORGETS what's happened so far because the new episodes are so few and far between!

O, woe is I!

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect
Actually, the 26th is not a new episode, it's a recap episode.

No new ones till MAY 3.

The reason why it was a repeat was for the 2 hour special return of ALIAS.
Silver lining

Talking off breaks Alias must have had 4 months now?

The Adventure Starts Here!
LOL! Little else needs to be said about last night's episode, eh? Except maybe: Is Michael now an Other? Is he leading the rest of them into a trap? Is he lying about the Others?

Or is he now their leader?

Wacky zany show! Never miss the last five minutes.

OH, and did you see the commercial for the Hanso Organization? Nice touch, ABC!

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Originally Posted by Austruck
LOL! Little else needs to be said about last night's episode, eh? Except maybe: Is Michael now an Other? Is he leading the rest of them into a trap? Is he lying about the Others?

Or is he now their leader?

Wacky zany show! Never miss the last five minutes.

OH, and did you see the commercial for the Hanso Organization? Nice touch, ABC!
I think Michael has gone mad, myself, probably from the same sickness that got Rousseau's people, and almost got Claire's baby. I also think maybe the Others cut him a deal that if he got Henry out of the hatch, they'd give him Walt, but I also think he's dead serious about the survivors going to kill the remaining Others once he gets Walt back.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Lets put a smile on that block
Woah latest episode, what a corker! two main characters dead. Holy Crap.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Well, you know Micheal is lying since he described The Other's as ragged and their camp when we know it's a facade and they're in the Hatch, whether it's on behalf of The Others or from madness i'm not sure. I reckon he got sick and The Others are using him, possibly. I thought about a deal but Henry said The Others would kill him plus wouldn't have thought he'd be that harsh on his friends. Not sure where it will go. Shame they killed the characters off becase the actors got arrested for drink driving, knowing that it seemed too scripted.

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Shame they killed the characters off becase the actors got arrested for drink driving, knowing that it seemed too scripted.

Michelle Rodriguez and the other chick were arrested in real life for drink driving, which, i guess, was why they were killed of.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Even though they are claiming it was suppose to happen all along.

Michael is not lying about the camps. They do have those huts and all, but again, like their clothes, it's all a show.

I wipe my ass with your feelings
Here's my theory.

Michael made a trade with the others. If Michael brought "Henry Gail" back, Michael would get Walt back. He said sorry to Ana-Lucia because she was the only person in his way.

He accidentally shot Libby.

And when he "shot" himself, he seemed to have done it at an angle where it would have been at his arm only. So he can make it look like as if "Henry Gail" got in control of the situation.

The compromise is when Henry Gail returns to their camp, Walt is set free to come back.

Of course, Locke just told Jack of what's going on and they're headed to the hatch as "Henry Gail" makes his way up.

Dun dun dun.

Edit: Ehhh...the drunk driving thing. Irrelevant? Her incident occured a week or so ago. And I'm under the impression they've had this episode ready for quite sometime. Maybe even a month or so? That or I'm really ignorant about the TV world. So maybe she thought to herself, "Hell! I've got nothing better to do!"

Plus I doubt they would cast her off because of that. Didn't the same thing happen to Eva Langoria(sp)?
We're soldiers. Soldiers don't go to hell. It's war. Soldiers, they kill other soldiers. We're in a situation where everybody involved knows the stakes. And if you're gonna accept those stakes... You gotta do certain things. It's business, we're soldiers. We follow codes... Orders.

Movie Forums Member
Yeah, it did.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
It happened longer then a week ago. Much longer.

Does it really make sense for Michael to shoot Ana Lucia? Can't he just tell the them that they want a trade off and let him take Gale our there to trade? No way will he get Walt back now, that they think Gale killed ana Lucia. There must be another reason.

Considering Jack was ready to trade Walt for Henry already, think Micheal needed more reason to kill Ana. Maybe because she killed one of them? Dunno.

Maybe i was off with the drink driving thing, i just read a headline and assumed that was what the article was about.

The Adventure Starts Here!
The incident happened months ago. What happened just recently was some sort of sentencing phase. (I think she's doing a short stint in jail -- coupla days.) Not sure what the Libby-actress got.

I assume that they weren't written off because of the incident. Heck, if anything, I thought exactly the opposite: that perhaps they each got drunk because they were done with the show.

Or not.