Things that annoy you...


"I won't turn you in and that just sounds like a fallback excuse because you don't want to help me. I just want to know if this is an emergency or something I can treat at home."

This was just said to me by a guy who called wanting medical advice about his cat. I informed him that, by law, the only advice we can give without a current exam is to have the cat seen if he has concerns. I also informed him that if he suspects an emergency, he should contact the emergency clinic and gave him the E clinic's phone number.

Newsflash: I'm not going to break the law just because you really want me to and a stranger's assurance that you won't turn me in if I do isn't going to change that.

Free donut each Friday with the app at DNKN through April extended from March. Except nobody told the manager at my local DNKN. I didn’t know this & neither did she. I only found out on Saturday, which was too late.
I go twice on Fridays and didn't find out until my wife texted me asking to bring her home a blueberry glazed.

"I won't turn you in and that just sounds like a fallback excuse because you don't want to help me. I just want to know if this is an emergency or something I can treat at home."

This was just said to me by a guy who called wanting medical advice about his cat. I informed him that, by law, the only advice we can give without a current exam is to have the cat seen if he has concerns. I also informed him that if he suspects an emergency, he should contact the emergency clinic and gave him the E clinic's phone number.

Newsflash: I'm not going to break the law just because you really want me to and a stranger's assurance that you won't turn me in if I do isn't going to change that.
I actually called Saturday because one of my boys still had a lump a couple of weeks after a tick bite and I was wondering if I should bring him in. She basically told me how that happens, to keep it clean, and just keep an eye on it, but that it was normal and should be fine.

I actually called Saturday because one of my boys still had a lump a couple of weeks after a tick bite and I was wondering if I should bring him in. She basically told me how that happens, to keep it clean, and just keep an eye on it, but that it was normal and should be fine.
But was this a veterinary hospital that has seen your dogs before? If so, then what she did was fine. If not, then it's more of a borderline situation being that it's only a tick bite. This guy was talking about a possible emergency on a cat that was seen one time years ago when it was a young kitten.

But was this a veterinary hospital that has seen your dogs before? If so, then what she did was fine. If not, then it's more of a borderline situation being that it's only a tick bite. This guy was talking about a possible emergency on a cat that was seen one time years ago when it was a young kitten.
Yep our regular vet

Went to DNKN today for coffee. Counterperson wore a single glove & I wondered if this was okay. Horrified to see that when she had made my latte she had dumped that single glove & was now bare-handed. Will speak to manager if she’s there tomorrow to clarify this. I will not tell her who did this (I’m not a snitch), but will suggest that she reinforce this to all her employees.
I have come to the realization that we cannot rely on anybody else to protect us. No matter if she was wearing gloves or using her bare hands, either could be infected. Her gloves are going to be for her protection. You have to assume that whatever is given to you by anybody could be contaminated and you have to use proper precaution from there. To protect you, she would have to change those gloves after every single time she touched anything. She very well may have been protecting you by taking the glove off.

...we cannot rely on anybody else to protect us. No matter if she was wearing gloves or using her bare hands, either could be infected. Her gloves are going to be for her protection.
This. So much this.

On the subject of PPE and things that are annoying, I was finally provided with a mask at work and holy crap is it uncomfortable having to wear that thing. It's definitely going to take some getting used to.

What's the problem? Can you not tell what it's a picture of now? If it helps any, I'm pretty sure the right knee.

You're welcome.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Just finished the 4,999 piece puzzle. I'm blaming it on the cats!
That’s amazing. Biggest puzzles I’ve done have 1,000 pieces. Not sure I could even attempt 5,000 pieces.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Not sure I could even attempt 5,000 pieces.
Sadly, as it turns out neither could Fredrick

stupid idiots who don't respect the social distancing and because of them I'm gonna get stuck all summer in my house.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Ugh, 1 to 5 inches of snow is forecast for Connecticut overnight. This is unbelievable. It never snows this late in CT. Never. It hardly snowed this past winter & now it snows? This day last year I was already wearing spring clothes, but this year I’m still in sweats & sweaters. The weather this week was horrible: very chilly & very windy.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ugh, 1 to 5 inches of snow is forecast for Connecticut overnight. This is unbelievable. It never snows this late in CT. Never. It hardly snowed this past winter & now it snows? This day last year I was already wearing spring clothes, but this year I’m still in sweats & sweaters. The weather this week was horrible: very chilly & very windy.
This will annoy you even more...I was outside working today and it was soooo warm and sunny that I only had a t shirt on.

Next time I'm wearing pants

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Nothing annoys me more than when my phone charger starts crapping out and I'm trying to get every bit of life out of it.

I discovered something on YouTube a few weeks back on the topic. My phone is the USB C charger type. For a month or so, my phone wouldn't hold a charge long, nor would my charger make much of an effort to charge it back up. It did, but it was slow. I replaced cables to no avail. One day I stumble on a video that explained my problem.

Pocket lint.

I keep my phone in my pocket when on the move. Seems that pocket lint is both a pervasive and a curious explorer. Using a needle (in my case I only had an office board tack), you can trace the interior edges of you phone's USB C port to scrape it all out. Don't be shy lol. I raked out maybe 5lbs of lint (that's 5 pounds for you Queenie folk). Make note not to do that on the charger port else you might get a shock. I'm paranoid so I pulled the battery first. Still, it worked and now my USB snaps into place like on day one.

I discovered something on YouTube a few weeks back on the topic. My phone is the USB C charger type. For a month or so, my phone wouldn't hold a charge long, nor would my charger make much of an effort to charge it back up. It did, but it was slow. I replaced cables to no avail. One day I stumble on a video that explained my problem.

Pocket lint.

I keep my phone in my pocket when on the move. Seems that pocket lint is both a pervasive and a curious explorer. Using a needle (in my case I only had an office board tack), you can trace the interior edges of you phone's USB C port to scrape it all out. Don't be shy lol. I raked out maybe 5lbs of lint (that's 5 pounds for you Queenie folk). Make note not to do that on the charger port else you might get a shock. I'm paranoid so I pulled the battery first. Still, it worked and now my USB snaps into place like on day one.
I do that with tweezers, but still the chargers crap out much too early.

This will annoy you even more...I was outside working today and it was soooo warm and sunny that I only had a shirt on
That is annoying, you’re right. If only the weather would start being warm & sunny, personally I would feel a lot happier. But starting Sunday, no matter how chilly it is, I am wearing spring clothes.