Movies you couldn't even finish.


A system of cells interlinked
I would be curious to hear why Aftersun was a DNF also...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"
I would be curious to hear why Aftersun was a DNF also...
I hadn't heard about Aftersun until this thread. I just now read about it and it sounds like something I might @Stirchley can you let us know?

I was interested in watching the new Elvis film. What was it that you didn't like? Just curious.
Probably just my mood. I prefer to watch the real Elvis.

I would be curious to hear why Aftersun was a DNF also...
Great reviews, but I thought it was a hot mess. Just don’t have the patience to wait 30 minutes or so for something to get going.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Probably just my mood. I prefer to watch the real Elvis.

Great reviews, but I thought it was a hot mess. Just don’t have the patience to wait 30 minutes or so for something to get going.
Thanks Stirch.

Tried twice. Couldn't do it.

90 minutes in and I'm checking out. The pace and intensity of every scene is just too much for 3 hours....

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Tried twice. Couldn't do it.

I haven't seen the original, but have heard a lot of praise for it. Interesting that you didn't like it. Have you tried the Brooks version?

I haven't seen the original, but have heard a lot of praise for it. Interesting that you didn't like it. Have you tried the Brooks version?
No. No I haven't. Mel Brooks? I didn't even know he'd done a remake.

The few beats after any (admittedly dry) one liner put me off. Like they took it for granted the viewer was already onboard and momentarily paused to let the laughter pass. I probably should have given it time to build up some momentum but just wasn't feeling it.

Paris Belongs To Us - I wanted to watch this in January, but halfway through the film, I started to get bored and stopped watching the movie. I could not focus. However, I finished it later in March actually remembering more than I expected from the first hour I was shocked by the ending of this movie and like the other three Jacques Rivette movies, I was impressed.

Jackie Brown - I enjoyed this until the first hour. Like most Tarantino movies, I feel a nice flow going and then the film gets boring middle of the way through. I hate when his rabid fans say that every second of these movies count and have a purpose when you could say the same thing about a cartoon. The real reason why we did not finish this movie directed by "god" is because the hour was getting late and EA Soccer just always needs to be played. The people think that game is interesting, when I think it is pointless.

McCabe and Mrs Miller - I got through the first hour of this, but then I got too tired to understand what was happening. I enjoyed Warren Beatty and Leonard Cohen's music, but other than that, I was bored. I cant go back to it because Criterion removed it, but luckily, I could wait for a winter or fall month to watch it in, because that seems like a more appropriate time. I decided that finishing the movie was worthless, and decided to just fall asleep instead.

Everything Everywhere All At Once - The movie was just too overwhelming for us. House, Suspiria, and The Holy Mountain however are not for some reason.

Everything Everywhere All at Once. Like some wacky annoying spoof of the matrix. Was giving me a headache

Hello. For me, it would be Arthur (2011), starring Russell Brand. My God. I like Russell Brand for his podcast, but his acting was unbearable. Its been a couple of years and I never completed this film.

The fisher king

I gave up after an hour, should've quit earlier

The first 15 minutes of this film floored me with a curious crudity which I've seen popping up in mainstream films, the act of one person urinating on another in a sexualized context. I can only assume that this is some pornographic fetish which is spilling over into mainstream content. Does art imitate life or does it just imitate whatever's handy?

This got terrific reviews on IMDB, but it was too slow for my liking & I have zero interest in digs. Both leads are excellent as one might expect. As in many movies there’s another annoying sassy precocious British kid who says just the cutest things.

This got terrible reviews on IMDB & I could see why once I started viewing. Interesting storyline though.