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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
A couple of rewatches from three of the greatest filmmakers ever.

My third viewing and I think it is settled in my mind now. I laughed a whole lot this go round. It has all the PTA greatness. Script, cinematography, and music are all perfect. Two and a half hours but it doesn't feel that at all because each scene that comes makes you want to watch it. Few movies do that for me on rewatches. I usually find myself waiting for the handful of scenes I love. This one is a string of great ones. Probably never going to be a five banger, but I love it.

My second viewing and I felt the same. It is humorous but just is not as funny as I want it to be. Plus there are characters I wanted to spend more time with. A good movie but I wanted greatness.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
L'inhumaine (Marcel L'Herbier, 1924)
Restored at last! Thanks for the info!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
A couple of rewatches from three of the greatest filmmakers ever.

My third viewing and I think it is settled in my mind now. I laughed a whole lot this go round. It has all the PTA greatness. Script, cinematography, and music are all perfect. Two and a half hours but it doesn't feel that at all because each scene that comes makes you want to watch it. Few movies do that for me on rewatches. I usually find myself waiting for the handful of scenes I love. This one is a string of great ones. Probably never going to be a five banger, but I love it.

My second viewing and I felt the same. It is humorous but just is not as funny as I want it to be. Plus there are characters I wanted to spend more time with. A good movie but I wanted greatness.
PTA made one of my favorite movies "There Will Be Blood" but I couldn't finish "Inherent Vice" but it reminded me a bit of "The Long Goodbye" which I know you've seen. I didn't see the whole thing, so you might have more insight.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
What did you think of Goodnight, Mommy, Mark?
Goodnight, Mommy was a slow-burning mystery that turned into a horror film which borrows from some earlier flix which I can't mention without giving away a few twists. Even when it's over, it's not clear why certain things happened, but that's par for most European horror films. The lensing is lush and the whole thing goes by rather quickly, and I still only found it a fair-to-middling film overall, but that makes it a worthwhile horror.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
PTA made one of my favorite movies "There Will Be Blood" but I couldn't finish "Inherent Vice" but it reminded me a bit of "The Long Goodbye" which I know you've seen. I didn't see the whole thing, so you might have more insight.
Yeah, definitely. PTA loves Altman and draws a lot from him. I don't have nuch more insight than that honestly. The first time I saw Inherent Vice I was put off a bit. The dialogue didn't grab me. Not thinking about the plot helps immensely. I still love The Long Goodbye more but both are great. Vice has quite a bit of social commentary which makes me think you should give it another try.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm pretty sure I would hate Vice despite never seeing it.
I tend to think so. You should give it a look though. You have seen all the other PTA?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
No. Haven't seen Hard Eight and Boogie Nights either.
Boogie Nights is his funniest. You would probably like Hard Eight. Check them out bro.

Care for some gopher?
Stalag 17 (Billy Wilder, 1953) -
Singin' in the Rain (Gene Kelly/Stanley Donen, 1952) -

Singin' in the Rain is a rewatch. I gave it half a popcorn bag more than the first time. If it weren't for this much too long and boring musical number right before the finale, i'd probably give it a
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Took my boys to the drive-in for the first time last night. Definitely didn't see the two greatest movies ever but we had a blast and they loved as much as I had hoped. I really miss the drive-in since moving away from NY, so I hope you guys will see a few more of these double feature posts this summer.

Cute and nice to look at but just more of the same. Nothing about it stood out and I probably won't remember anything from this in a month. I have to say between Good Dinosaur and this, water animation daaaaamn. Looks amazing.

My boys liked this, I really struggled. Coen is good as Time, which kept this from being a
for me. It is so bland , good talent just wasted. Films like these are why everyone has sequel and franchise fatigue.

Really looking forward to Finiding Dory. May go to the cinema for the first time since The Force Awakens to see it.

I desperately need to re watch Boogie NIghts and Inherent Vice. The former i haven't seen since i was about 16, i thought it was ok at the time, i'm sure i'd see it a lot differently now. Inherent Vice confused me more than anything, think i could get a lot more out of it on a second viewing. PTA at this point for me:

01.There Will Be Blood
02.The Master
04.Punch Drunk Love
05.Inherent Vice
06.Boogie Nights
07.Hard Eight

The top two are top 20 films for me and Boogie Nights and Inherent Vice could go either up or down depending on what i think when i finally watch them again.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I hadn't seen anything at the cinema since Star Wars. Then I went to Dory, Central Intelligence and ID 4 in one week! Thank you free passes.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I hadn't seen anything at the cinema since Star Wars. Then I went to Dory, Central Intelligence and ID 4 in one week! Thank you free passes.
What did you think of Dory? More importantly, where you getting free passes?

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Here's my Anderson TOP in case anybody cares:

1. Fantastic Mr. Fox...

Oh wait... Wrong Anderson! Let me try again:

Somebody called me?

No, get the hell outta here, you punk! Let me try again with Anderson:

1. Resident Evil
2. Mortal Kombat...

What?! Wrong Anderson again?!

Okay, this time I'll get it right!

Oh hai, there! I'm not Anderson, I'm Andersen, but I have this little Swan with me! Movieforum's Swan's little brother! I guess I will make him die in one of my stories!

Why, you little...!

Okay, now I made sure this little f*ck does not interrupt me again.

What was I... ah, yes! Anderson! My top of his films. Here we go:



I'm done. I'm freakin' done with you guys. I've had enough. Let me just give you my And... my top. Yeah, just my top. I'm not going to say what kind of top is this. I don't want Pamela here...

1. Magnolia

2. Boogie Nights

3. The Master

4. There Will Be Blood
(needs a rewatch)
5. Punch-Drunk Love

6. Inherent Vice

Care for some gopher?
Scenes of a Marriage Theatrical Cut (Ingmar Bergman, 1973) -
Shortbus (John Cameron Mitchell, 2006) -

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
eXistenZ (David Cronenberg, 1999)

Spoilers Everywhere (although, as in most of my mini-reviews, I try not to divulge major plot twists, but in this case... However, the spoilers have more to do with ME than the film )

OK. I'll admit that I'm late to the eXistenZ party. I've seen basically all of Cronenberg's films, but somewhere along the time I stopped going to many theatrical releases and I had an impressionable daughter, I started missing certain things in cinema. Just to be official, I watched this film with my 16-year-old daughter tonight. She's an aspiring screenwriter/director, but she has only been exposed to A History of Violence and Eastern Promises. In other words, she doesn't really understand the Cronenberg who is obsessed with gooey human-machines or the psychosexual nature which is at the heart and soul of Cronenberg's style and themes.

Another thing I've missed is modern gaming. Oh sure, I played ancient Pong, Pac-Man, DonkeyKong, etc, but I've never played a "game system" of any kind, and I have no desire. Movies are my game system, and that's why I think I can understand this flick as well as any gaming aficionado. Just like Fincher's The Game, which came out a year earlier, this film leaves all kinds of clues scattered about for those who have a mind to interpret.

One other thing I have to mention about Cronenberg's style. No matter how crazy his subject matter (and this is mild compared to Naked Lunch), he always has a way of presenting his stories in a dull manner. Now, please don't misunderstand me here. Cronenberg's films tend to be non-ostentatious and on the low-budget scale. Therefore, most of his films come across in just that manner; sorta low-budget, everyday tales which suddenly transform into horror/sci-fi of the most primordially-disturbing kind. I realize I seem to be avoiding this specific film, but since I believe that Pyro is interested, I'm trying to leave clues for him, sorta like Cronenberg does in this entire movie.

One thing to consider about eXistenZ, and yes, I'm trying to focus now because if I want to get more into Cronenberg specifically, I believe I have to post at another thread, is that Cronenberg is unafraid of rubbing your noses in clues. Although Jude Law's character comes across as extremely interested in all the goings-on at the beginning, he also seems to be a bit dense in the fact that he misses that almost all the major locations in the "film" are named generically: "Southern Gas Station", "Ski Lodge", "Chinese Restaurant". Additionally, some of the actors really look like video game characters; Willem Dafoe obviously looks like a maniacal character from a game/movie (two for one!) and several other characters just look too perfectly coiffed to be real. The outrageous accents of some characters also reminds me of earlier "artificial", yet humorous, films as Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

One other thing to mention is that I find the film funny. Some of the dialogue and delivery of a few characters are meant to be just as scary/unsettling as they are funny, but I tend to tilt toward the funny side when watching it. Perhaps that's why I may not be giving the film as much love or respect as it may deserve. I do believe that people should watch it, but as with most Cronenberg films, it probably needs added viewings and it depends on the perspective you bring to it.

The actual plot of the film, concerning "rebels", spies, contacts, double agents, mutant reptiles and amphibians, and all having something to do with a world where gaming is far more significant than real life, is probably a satirical comment on our current society. I find it interesting, but it's basically one long chase, and no matter what level you proceed to in the game, it does seem to keep on going. Now, the question is, when all is said and done, is the film nothing but a game where all the clues are placed just to trick you, or does it all actually fit together and make sense when it makes its final "twist"? After watching it twice, I'm not really sure that I care, and that might be partly why I feel ambivalently about the film.

I could spend another page on the film's final 10 minutes, but in general, I believe the film is the film, just like the game is the game. If you aren't sure how to respond to the character at the end, about whether or not he has to die, then watch the movie again, at least if you really care.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

The Family Fang (Jason Bateman, 2016)

Serena (Ryan White, 2016)
The Cowboy and the Lady (H.C. Potter, 1938)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Zack Snyder, 2016)

Superman (Henry Cavill) remodels the Batmobile which causes the Caped Crusader (Ben Affleck) to deepen his voice again.
Call Me Kuchu (Katherine Fairfax Wright & Malika Zouhali-Worrall, 2012)

Tennessee Champ (Fred M. Wilcox, 1954)
Mr. Bean's Holiday (Steve Bendelack, 2007)
Cemetery of Splendor (Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 2015)

Soldiers with a mysterious sleeping sickness are treated by colored-light therapy which may soothe their dreams but could also affect the magical site under the clinic.
I Died a Thousand Times (Stuart Heisler, 1955)
The Golden Touch (Walt Disney, 1935)

Feudin’ Fools (William Beaudine, 1952)

Colonia (Florian Gallenberger, 2016)

Stewardess Emma Watson and her political-activist boyfriend Daniel Brühl get ensnared by Pinochet's coup in 1973 Chile.
The Bears and I (Bernard McEveety, 1974)

Silent Retreat (Tricia Lee, 2014)

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (Glenn Ficcara & John Requa, 2016)

Dark Passage (Delmer Daves, 1947)

Convicted murderer Humphrey Bogart escapes from San Quentin and is aided by painter Lauren Bacall who followed his trial and believes him to be innocent. He later gets plastic surgery in this implausible but wildly-entertaining and highly-cinematic noir.
Heist (Scott Mann, 2015)

We Were Here (David Weissman & Bill Weber, 2011)
Arabian Nights: Volume 1 - The Restless One (Miguel Gomes, 2015)

Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Shinichirô Watanabe, 2001)

Bounty hunter Spike battles insane Vincent who plots to destroy everyone living on Mars.

A system of cells interlinked
Cabin Fever

Roth, 2002

Searching for images I just noticed this got remade recently. Not sure why. The original was pretty fun, combining comedy and gore horror to pretty good effect. Kind of run-of-the-mill overall, but it was good for a few laughs.

Final Destination 2

Ellis, 3003

The first flick was just OK, with fairly inventive death scenes and a fresh (at the time) plot device. The second film has a strong opening scene on the highway, but quickly goes in the toilet with one of the more ludicrous screenplays I have run into in a while. Absurd and cringe-worthy, this film was also good for a few laughs. Sadly, this film is not a comedy. Garbage acting and stupidity in spades!

Howden, 2015

but also

This film somehow manages to be both the worst and best film ever made, all at once. Asinine plot, terrible acting, low production values...Meanwhile, it is HILARIOUS. It's also about the best genre of music on this here planet earth: METAL. This movie is metal as ****. Just look at that picture above. Nothing says metal like a jack ass in corpse paint sharing an ice cream cone with the preppy queen of the high school. Now that's brutal!! \M/ \M/

This movie is terrible, but I loved every second of it.

About Time

Curtis, 2013

Now then. I know this film is sappy, and it stars Rachel McAdams, which most would chalk up as two marks against it right off the bat. Yeah...I loved it. Funny, sad, moving... Gleeson is always a pleasure to watch, and the rest of the cast was great, as well, even McAdams, who sometimes rubs me the wrong way. I didn't expect to like this as much as I did. Not a perfect film, by any stretch, so perhaps deserves a bit lower rating than I gave it. Alas, it is what it is.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell