The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Films: Countdown

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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Back to the Future is easily the best movie of the trilogy, and it was #8 on my list.

Seen: 79-1/2 out of 96
My list: 13 (No more movies from my list will make the countdown.)

1) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
2) WALL·E (2008)
3) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
4) The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
5) Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
6) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
8) Back to the Future (1985)
13) The Avengers (2012)
16) Source Code (2011)
21) Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
22) Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
23) Galaxy Quest (1999)
24) Jurassic Park (1993)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Welcome to the human race...

Just because a movie was made over 40 years ago, doesn't mean it's classic.
I think a lot regard it as "good" because it's old... War Of The Worlds reminds me of the same thoughts. People rank it as classic... tends to make a lot of lists... but it's simply the age of the movie rather than how well made it is.

I've never been able to get into 2001.
Bland and boring at the start... and nonsense for the rest of it.
Funny, I get the same feeling when people talk about Ghostbusters.

Anyway, as for the recent ones...I had Clockwork Orange at #19 and A New Hope at #23.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

My top 5 sci fi are:

War of the Worlds (original)
Close Encounters
Night of the Damned (Brit)
Body Snatchers (original)

Top of my worst list is 2001 A Space Osdyssey. One of only two films I have walked out on.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Back to the Future was my #22. Just too much fun to not put it on my list. It's a classic in terms of sci/fi, and comedy. My wife loves it too, it was one of our first date movies (behind The Incredibles)

She loves to quote the sequel though. Anytime someone says Fruit, she yells out Fruit...Fruit please....

1. Dark City
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
3. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
4. The Matrix
5. Inception
6. Children of Men
7. Minority Report
8. Wall-E
9. District 9
10. Star Wars: A New Hope
11. Jurassic Park
12. E.T.
15. The 5th Element
16. Ghostbusters
17. Avatar
18. Moon
19. Serenity
20. Interstellar
21. Donnie Darko
22. Back to the Future
23. 12 Monkeys
25. Edge of Tomorrow

Anyone else gonna hit 100%???
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Woody Allen is a pedophille
The Stats

It is crazy how far ahead the Top 4 were from the rest of the list. Alien is 132 Points ahead of Back to the Future and is also featured on seven more lists. Another interesting thing to note its that Alien is the only film in the Top 9 not be placed first on a list.
The Placements
3rd (x2)
4th (x2)
5th (x6)
6th (x2)
7th (x4)
8th (x2)
10th (x3)
12th (x3)
13th (x3)
14th (x3)
16th (x2)
25th (x2)

Alien was #13 on my list, while Back to the Future narrowly missed out on it. Two films from my list left to go, which I can only surmise will be #1 and #2. Funnily enough, this will likely be the second countdown in a row (after the 1950's one) where the film at #3 was expected to be lower, maybe not even in the top 10.

My list so far, with predictions:
1. Most likely #1
2. The Matrix (#11)
3. Contact (#49)
4. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (#18)
5. Interstellar (#43)
6. Inception (#24)
7. Didn't make it
8. A Clockwork Orange (#7)
9. Ex Machina (#30)
10. Children of Men (#20)
11. Avatar (#80)
12. Most likely #2
13. Alien (#4)
14. Didn't make it
15. Dune (#99)
16. WALL-E (#16)
17. Didn't make it
18. Didn't make it
19. Metropolis (#36)
20. Didn't make it
21. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (#35)
22. Gattaca (#51)
23. Serenity (#59)
24. Strange Days (#81)
25. Earthbound (one-pointer)

Damn... hoping that was going to be 2001.

But... I had Alien on my list
My List: 16/25
Seen: 91/97

24. Interstellar - 43rd
23. Logan’s Run - 71st
22. Galaxy Quest - 88th
20. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978) - 58th
16. Silent Running (1972) - 86th
14. Sunshine (2007) - 52nd
13. Event Horizon (1997) - 93rd
11. Independence Day - 40th
10. Alien - 4th
09. Aliens - 12th
07. Jurassic Park - 13th
06. Dredd (2012) - 96th
05. Moon (2009) - 29th
04. Predator (1987) - 26th
03. The Fly (1986) - 15th
02. RoboCop (1987) - 28th

I had Alien at #6.

It took me awhile to decide whether I wanted to include Alien or Aliens on my list. I like the sequel from an action movie standpoint, but I think the original does the sci-fi and horror a bit better. I think I may have seen Aliens before I saw Alien, which might contribute to why I sometimes gravitate towards that one more. As a kid I definitely preferred more action sequences than atmosphere, though that's not necessarily the case now.

Seen: 85/97
My List: 19

01. Dredd (2012) - #96
02. Edge of Tomorrow (2014) - #66
03. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) - #35
04. The Martian (2015) - #60
05. Coming soon.
06. Alien (1979)
07. The Fly (1986) - #15
08. Metropolis (1927) - #36
09. Galaxy Quest (1999) - #88
10. Brazil (1985) - #32
11. Dark City (1998) - #48
12. Twelve Monkeys (1995)- #14
13. Didn't make it.
14. Robocop (1987) - #28
15. Coming soon.
16. Videodrome (1983) - #53
17. Didn't make it.
18. Forbidden Planet (1956) - #38
19. Arrival (2016) - #33
20. Coming soon.
21. The Road Warrior (1981) - #31
22. Strange Days (1995) - #81
23. Ex Machina (2015) - #30
24. Didn't make it.
25. Primer (2004) - #44

I had Alien at #19. I'm surprised The Thing made it to the top 3 - very impressive.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

I had Alien at #25. I prefer Aliens, but I still had to vote for it. It is a great movie.

1. Top 5 easy. A possible #1
2. Stalker (1979)
3. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
4. The Avengers (2012)
5. Terminator 2:Judgment Day (1991)
6. The most likely #1
7. The Road Warrior (1981)
8. Empire Strikes Back (1980)
9. Predator (1987)
10. Mad Max (1979)
11. Jurassic Park (1993)
12. Star Wars (1977)
13. Heavy Metal (1981)
14. The Terminator (1984)
15. Return of the Jedi (1983)
16. Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
17. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
18. Gravity (2013)
19. Aliens (1986)
20. Escape from New York (1981)
21. Independence Day (1996)
22. Planet of the Apes (1968)
23. Back to the Future (1985)
24. Kinda shocked it made it this high. But not sad, great flick.
25. Alien (1979)

My List: 20
Seen: 78/97

Alien was my #14. Along with Dawn of the Dead, it was one of only two movies my parents wouldn't let me see right away. It wasn't until 1982 when I was 11 that I got it from the library. I do prefer Aliens by a significant margin, but I think Alien is pretty much a masterpiece in horror.

My list-

#1 A Clockwork Orange (7th)
#2 Strange Days (81st)
#3 Aliens (12th)
#4 The Fly (15th)
#5 The Terminator (10th)
#6 RoboCop (28th)
#8 28 Days Later (85th)
#9 E.T. (21st)
#10 Back to the Future (5th)
#11 Total Recall (19th)
#12 The Hidden (82nd)
#13 Planet of the Apes (17th)
#14 Alien (4th)
#19 Children of Men (20th)
#20 Seconds (84th)
#21 Donnie Darko (83rd)
#22 Interstellar (43rd)
#23 Ex-Machina (30th)
#24 Her (25th)
#25 They Live (45th)

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Catch up time again, then:

Her (#25) made my list at #3. A beautiful and yet somewhat disturbing movie at times. Phoenix did a great job as the lonely writer who falls for his OS/AI. Brutal ending that would (and did) make a robot cry.

Inception (#24) landed on #17 for me. One of my favourite Nolan movies and a movie where I notice some new small thing or come up with some new way to make my mind hurt every time I watch it. Love the music, love the actors and love the very premiss.

WALL-E (#16) was my #2, just beaten by Iron Giant. I could watch the first 20 min of this along side the opening of UP and I can't make up my mind which one I love more. It's totally a day to day decition.

The Terminator (#10) slid in on a 12th place on my list. Without a doubt my favourite Terminator and the best movie James Cameron has ever made after Aliens.

Back To The Future (#5) was for the longest time not on my list, in favour of part II, which sat at #16. But then, as I did my final rundown I just couldn't do it, so part II had to give way to the original.

And finally, Alien (#4), which I have at #10. Cameron's movie in the franchise may be my favourite of his, but in the alien universe, nothing can beat the Daddy of the series. The trailer alone is magnificent, and the movie tops even that.

Seen 75/97

My list:

1 Iron Giant (1999)
2 WALL-E (2008)
3 Her (2013) 23p
4 Will not make it
5 Will not make it
6 The Martian (2015)
7 Wreck-it Ralph (2012)
8 Serenity (2005)
9 Will not make it
10 Alien (1979)
11 Will not make it
12 The Terminator (1984)
13 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
14 Will make it
15 Will not make it
16 Back to the Future (1985)
17 Inception (2010)
18 Ghost in the Shell (1995)
19 The Fifth Element (1997)
20 Silent Running (1972)
21 Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
22 Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
23 Will not make it
24 Gattaca (1997)
25 They Live (1988)
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Alien was my #16. The sequel is one of the greatest action films ever made for sure, but the original's mysterious atmosphere won me over even more. Groundbreaking film.

I had Alien at #7 and I like it way more than Aliens.

My List:

2. A Clockwork Orange (#7)
3. Metropolis (#36)
4. 12 Monkeys (#14)
5. Brazil (#32)
6. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) (#46)
7. Alien (#4)
9. World on a Wire (#73)
11. Forbidden Planet (#38)
12. The Fly (#15)
13. The Terminator (#10)
14. Planet of the Apes (#17)
15. Total Recall (#19)
17. Moon (#29)
18. Solaris (#23)
22. Logan’s Run (#71)
25. Ghost in the Shell (#64)
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Glad to see Alien make the top 5. It's a very influential movie. I didn't have it on my list as I knew it would do good without my help. I do hold the movie in high esteem, if you don't believe me read my short review.


Director: Ridley Scott
Cast: Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, John Hurt, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton, Ian Holm, Yaphett Kotto
Genre: Sci Fi, Horror
Length: 117 minutes

Synopsis: The crew of the commercial tow vessel Nostrom is waken from cryogenic sleep to investigate a mysterious distress call on an unexplored planet. There they find the wreck of an alien vessel that is infested with eggs of a
Xenomorphic alien species. As the crew heads back to Earth, they realize they're not alone. CR

This review is for the original 1979 theatrical release, there's also a Director's Cut which was released in 2003.

The Sets
: At the very start of the film, the first thing we see is a long tracking shot of the detailed interior of the's amazing. All the sets are stunning in this film. We're treated to many different views of the Nostromo. Each section of the ship has it's own styling.

Cinematography: Ridley Scott knows how to give his films ambiance! His secret is dark subdued lighting and smoke. Ridley is famous for using lots of smoke and mist. This partially obscures the background, making the sets look like they go on forever. Low Key Lighting is also used and gives a shadowy dark look for a greater field of depth and realism to the sets. Ridley knows how to take his time with a scene, the camera is never rushed.

Music Score: The score is perfection. It's eerie and spellbinding. We feel the music score but never think about it, and that's the way it should be. The score sets the mood without getting in the way.

The crew of the Nostromo are a motley crew. Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) is the lead. She's a take charge, no nonsense woman. And she's also very human and at times afraid... which makes us afraid for her. Her concern for her cat Jones adds a nice human touch.

H. R. Giger: He was the designer of the Alien creature and his work influenced the interior of the alien ship. Many movies have been influenced either directly or indirectly by this amazing artist. Sadly he died in 2014 from a fall at the age of 74.

Alien set the bar for other sci fi horror films...After 30 years it's still amazing.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I had Alien at #15. I remember seeing it several times on the Big Newport's humongous screen and later at FILMEX's 50-hour horror marathon back-to-back with The Exorcist. Even after all these years and newer movies, it still has the strong basic foundation, combined with a sense of originality due to Giger's art direction and creature designs, to qualify as one of the scariest, most-visionary horrors and sci-fis ever made. Of course, I wasn't really aware at the time that much of Giger's work was originally prepared for Jodorowsky's Dune which couldn't get a green light from Hollywood moneymen imbeciles, although it seems to fit in seamlessly in Ridley Scott's second film.
Alien (Ridley Scott, 1979)
Alien is a classic and one of those films which should be seen on as large a screen as possible. True, it borrows a lot from It! The Terror from Beyond Space and Planet of the Vampires, but its budget and technical/creative team (including H.R. Giger) allow it to be far more spectacular than those low-budget flicks. Alien is a terriifc example of a sci-fi/horror flick. The first half is mind-bending sci-fi showing things which had never really been shown before, especially within what appeared to be such spectacular and wide-open sets (even if some were matte paintings). The second half is one of the better claustrophobic monster-on-the-loose flicks aboard the spaceship. This film should really belong in the mafo's MoFo 100 List.
My fave Alien scene is the long scene down on the planet where they find an enormous underground world, and the eggs on the surface. Then John Hurt sticks his head down a little too close...POW! For me, that scene climaxes with the chest buster.
My List
1. Star Wars (#6)
3. The Incredibles (#98)
5. Back to the Future (#5)
6. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (#18)
7. Planet of the Apes (1968) (#17)
8. Total Recall (#19)
9. A Clockwork Orange (#7)
11. The Empire Strikes Back (#8)
12. The Iron Giant (#50)
13. Altered States (#95)
14. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (#79)
15. Alien (#4)
16. Return of the Jedi (#47)
17. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (#21)
18. Gravity (#41)
19. Aliens (#12)
20. RoboCop (#28)
21. Jurassic Park (#13)
22. The Fly (1986) (#15)
23. Mad Max: Fury Road (#37)
25. Children of Men (#20)

Seen: 97/97
OFCS's Top 100 Sci-Fi Films (2010 edition): 49/97
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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