Star Wars: Episode III


Originally Posted by jrs
WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
Does Palpatine allow himself to almost be killed by Samuel Jackson just so Anakin could react?

WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
I just didn't want Palpatine to be too much of a girly man as to get taken out by anyone other than Yoda. So i'm guessing he could have quickly eliminated Mace Windu if he really wanted to.

A system of cells interlinked
WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
That's how I perceived it as well. However, I do remember someone saying Mace Windu was the strongest, in physical/sabre battle. The more I think of the set-up and how the emperor didn't know if Ani was going to turn yet, and he did know Ani had reported him to the council, as they showed up to arrest him. With these things considered, it is possible that his brute strength and sabre skills had overwhlemed the emporer to the point that they were at a standstill (which they were when Ani came in). Also, Windu had sucessfully reflected the dark energy bolts back and severely disfigured and injured the emperor. To me it seemed as if the emperor really was relenting until Ani came in, then he got that devious look in his eye and feigned innocence to trick Ani. Logically, I just assumed no one but Yoda was even a close match for the emperor, but Windu might have been close. But, alas, it makes too much sense that the emperor somehow knew Ani would change his mind, come back, and was setting him up.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Allright sedai, thanks for the imput. I'll see what i get from that scene when i see it friday.

I can't wait I'm seeing it today 7:05 showing
Evil lives...

WARNING: " Star Wars Episode 3" spoilers below
In reference to Palpatines/Sidious how is it when in Darth mode he's deformed but when in Palpatine mode he's normal and how is this reflected in the Windu fight where he gets melted?
Also, Jackson was blatantly owning Palpatine. Anakins action would've been to questionable, and Jackson wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, i don't think being made tool exactly fulfills the agreement

We can see your spoiler's pyro.

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
WARNING: "revenge of the sith" spoilers below
]In reference to Palpatines/Sidious how is it when in Darth mode he's deformed but when in Palpatine mode he's normal and how is this reflected in the Windu fight where he gets melted?
Also, Jackson was blatantly owning Palpatine. Anakins action would've been to questionable, and Jackson wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, i don't think being made tool exactly fulfills the agreement
WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
Actually your question referring to the disfigured face of Palpatine was already answered by Sedai. Mace windu apparently reflected the dark lightening back at the Emperror causing his crude looking face.That was the first time it looked as such. The other times before this incident, he was hiding under his hood and would have looked the same as the senator's face if we had gotten a better look.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Originally Posted by Sinny McGuffins
So does anyone know who Sypho Diaz is?
Haven't seen the movie yet, so I'm guessing, based on the name: Ummmm ... Cameron Diaz's disease-ridden older brother?

Just a guess....

Originally Posted by Sedai
Ok, now I love Star Wars just like the next kid from the 70s, but this negative review is hilarious. It's from the The New Yorker, and here is just an excerpt, which had me rolling....

[i]"No, the one who gets me is Yoda. May I take the opportunity to enter a brief plea in favor of his extermination? Any educated moviegoer would know what to do, having watched that helpful sequence in “Gremlins” when a small, sage-colored beastie is fed into an electric blender. A fittingly frantic end, I feel, for the faux-pensive stillness on which the Yoda legend has hung. At one point in the new film, he assumes the role of cosmic shrink—squatting opposite Anakin in a noirish room, where the light bleeds sideways through slatted blinds. Anakin keeps having problems with his dark side, in the way that you or I might suffer from tennis elbow, but Yoda, whose reptilian smugness we have been encouraged to mistake for wisdom, has the answer. “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose,” he says. Hold on, Kermit, run that past me one more time. If you ever got laid (admittedly a long shot, unless we can dig you up some undiscerning alien hottie with a name like Jar Jar Gabor), and spawned a brood of Yodettes, are you saying that you’d leave them behind at the first sniff of danger? Also, while we’re here, what’s with the screwy syntax? Deepest mind in the galaxy, apparently, and you still express yourself like a day-tripper with a dog-eared phrase book. “I hope right you are.” Break me a ****ing give."
What a total sack of crap that is. This man is obviously being paid to put a slant on the Movie which he will never exceed accomplishmentwise in his career. ( I know that's not a word). The ******* media is like that now adays. The movie was actually amazing and tied very well in with the original movie. I think it was close to being as good as the originals, given the more plainess of its plot than the originals. (We all should know that's why Lucas decided to make those into movies. He had all the books written already before a movie ever began casting. He decided on 4,5, and 6 because they were the most theatrically appealing.) The movie was definitely a winner and much better than the last two. Oh, and Samuel L Jackson gets killed.
"You need people like me..."

I'm just sorry i didn't read that comment from the New Yorker earlier but there is some pretty funny stuff here.

Hold on, Kermit, run that past me one more time.
If you ever got laid (admittedly a long shot, unless we can dig you up some undiscerning alien hottie with a name like Jar Jar Gabor), and spawned a brood of Yodettes, are you saying that you’d leave them behind at the first sniff of danger?

Originally Posted by susan
my favorite line

WARNING: " Star Wars Episode 3" spoilers below
you were supposed to kill them, not join them
lol, that "IS" funny now that i think about it.

A system of cells interlinked
It is a great line Sue. Lucas mentioned in Empire of Dreams how he had become that which he had once hated, by becoming the head of a corporation. I think this line tied into that, as well as him taking a shot at the politics involved both in the story and here on earth... Very cool line, with many meanings.

Krack: If that guy is being paid, they found the right guy for the job. He is hilarious. Of course I can't agree with his views, being a Star Wars nut since '77 myself, but that was a great read.

In a less ironic note, my favourite line was

"There's too many of them, what are we going to do?"

That wee kid out-acted Hayden Christensen's socks off

Originally Posted by Sedai
It is a great line Sue. Lucas mentioned in Empire of Dreams how he had become that which he had once hated, by becoming the head of a corporation. I think this line tied into that, as well as him taking a shot at the politics involved both in the story and here on earth... Very cool line, with many meanings.
yes i had read that and the politics line as well...and i have to agree with your comments on the other thread..rob came to the same conclusion about anakin balancing out the force...although i do have a question?

WARNING: " Star Wars Episode 3" spoilers below
we were wondering why liam neeson's character wasn't with the other jedis immortals at the end of rotj?

His character (Qui-Gon Jinn) should have been in there. There was no reason he shouldn't have been. He was the first to learn how to stay immortal. He taught yoda, and also taught obi wan, after of course yoda showed him how to communitcate with him. As another poster pointed out, why was anakin there since he never learned the way? And why was anakin the only one who had a young looking ghost?

Mabe Lucas will throw Qui-Gon in there when he tries to sell the 6 set next year sometime.