Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I know. I enjoyed these movies. But I was expecting more from The Avengers, I was expecting a new classic. But high expectations are usually meet with disappointment. The only cases where high expectations were meet for me were with a couple of movies, Tarkovsky's Stalker, Kurosawa's Ikiru and De Sica's Bicycle Thieves.

Finished here. It's been fun.
My opinion exactly. Didn't see anything "great" about it, and considering it was rated 8.7 on the IMDB I was expecting a masterpiece. Now I know that superhero films are not my genre of choice, as neither this nor Nolan's films hit me hard.
Exactly. I never really "loved" the Nolan Batman films too for whatever reason. They're obviously good films, but I never saw them as anything more than just entertainment. As for The Avengers, I thought it was an enjoyable light-hearted popcorn flick. But I do not see it as anything more than that though.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Exactly. I never really "loved" the Nolan Batman films too for whatever reason. They're obviously good films, but I never saw them as anything more than just entertainment. As for The Avengers, I thought it was an enjoyable light-hearted popcorn flick. But I do not see it as anything more than that though.
I felt the same way about the Batman movies except they felt decidedly un-fun (this self-seriousness is a really annoying thing about current Hollywood) and not very entertaining beyond some spectacle, so I'd consider them bad movies.

Finished here. It's been fun.
I felt the same way about the Batman movies except they felt decidedly un-fun (this self-seriousness is a really annoying thing about current Hollywood) and not very entertaining beyond some spectacle, so I'd consider them bad movies.
Yeah Nolan's films take themselves very,very seriously. Their grim tone is now being replicated in all sorts of films coming out today, notably Man of Steel. Maybe I need to rewatch the Nolan Batman films, because I just don't really care for them all that much. It always felt like a soulless affair to me.

Holy hell, this movie makes Troma's production values look like Industrial Light and Magic! At least Troma shoots on film, this is shot on video! But I have to admit even with the ***** production and the terrible acting, it was certainly a unique experience.

I can't give it a
because while it is a bad movie, It was not tedious (though in hindsight it really should have) or made me hate the film. It was worth a watch, but not something I would watch again.

Les Miserables


Stoker 8/10- was just brilliant
Another Earth 7/10 there were parts that were perfect and then others which I could pass on

Guaporense, have you seen The Prestige ?
I'm assuming you have, but that's my favorite film by Nolan. I highly suggest you watch it if you haven't.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I watched 30 Minutes or Less, and I was entertained by it. It wasn't a great movie by any means in-terms of character development and whatnot, but I laughed and enjoyed Jesse Eisenberg for what was there. Nothing that I'll be talking about in a week, but entertaining.

Just saw Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story. Pretty entertaining, but nowhere near as good as Sicko, Fahrenheit, and Bowling. The charm displayed in those movies is notably missing in this one.


The Bib-iest of Nickels
With Marvel movies (these days), you really have to let loose. I've noticed that since Iron Man, none of their movie have taken themselves very seriously, which has worked out pretty well imo.

You just have to sit back and become a kid again to fully enjoy them. For what it was, Avengers was fine. I'd probably give it a 7.5-8, but I've only watched it one time so far.
I don't think any of them have been as good as Iron Man either though.

Life of Pi: Excellent 9/10
Cirque du Soleil:worlds away:good 8/10
Pain and Gain:not bad 6/10
Bachelor party(1984):good 8/10

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I liked that movie a lot personally.

I didn't really know what to expect from this movie, but I had always put off watching it until now. I knew what the story was, but I didn't know much about the characters. It was a bazaar concept, a very innocent and childish styling behind it, and yet with such dark-themes. The kids are going in-search of a kid's dead-body, and it wouldn't seem that way for most of the movie. That's a compliment, by the way, because that's exactly how I'd imagine it playing out when I was younger. The movie tackled serious matters while maintaining its own charm and adolescence. The characters were well-developed, and yeah, I really liked the movie.

Life of Pi: Excellent 9/10
Cirque du Soleil:worlds away:good 8/10
Pain and Gain:not bad 6/10
Bachelor party(1984):good 8/10
Good to see another fan of Bachelor Party.

Le Trou (The Hole) 1960


It's a masterpiece. One of the best French films I've seen and I suggest it to everyone !
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Finally some more love for Becker films here. Props.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.