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That doesn't make the story seem simple to me. If you want to go by that notion, let's look at some classics.

Goodfellas : Henry Hill works his way up through the mob hierarchy, starting as a teenager, ending as an adult who rats.

Godfather: The aging patriarch of the organized crime family Corleone gives total control of his "empire" to his reluctant son

You actually made the film seem more complicated than it actually is.

am I alone?
LOL yeah TUS, I gotcha! Funny thing - I one started a game thread on another forum where we described a movie in one sentence - it got quite interesting in the race for clarity.......and parity! (especially when we did the same movie) This one? I'd say I described it in a paragraph.

But youre right. What I should have said was that the whole little mind-trick flash/bang was too simple a vehicle to descibe what I agree is a very complex story, and in that Im irritated that the real story had to take backseat to the SciFi (and that's saying a lot, because I love science fiction) elements. Are we really going to discuss this movie as if totems and dreams were the only things of real significance?

On a side note - I was confused as to which film you were describing at first, Shutter Island or Inception.
funny! reeeeeal funny!!!!
something witty goes here......

When a film has to spend most of its time explaining a relatively simple but unbelievable idea, the explanations will soon be forgotten, and with them, the film itself.

Registered User
Christopher Nolan, the director and writer of Inception, takes you on a mind-bending ride that gets everything right. Releasing in a year with many big names in film such as Toy Story 3, Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, and Iron Man, Inception sticks out from the crowd with its originality. With all elements working together, all of the pieces come together in what I believe is 2010’s movie of the year. An ingenious plot, top notch performances and high production values make Inception a must see film.

Inception is the concept of planting an idea into someone’s mind through their dreams. That’s Inceptions plot in its most basic form. Christopher Nolan tells a story of Dom Cobb, an “Extractor”, who enters people’s dreams to steal their secrets and sells them to their competitors. A man gives Dom Cobb a deal he can’t refuse if he can pull off an “Inception”; Dom assembles a team to try to pull off an act that has only been achieved once before. With a plot that has so many twists and turns this is not your usual leave your brain at the door story. Expect to be confused at times but trust Nolan in giving you answers later in the story. In this instance, the destination is nothing without the journey.

Inceptions story is also somewhat spoiler proof. If I told you the ending you would be clueless, as the story leading up to it is just as important. In this movies story the beginning is the end. It opens up leaving you confused and clueless but every piece of the puzzle is given to you as the movie rolls on. The story never lets up and will constantly have you hooked as the next element in the refreshingly original story is revealed. The end of the movie, to some, can be a tear jerker but with Dom getting to where he wants to be it leaves you with a truly happy ending.

With a plot so ambitious, performances need to be top notch. In some occasions having so many high profile actors sort of takes you away from the story and your left thinking, “I’m watching Leonardo DiCaprio, wasn’t he in Titanic?” That isn’t the case in this film. Nolan brings in a cast full of talent with names such as, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page and Michael Cain. This ensemble puts on performances that make you forget about who they are, but draws you into the characters that they are portraying. Each character in the story has specialties such as the expert thief, the architect, the alchemist and the forger, and each actor is placed perfectly in the role chosen for them and plays the part perfectly. Without actors that can pull of such authentic performances the story is nothing, but due to the talent brought into this exceptional film, the story is allowed to shine.

While Leonardo DiCaprio is the lead actor the supporting cast is one of the stronger groups in recent memory. His performance is boosted by the supporting actors’ ability to make the characters they are playing their own without making DiCaprio carry them through the film. The job of a supporting cast member is to give an added dimension to a main character by adding a relationship with this character. This job is done throughout the entire movie with every character having a complex relationship with the main character, enhancing the story and the performance. You won’t find yourself wishing the plot would take you back to the main character, as each actor can hold their own with excellent acting and intriguing character storylines.

Special effects are somewhat abundant in Hollywood these days. You can’t see a movie without there being some sort of special effect. While Inception is no exception to that, they do it right without overdoing it. While the characters are within a dream it can start to collapse, the effect of a dream collapsing consist an apocalyptic style effect of buildings crashing and structures crumbling. It gives it a realistic effect rather than a cheesy magical feel. While in the dream within a dream state, the characters are in a situation that affects them within the second dream and the world starts to rotate around them giving the films best fight scene an extra dynamic. The importance of making everything believable is achieved by making sure every situation, reaction and consequence is done realistically while throwing in a mix of over the top action.

Hans Zimmer, one of the industry’s most innovative musical talents, composed the score for Inception. Known for his works in The Lion King, The Dark Knight, Pirates of the Caribbean and 131 other films, he creates a sound that immerses you into the world. Driving the emotional story through the ups, downs, twists and turns his soundtrack keeps you intrigued as clues to what lies ahead. His creations in the music serve almost as an additional actor in the movie reacting to events and going along with the journey. Expect your emotions to be driven with such a talented composer at the wheel.

Inception has been well received both by critics and viewers. Receiving a Meta score of 74 on the website, this compiles all reviews into one Meta score. The film also received an 8.9 on the international movie database website from 296,732 votes. The film has been nominated for 8 Oscars, won 29 awards and is nominated for 57 various awards throughout the film community. As voted on by the users of, Inception was placed 8th on the list of top 250 movies of all time. Great reviews of a movie don’t go without naming some negative aspects, no movie is perfect. While the reviews are generally favorable, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One person might thoroughly enjoy a movie, while another may believe the same movie to be lifeless and uncreative. Taking reviews with a grain of salt and making a personal decision is normally the best route.

As amazing of a film Inception is, all movies have things that could be improved on, changed or fixed. Inceptions biggest issue is separating dreams from reality in the movie. If you stop paying attention for even a minute it will be difficult for you to get back on track on whether the characters are in reality or the dream state. If you start the movie expecting to watch an action movie you will be disappointed. While there are action sequences, they aren’t very extravagant; there are bits that are more exciting than others but nothing that competes to those of a Michael Bay movie. Another issue would be some continuity problems but those exist in about every movie ever created.

In conclusion, see Inception if you’re looking for a solid movie that will be sure to impress. A story that is fresh with innovative ideas takes you somewhere creative in a sea of films that are remakes and sequels. The actors give performances of a lifetime in making this a believable, thrilling and emotional story. Supporting the main character, the group of talented actors invigorates the main character with an added dimension and gives everything the depth that’s needed to drive film to its destination. Audio and Visual aspects act as a team to give everything a realistic feel. Without these two the movie has no life to it and both are done with crisp and precise work. All elements synergize together to create one of the greatest films of all time. Don’t miss out on a great piece of film, see this movie for yourself.

I still think they were robbed of the Oscars. I can't wrap my brains around the idea that they were not nominated for Best Picture.

What? Just because the movie was commercially successful, they don't deserve some critical acclaim.

King's Speech was good though.

yeah, i guess it can be called middle-brow. it's watchable. it's not bad. there's a story. the characters are well defined and their character arcs were clear.

nothing extraordinary about the cinematography or the editing but it wasn't bad either.

so yeah, i guess middle-brow pretty much says it.

Hello all, I am new to the forums but I just recently watched inception and I loved it. I would have to say it is probably the best movie from 2010, what do you think?

One of thw wrost movies i have ever seen.
What about it made it one of the worst movies you have ever seen?

Really, people, when you come into a thread and say something like that, just imagine someone else has already asked you why, because they're obviously going to. Otherwise you're just lobbing a grenade in the room and walking away. If you wanna have a discussion, get one started by listing reasons for your opinion. And if you don't want a discussion, why post?

I believe it is a great movie for these reasons:
1. It has a unique plot different from any other movie.
2. It's visual effects are captivating and tie into the complementing scene well.
3. It is a movie immune to spoilers, if someone tells you how it ends, it would nothing unless you knew how the movie got there.
4. It is a movie that everyone can come away with a different take on what happened or if anything even happened at all.
5. Also Hans Zimmer adds a beautiful soundtrack that fits every scene like a tailor made suit.

A reason I really like Inception is that Christopher Nolan's writing and direction explores the human mind/memory/consciousness through a good plot.

It's an action film that makes the viewer's mind do some work.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Inception sucks, worst movie I've ever seen!!!

*leaves thread never to return*
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

A reason I really like Inception is that Christopher Nolan's writing and direction explores the human mind/memory/consciousness through a good plot.

It's an action film that makes the viewer's mind do some work.
If you can give one good example of this I will be surprised.

In 2010 the movie Inception was released from director Christopher Nolan, I believe it is the best movie from that year, and according to it is the highest rated movie from 2010 as well even beating out DiCaprio's other star movie Shutter Island.There are many reasons why I believe Inception is the best movie from 2010 and one of the reasons is it is a movie immune to spoilers. If someone were to tell you how Inception ends you would no idea what significance that held unless you knew how it got there, and trying to explain how it got there would confuse whoever you were telling. Another contributing factor is the captivating cinematography and how each scene ties into the complimenting scene flawlessly. The scenes themselves are enough to keep your eyes glued to the screen but with the help of Hanz Zimmer producing the perfect background music to produce the dramatic effect every scene delivers visually, Nolan carries you deeper into the world of Inception. The idea of Inception is a very unique and thought provoking idea in itself and it is a movie that everyone can come away with a different experience of what happened in it, or if anything even happened at all. I would highly recommend this movie to everyone and anyone, it is exciting, intriguing, visually beautiful and completely unique.

Ashdoc's review---

According to macmillan english dictionary inception means '' beginning of something '' , but here the word is used to mean something like the rhyming word conception .

Just like conception means planting of seed in womans womb ,here inception is taken to mean planting of an idea in someone's brain .........and the idea is planted by going into his dreaming together.

Loenardo goes into other people's dreams and finds out their secrets .......but is hired this time for---inception...what plant into the brain of the heir to an energy conglomerate the idea that he must divide it instead of strengthening it after his father's death ,in order for its rivals to survive........the hirers are the rivals ,but of course.........

But does inception work ?

Leonardo is near perfect for the job as he knows the answer to this very question .........though only he knows that he knows........because he's tried inception on somebody very near and dear to him.........and it worked.......

..........And for this very reason he's not really perfect ........for trying inception led to disastrous effects .........not only on his life ,but also on his mind..........and now those very effects threaten to upset and unsettle his dreams ..........i mean not only when he is actually dreaming as part of his job of sharing dreams with other people , but also his real life dream of getting back to his land to be with his mother-less children..........

confusing ??........well ,so is the movie.........confusing and complex both......

but what a movie........

and as the plot gets more intricate ,and the characters begin to dream ,and dream in those dreams ,so does the action hot up..........

as all the laws of physics ,and those of gravity too go for a toss ,we get to see breathtaking special effects that light up the screen...........

.........and fast-paced action sequences that make you miss your heart beats.......

director nolan has pulled of a triumph that outclasses other special effects movies like avtar and 2012 ,which look so so shallow in front of this incredibly cerebral thriller............

the ending ,of course is deliberately keep discussions rolling ,and tongues wagging long after you have walked out of the big screen theater.........

........yeah ,thats where you need to see it .........on the big screen ,with digital sound and all that........shame on those who want to see it on the small screen.........

my bet is that it will win some awards.........

..........or i will eat my words........

Verdict---mindblowing .

If you can give one good example of this I will be surprised.
explores the human mind/memory/consciousness through a good plot.
Let me help him out, because it's quite obvious. Looking at Cobb, the whole point of performing inception is so he'll get an opportunity to go home and see his kids. The two problems with this are:

1. Inception is near impossible and almost unheard of, according to JGL's character.

2. Mal remains in Cobb's subconsciousness, as guilt for robbing her of her sense of reality, because he wanted to stay in the dream world with her forever.

At the climax of the movie, Cobb finally confronts this Mal, realizing that she can't be real, because "You are just a shade of my real wife. You're the best I can do; but I'm sorry, you are just not good enough." With this, he relieves himself of the guilt that has plagued his mind since Mal took her life.

This is not even the strongest point I have, but it will do for now. If you're still not satisfied, I have at least a couple more examples.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Anyways, my quick review of Inception. I though it was AMAZING. Nolan created a truly masterful and imaginative story, and his cinematography matches that.

I could watch this movie over and over and not get bored, because i know I'll find something new each time.

Great job, Nolan!