Hobbies outside of film watching


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Apart from watching films and tv series, I like to read Discworld novels and true crime books also play on the 360. What I love doing more than anything is taking my kids out (when its sunny, this is HK's cue to say it never stops raining in Wales ) Im not saying we always go somewhere where it costs money, I just love taking them to our local park or for walks behind our house along this river walkway.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

A system of cells interlinked
Aberdyfi? Cader Idris? I just read a series of books set in Wales.

For hobbies other than film, I like Video Games, Reading (see above!), spinning records and playing guitar.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Aberdyfi? Cader Idris? I just read a series of books set in Wales.

For hobbies other than film, I like Video Games, Reading (see above!), spinning records and playing guitar.
Aberdyfi is on the west coast of Wales, im from the South of Wales. Im a valleys boy

Ive always wanted to walk through Snowdonia National Park, Cader Idris is a mountain in Snowdonia. Its very beautiful up there and its always been a passion to go hiking there, i sure one day I will.

What books have you been reading mate?

"My name is Psycho but you can call me Stuart."
Other than film? Hmm. Photography, amateur astronomy, writing, spelunking and abseiling, flying/piloting (light aircraft), singing (Sean nós), and reading.
"Alexander, do you want to stay for tea? My favorite, convict curry. We used to make it in jail."

Hobbies? I have plenty:

- Blacksmithing

- Heavy metal music

- Ancient history

- Military history

- Art history

- Economic history

- Alternate history

- Skyscraper buildings

- Novels

- Anime

- Manga

- PC games (generally strategy or RPG)

edwardc77's Avatar
Thought he lost everything,then he lost a whole lot more.
Well, I cycle everyday for an hour.
Play volleyball once a week.
Read novels and history books.
Listen to a lot of music (new and old).
I make short films (One a year).

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
I like to read, I watch a lot of television, play a lot of video games. In the fall I hunt and watch football. I enjoy the four wheeler when I feel like being outside. It's almost time to start preparing for the fall bow season though!
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

Exterminate all rational thought.
I too build models. Planes and cars.
My main hobby is whitewater kayaking, but I also like to snowboard, run and work on my Jeep.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Reading, movies and bird watching are my constant hobbies and I go through phases with other things. Right now I'm making a few bat and bird houses to put up in the yard.

Next spring, I want to take a canoe trip somewhere. I haven't yet mapped it out, or know how much time I want to take, but it sounds like something fun to do.

Oh, and I garden. Been doing that for a couple of years now and that is my zen peaceful place. That and yoga keep me sorted out.

Other than watching movies, I regularly play guitar, and write. I used to read a lot, though lately haven't been dipping in any books. Jogging was a hobby of mine, and now that it's summer (almost!) I should take it up again.

Your friendly neighborhood film critic
Sport betting
Playing sports with buddies
Video games

Sent from the Light Side using The Force

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I like video-games, reading, writing, and listening to music amongst other things.

Playing guitar
Computer Games

but I almost given it all up to be able to watch a lot of films.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

The Duchess's Avatar
Registered User
I enjoy costuming. Am a costume fanatic.

I do Charley's Aunt
The Ugly Duchess
Granny Lou
Mother Bates
Auntie Louise
A Bag Lady
A Mother Superior
Miss Fifi LeFleur
Martha Stewart
The Grande Aunt

Here is me as a couple of really old bags!

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Me as an elderly woman.

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Chappie doesn't like the real world
I have a new graphic novel hobby. Not reading them, I'm trying to make my own. I've no delusions of grandeur and I'm aware that I haven't much talent, but it's fun to do and I'm pretty obsessed with it. It's something I've wanted to do for awhile because I love the idea of getting to create my own world and have everything exactly as I want it. And I'm perfectly fine with the fact that it looks like a third grader drew my world.

I have a new graphic novel hobby. Not reading them, I'm trying to make my own. I've no delusions of grandeur and I'm aware that I haven't much talent, but it's fun to do and I'm pretty obsessed with it. It's something I've wanted to do for awhile because I love the idea of getting to create my own world and have everything exactly as I want it. And I'm perfectly fine with the fact that it looks like a third grader drew my world.
Go for it
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I have a new graphic novel hobby. Not reading them, I'm trying to make my own. I've no delusions of grandeur and I'm aware that I haven't much talent, but it's fun to do and I'm pretty obsessed with it. It's something I've wanted to do for awhile because I love the idea of getting to create my own world and have everything exactly as I want it. And I'm perfectly fine with the fact that it looks like a third grader drew my world.
That's exactly why I like writing.

Other hobbies:

Playing computer games
Reading - almost anything
Dog obedience
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

The big one right now it's music and playing guitar.

Used to enjoy reading a lot (fiction, none of that real life crap for me!), and videogames (not really sure what my preferences are here... I think I'm attracted to either the pure AWESOME factor; or a good story, no matter the genre), but they're both on a hiatus right now, not sure why. Guitar playing had been on a hiatus before, and right now it's in full force!

Chappie doesn't like the real world
That's exactly why I like writing.

Other hobbies:

Playing computer games
Reading - almost anything
Dog obedience
Hey, apparently you and I have a lot in common. I am a dog trainer. Are you just training your own or are you a professional?