Olsen twins poll


Mary-kate or Ashley
12 votes
15 votes
27 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Mother! Oh, God! Mother! Blood!
How about these Mary-Kate and Ashley blockbusters?

Mary-Kate and Ashley Save Christmas
M-K and A Scared Stupid
M-K and A Meet Frankenstein
M-K and A Meet Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde
M-K and A Go to Mars
M-K and A Ride Again
M-K and A Cut the Cheese
M-K and A Go to Jail
M-K and A Go Bananas
Dumb and Dumber
Dumb and Dumberer
Beauty and the Beast (see my pic in previous post)
M-K and A Do Dallas
M-K and A Behind the Green Door
M-K and A at Camp Hawk-a-Loogie
M-K and A Under Cover(s)
Band of Sisters (series made for HBO)
There's Something About Mary-Kate and Ashley
Attack of the Olsens
M-K and A, pfc.
Meet the Olsens
The Olsens: Reloaded
Artificial Intelligence (aka AI)
NEW (as of 1/24/05): Quick Reviews #10

you bastard you. i would feel no sympathy for you if puerto rican prostitutes castrated you with gas power hedge trimmers
Hey yo this is no lie-i-i
Me and my nexijuns gettin' high-i-i
Hey yo if you look up into the sky-i-i
You might see us floating by-i--i

on top of that i hope preteen boy-sluts run off with your wife and leave you in agony wishing you had a bitch as i walk past you with mary-kate on my left arm and ashley on my right as you return to your redundant dinner of easy-mac. dick

Mother! Oh, God! Mother! Blood!
Got me. I concede.

You are a master debater whom I can't compete with. Yes, a master debater that can't be matched. You are the king of master debaters.

I hope you live happily everafter with Mary-Kate and Ashley in your thoughts.

master debater = nexijunrodent
= Mark

At least I still have the abily to master debate. Geriatric

A novel adaptation.
Originally posted by Mark
You are a master debater whom I can't compete with. Yes, a master debater that can't be matched. You are the king of master debaters.
Ahhhh... but Mark, take comfort in the fact that you are a cunning linguist.
"We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow-worm."
--Winston Churchill

Mother! Oh, God! Mother! Blood!
Originally posted by Herod

Ahhhh... but Mark, take comfort in the fact that you are a cunning linguist.

I would take comfort, Herod, but he has me licked (pun intended).

...and the geriatric remark...ouch! Do you see what I mean?

I'm surprised his posts haven't shown up on Sir Toose's Favs thread.

Because he is the , and I take back all the kidding I dished out regarding the Olsen twins. They are the be all and end all of Hollywood.

Yeah ho, you know how we do this

*hits sides of crotch with both hands* suck it

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Mark could, and should by all means, kick yo......wait....I'm not supposed to post here.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Your allowed to post here, but within each one of your posts you must say at least one nice thing about the Olsen twins.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
By those standards, no one but you should be posting here.

see, now why you gotta go and make the thread negative again. I try to get along but then you go and upset me. Just say one nice thing about them, I dare you.

My life isn't written very well.
It's nice that the twins have bodyguards.
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

Registered User
They aren't good actors, but they are definately both stuning. Oh yeah I voted Ashley.
"It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf." - Walter Lippman


Originally Posted by NexijunRodent
Your allowed to post here, but within each one of your posts you must say at least one nice thing about the Olsen twins.
Dis guy... he funny, man.

Sidewinder's Avatar
I ate all your bees.
I'm a quitter, I come from a long line of quitters....Its amazing I'm here at all.

A system of cells interlinked
So what do they do again? Oh ya they were in....nothing.

Talentless dopes, which makes them quite unattractive (I like brunettes anyway)

Sorry, how do these vapid clams relate to Actors, Awards and Directors?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

My life isn't written very well.
Also seems at least one of them good at doing drugs! Mary Kate admitted to a well-known drug-rehab facility, even though parents deny she has a drug problem, stating that it is, in fact, an eating disorder that the twin is recovering from.

I dont like either of them, as for the looks, I really cant tell which one is which anyway.
»-(¯`v´¯)-» What we are never changes. Who we are never stops changing. »-(¯`v´¯)-»