Movie You're Watching Tonight


On a bit of a movie binge; now going to watch the Swedish version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I'm just saying it because I would have no idea what this poster was for-

DeeVeeDee's Avatar
Not Enough Time
I think that I am going to be watching Gone Baby Gone, Mr. Brooks, and maybe The Man in the Iron Mask, but it's hard to know for sure. I might very well end up watching none of them.
I haven't seen those other than Gone Baby Gone, and that was when it first came on DVD and only once, but I remember really liking it.
"so i turned away, because i didn't want to see. just like everybody else."

"If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts"

I haven't seen those other than Gone Baby Gone, and that was when it first came on DVD and only once, but I remember really liking it.
I quite enjoyed all three of those. They're all very different movies, though.

What did you think? We tend to have similar opinions on Fellini movies.


For the first time!
I loved it. Fellini turned his memories into a grotesque carnival and I really connected with its portrait of adolescence; the naive, obsessive quest for romantic idealism. La Dolce Vita is still my favorite, though.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

I agree, I prefer La Dolce Vita but it's my second favorite. I particualy liked the Fellini flower sculpture scene, and the priest masturbation question. But it had a lot of memorable moments.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I need to figure out a movie to watch before it's too late, I still need to watch X-Men: First Class and The Green Lantern movie, however, I have more of a desire to let Max from Netflix decide what I watch.

Only Yesterday (1991)

This seems like something I'll enjoy and I'm planning on seeing some important anime films in the upcoming weeks. I'm starting with this Takahata picture.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Leon (The Professional) with Jean Reno and Gary Oldman.

Ooops, change of plan, watched The Princess Bride instead. Inconceivable!

Leon (The Professional) with Jean Reno and Gary Oldman.

Ooops, change of plan, watched The Princess Bride instead. Inconceivable!
Pretty much the same film hey... No seriously, Mr. Reno is not happy about that. One of my favourite films Leon!

I agree, I prefer La Dolce Vita but it's my second favorite. I particualy liked the Fellini flower sculpture scene, and the priest masturbation question. But it had a lot of memorable moments.
The witch-burning near the beginning was absolutely glorious.

Millennium Actress (2001)

It's my introduction to the short filmography of the sadly deceased Satoshi Kon. I don't know what to expect yet, but the concept of this film looks pretty interesting.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I finished watching 2012's Maniac, and now, I'm supposed to be setting my sights on Drive or Following, however, that's only if they seem tempting after I skim through Netflix for the millionth time.

Pretty much the same film hey... No seriously, Mr. Reno is not happy about that. One of my favourite films Leon!
Hahaha! I'll try to make it up to him. Don't want to upset the big man.

Side Effects

Everyone seems to be going on about this film so have to finally watch it. I hope it's worth the praises Ive heard, on this forum too!